T-shirts being made up now:

Dave &
Whitney &
TR &
Zman &
Marls &
TJ &
Jerry &
Dennis &
...and a number of other FOGTB and commenters in this space...
What do they have in common?
We are all members of the Pi Lambda Phi fraternity's Virginia Psi chapter. Pi Lams. Frat guys. Yippee.
A little backstory...
"Founded at Yale University in 1895, Pi Lambda Phi was the first non-sectarian fraternity in the United States, accepting men of good character without regard to race or religion. There are presently 37 chapters in the United State and one in Canada. The Psi Chapter (also called Virginia Psi) at The College of William and Mary was installed in June 1929..."
Skip a bit, brother...
In 1989, Rob, Dave, and I (and this guy... and this guy... and this guy... and a guy named this...)
decided to enlist in the service of fraternal life. A semester of hijinks ensued. Three-plus more years of antics congealed. A life of friendship endured. A blog of dipshittery materialized. All this and more, on a very special episode of Gheorghe: The Blog.

We learned that you can meet random idiots in a dormitory when you are 18 and create friendships that will last you a lifetime. But that not everyone has a palate for Random Idiots. We learned that being sarcastic and intoxicated and slovenly is not a successful formula for courting ladies, and that "getting lucky" is not a misnomer.
We learned the expression "four years, maybe five, but nary a credit hour more." We learned that the era of unbridled fraternity, rugby (or lacrosse), and alcohol at universities of tradition and prestige in the American South has come to a close. And that filling a frat house with our kind of complex creature became increasingly, then impossibly hard. We finally learned that if you smash a board over someone's face, even a friend's, and videotape it, the Man will come for you.
And that he did. And the little social club thrown together in the year of the great stock market crash was suddenly no more in 2004. And there was great depression.
* * * * *
Yesterday morning at our office in Hampton, VA, we had a networking event that drew a few dozen folks for coffee. Among the group was our fratre Chris Old's older brother Hunter, a Phi Kappa Tau at W&M while we were there. I talked to him at length.
Randomly, another guest was a much younger Tribe alum who had graduated within the past 10 years, and he was also a ΦΚΤ. He told the tale of them being booted off campus (again), and that when it happened, they snagged a bunch of the old composites.
Here is the one he grabbed at right.
See anybody you've heard of?
As fraternities come and go and finally wither away from our alma mater, there's probably no sense in hoping against hope for a resurrection of our gang's chapter.
Instead, my ask is simple: did anyone grab the old composites when the house was eradicated from W&M?
Doesn't it seem like the Martha Wood Cottage might be a fine place to honor the misspent youth of our heydays?
Or did the powers that be in William & Mary's administration order those nostalgic snapshots of maturity gone by be unceremoniously burned to ashes?
If the Phi Tau's can do this, why not the Pi Lams? Why not us??
Inquiring minds like mine want to know, and deep thoughts like this keep me from mulling over the state of the nation.
That is all.
I looked into this. If you call Fraternal Composites in Utica, NY, they have the negatives going back pretty far for most years. Then apathy settled in and I didn't do anything about it. I don't know if they still have the negatives but they can put a composite together for a couple hundred bucks.
I wish Patton Oswalt kept his mullet.
I believe that FoG:TB the Notorious DLC has some of the mini-versions (suitable for framing or hanging in the wall at College Delly) but I don’t know of the whereabouts of any of the large composites. Feels like an oversight by us that none of these were rounded up back in 2004. They likely would have been a service closet in Pleasants where the last iterations of the lammies resided.
I just sent a note to FCS asking about the ability to recreate early 90’s composites. If the can make them, we might need to set up a game of hot potato to redo the damage to the frames.
I found emails between FCS, Whit, and me about this from 2008. So apathetic.
Any idea of what the cost is?
Marls, if you get an answer back, please inquire about 88-89 thru your time at the College...
It's some multiple of $69.
Let's stop ignoring the elephant in the room - when is Nikos Jannas' pan flute band coming to my town, and does he still keep in touch with Balki Bartokomous?
I had an 8x10 composite with my old goatbook but those might have been purged in a recent spring cleaning. Might be worth the effort to try and find them. My paddle is somewhere in my basement. It's still hideous, btw.
Nikos is now Nick and lives in Va Beach and is a big dog with the Stihl corporation and is actually a super nice dude. We grab barbecue for lunch from time to time. I was flabbergasted to see his mane. Wish I could grow hair like that.
Oddly I know like 8 dudes in that composite. And one of them I saw at the Warner Theater with Rob and Marls a year ago.
i’m just happy that you’ve gotten over your grohl-hate.
He paid his debt to society.
Tribe men's hoops sucking wind again against Hofstra.
saving energy for charleston
Does Don Henley know that the Beasties (aided by the Dust Brothers) sampled "Those Shoes" off The Long Run in "High Plans Drifter"? Has Don Henley sued them yet?
Glenn Frey and MCA are getting a kick out of that somewhere.
Funniest part of Chris Long taking Fox News dipstick to the woodshed? Labeling Jon Voight “Anaconda Guy.”
mueller just indicted a bunch of russians for interfering with the 2016 election. wonder if all the rubes that fell for the disinformation campaign will ponder what they did.
spoiler alert: they won’t
In Orlando again, this time for a swim meet....3 Day’r. Anyone else in Whorlando? We will spend 3 nights here and who knows how much cash for about 6 total minutes of swimming. But I am not complaining. These are the days to remember.
wow-- just started this post-- a lot of info. doug nelson runs a cafe? fran is still an actor? i won't desecrate the dead with the joke that could come next . . .
ok, i will continue reading
also, i grabbed all the composites. i put them in deep storage, but if you open the chest, your face melts.
Dave, I have top men working on it right now.
Top... men.
also, it's surrounded by snakes.
Dan- you should try and make your way to Pig Floyd’s while in Orlando. It’s a really good and original BBQ place. First location was in Wintwr Park. It’s got one maybe two more locations now.
Have heard you speak of PF. Staying not in proximity, but could get out and about tomorrow.
On the Rye front Z, looked for your rec the other day at a spot that often has such finds. No luck. But I did pick up some Crown Royal Northern Harvest, sometimes tough to find and always recommended. Cheap for a good find, and very good.
My local brew pub had whistle pig tonight. I was out to dinner with my old man so I didn’t order it but now I know where I can get it.
Anybody else super excited for the release of the Jordan 3 “Black Cement” in 15 minutes?
new, v important filler posted
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