It has been over a fortnight, and I am rather woefully delayed with this transmission. Do not let my tardiness belie my most sincere appreciation for the 96 hours of blissful time-travel that has taken place every year since 1994.
This year, the 25th Annual Outer Banks Fishing Trip was as much fun as I have had doing anything, ever. And I remain grateful for my comrades for being there for two and a half decades.
Tortuga's Lie remains the top spot in the Outer Banks and among my favorite 3-hour tours of every year.
A tradition like many others.

The lads commissioned a gorgeous spot-on painting of my favorite views of the world. I have it hanging in my bedroom. I am so grateful for this.
Dave wrote a very funny recap that covered most of it. But not all of it! Two silly things he missed:
- Our friend Bruce brought a case (or more) of Zima. With Jolly Ranchers. Terrible. We drank it.
- I made a blended drink called peachy-weachies. Old family recipe:
- 1 can frozen lemonade
- lemonade can filled 1 1/2 times with dark rum (or vodka)
- 2 peaches, skin and all
- ice
- Put all ingredients into a blender. Grind up.
There you go. What a bunch of badasses. I love you guys.
Here's to 25 more.
Not quite a bucket list item, but I need to get there at least once. Impressive so many make it a part of their routine.
In other news, my wife tells me she signed up my youngest at the local Y for a basketball clinic w/ “NBA Rookies.” I scoffed out loud and said they were probably just future minor leaguers (I didn’t dive into D-League details w/ her).
She sent me an email today w/ the players who ran stations. The shockingly strong list is below. And of course, she didn’t get one photo.
The irony here is that my oldest is the biggest/only Mykhailiuk Sviatoslav fan in NJ. He got into KU after I brought some swag back from their arena when I saw them last winter. Who doesn’t love a swarthy Eastern European sharpshooter?
Collin Sexton, Kevin Knox, Robert Williams, Jacob Evans, Issac Bonga, De’Anthony Melton, Mykhailiuk Sviatoslav, Vincent Edwards, Mitchell Robinson, Rob Gray and Cedi Osman
shame muresan gheorghe couldn’t have been there
Well said, Russell Rob.
wait for it
two goals for wayne rooney tonight. already a legend in dc.
It's called gratitude and that's right. has something called HILL.TV which has a show called "Rising" featuring people named Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton? C'mon.
Aretha and Niedhart and Volkoff. Three of my heroes.
peachy-weachies! they were a highlight, especially when chuck handed me one and then said the name. i laughed, but i drank it. refreshing and delicious, especially with the farmstand north carolina peaches.
i also forgot that border station has an everyday bbq sandwich and drink special now. three bucks. absurd. jerry was right.
As a former Southland loyalist like myself, I know it pained you to type that. But it's true.
Better than Pigman?
That's sort of a different story. These are rival BBQ joints 200 yds from each other on opposite sides of the VA-NC state line. They are deservedly juxtaposed and chosen between.
Dave can demolish a Border Station sandwich en route and then hit Pigman's when he hits MP 9. That's just how he is.
TR, ian and I discussed playing out Juan carlos' schoolboy fantasy of abducting all the fratre in your neighborhood in a creepy van and driving you to obft
nobody got the muresan gheorghe joke? i miss mark.
Great golf viewing and the coverage to go w it at US AM at Pebble. Fox Sports 1. Azinger, Faxon and crew are great. Watch my boy Cole Hammer. Played w him last year at TPC...#humblebrag. Give me more match play in golf.
Hello Gheorghies.
Sorry, Rob. Work is kicking my ass lately. I’ve been far more absent around here than I’d like.
Big ups to Z for the Pinhook Rye recommendation again. That shit is delicious.
anyone else being won over maybe just a tiny bit by the tactics of omarosa? concession given - she may very well be a terrible human being, but against other terrible human beings she has earned herself a golf clap from this guy
Currently in Pasadena. Staying at a quaint little b&b next to the parade route and two or so miles from the Rose Bowl where Ed Sheeran will be playing tomorrow (Bissell House) I had never been to Pasadena before and find it completely different, in a good way, than almost every other town I've been to in CA. I could actually live here. It's delightful - no shortage of character and warmth. Thanks Pasadena!
Danimal is a warm character, for sure. Glad you liked the Pinhook Mark. I try to spread mirth and good cheer to the extent possible.
Girth and mood cheer. That’s what I spread.
my daughter made her varsity cheerleading debut last night, which gave me all the feels - she was so happy she beamed. this afternoon, a couple of seniors on the squad picked her up and took her to get smoothies. it's kinda like dazed and confused, only innocent. for now.
and, see, his name is sviatoslav mykhailiuk. he goes by svi. i pictured tr calling him myk (like mike). and i giggled.
Omarosa = Canseco. Hated individuals but some truth to their stories. And she's got the tapes.
Pasadena is sweet. Really just a quaint, tree-lined neighborhood with a big-ass stadium in the middle. I felt the same way about living there when I would meet clients there.
Only issue is I’d want to be closer to Venice and Muscle Beach.
That whole NBA comment was done in a rush while I was being barbered by my Dominican hair lady the other night.
Turns out there is a pic on that Y’s Facebook page of Cedi Osman holding my kid up so he can try to dunk, while “Svi” looks on. So yeah, my family rolls w/ NBA’ers.
i want to be abducted to the obft! pretty much the opposite of the start to "mystic river."
Jeez, Dave. Way to be a downer. How ‘bout an Old School reference instead?
that tortuga's picture is worth a million drunken words
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