As today's evidence, I offer this anecdote:

The colleague in question is the former mayor of Minneapolis, a woman as accomplished as she is smart, dynamic, and fun-loving. She also happens to be African-American.
Over drinks, she told a story about her checking into the hotel. Among other things, she was asked to provide a security deposit, because, you know, sometimes people steal pillows. She asked me if I was required to do the same. I'll let you guess whether or not I was.
Let me reiterate that we're talking about the former mayor of one of America's largest cities. A woman who's always impeccably dressed and mannered, and as friendly and personable as you'd imagine someone who would rise to that kind of position might be. The person that checked her in was the general manager of the hotel. I know because he couldn't have been more accommodating to me - went out if his way to help me when I checked in early, actually - so I knew exactly who he was when she described him.
We were a couple of pops in, so I got a little pissed when she told the story - full of righteous indignation. She wasn't angry, though. Probably because this was just the latest in a lifetime of slights, politely offered. All she said (after insisting that I promise not to say anything to the hotel staff) was, 'we have to be better than this'.
And right now, I don't have the first fucking clue how that happens.
One little thing you could do Rob is blast them on Trip Advisor, with the specifics. The owner of the hotel will become aware if not already and African Americans will know not to patronize the joint. A small step that could lead to some positives.
Fucking A I'd like to give that douchewhistle a pillow party of his own. Maybe throw the leopard killing trump twats in the room as well.
i'm assuming you stole a few pillows for vengeance.
I agree with Danimal, call them out on TripAvdisor
I too feel helpless and hopeless in the current environment.
But this made me feel a little bit better for a few mins.
I miss Jon Stewart.
I'm with Ian Astbury -"and the world drags me down."
That is some bullshit. Jesus. I've never even thought of being asked for a security deposit at a hotel. And I steal hand towels on the regular (they're great workout towels).
Totally unrelated, I was picking up my 14 year old stepdaughter and her friends from the beach and Das Efx came on my radio. I obviously didn't change the channel but it did lead to me thinking about how these kids were probably wondering what weird old rap song I was listening to. Then I looked at the radio and saw 'Mic Checka' came out in 92. And then I realized I was their age when that song came out. Yet another reminder that I am old as fuck.
Action Bronson's Twitter account tells me that he and E40 are playing a show in Long Beach tonight. You should go, Rob.
How about Brian Urlacher competing in the Tahoe celeb shitshow golf event? That's kind of impressive.
i have been asked to put down a security deposit at many hotels, but i'm a bit swarthy looking. and let's not get too depressed: violent crime is WAY down in the US, pokemon go has captured the imagination of the masses, and it's the platinum age of television!
Hotels pay me to stay there.
bourne identity was a big hit with my kids tonight . . . a great pg 13 movie
The Pacifier was a big hit with my kids tonight...a mediocre PG movie.
Cigar City Invasion favorite beer
Cigar City is the tits. A must visit if you're in Tampa. I'm bitter that it wasn't around when I lived in Tampa. I lived just a couple likes from where they are headquartered. On second thought, maybe it's best Cigar City wasn't around back then.
Hi gheorghies
hi, danimal!
Rob with the west coast cheat code.
missed action bronson because i was having drinks on the queen mary with the mayor. but i am going to check out the dew tour event here today. i'm sure i'll fit right in.
Say hi to the Hot Cops.
back from vacation and i need to lose ten pounds before obft (so i can gain it all back). the problem is i don't have a job in the summer, so it's hard not to eat and drink beer all the time. i know you guys are rooting for me and really feel my pain.
My family is gone for the day so I'm going to get stoned and watch the latest Mr. Robot. Maybe take a nap. After I finish this beer and these truffle fries. Pretty nice Sunday.
Alas, my days of drinking freely and not working are about over. Alarm already set for 5 AM tmrw as I prepare to re-acclimate to the business world. In true Polish fashion (I'm 25% Polack), I awoke at 520 AM for a 6 AM tee time, and then came home and wrestled with an IKEA bed set (5 boxes!) for 4 hours. God forbid I relax.
I now have a Ballast Point Big Eye IPA in hand (thanks Zman!) and am waiting to take the clan to Benihana for my youngest's birthday. Livin' the dream here, folks.
had to make an emergency shoe purchase because i packed like an imbecile for this trip. so i now own a pair of nike zoom sb stefan janoskis. i'm not having a mid-life crisis - you are.
Nice choice.
yeah - wanted a pair for a while, but never really had a justification. my shitty preparation comes in handy on occasion.
Just got back from Plum Island MA (not NY). Enjoyed several mini summits and numerous relaxing moments. I dread unpacking and returning to work on Tuesday.
super cute surfer girl just told me she liked my kicks, so i might not ever take them off.
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