Monday, May 13, 2019

Hot Truth Filler

Amplify the truth. Shout down the voices of people who seek to profit from lies, episode one:


Dave said...

i want that fucking car!

nice work zman . . . the roads have been slick around here and the river is deep right now, so there's a good chance my current van might plunge into the raritan tomorrow, while i narrowly escape death, collect the insurance money, and purchase that beauty.

Squeaky said...

I can see Dave waking up at OBFT and climbing down the ladder of this rig.

zman said...

Dave, you should swing out to Christianburg, VA and go to Duncan Imports to pick up a Delica. They have a bunch in stock at all times. Then go get Rootsy in Roanoke and then head to OBFT.

rootsminer said...

I feel like we'd need some sort of cosplay getups if we were to arrive at OBFT in that thing.

Dave - if the urge gets strong enough that you need to plane or train it down to Roanoke, I'll be happy to run you up to Christiansburg to pick up your new dad van.

rob said...

did rootsy just say we’re doing cosplay at obft this year? new twist! that’s exciting.

Squeaky said...

Cosplay before kegs, didn't see that one coming.

rootsminer said...

I just saw one of these vans, wrapped with graphics for a regional brewery. Not sure I’d ever seen one before today.

Dave said...

i'm not getting one of those vans until i run my current van into the ground. and i'm trying, i'm most certainly trying . . .

also, if you really want to annoy me at obft, where a cosplay costume. i hate costumes.

rootsminer said...

I'm going to where my stormtrooper getup with the assless chaps the whole time.

zman said...

If anyone finds themselves in Melbourne Beach they should go take a look at this:

Danimal said...

Mark and I will test drive and provide selfies, hair blowing in the wind and all. Chest and back in this case.

rootsminer said...

The chest hair, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The chest hair is blowin' in the wind