Slap my ass and call me Sally, but the smartest thing said in American politics today came from the mouth of George W. Bush. Speaking at a memorial for the police officers slain in Dallas, the 43rd President said, "Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.” That's a blanket indictment of where we are right now as a society, and it's painfully accurate.
Charles Bukowski wrote his 1971 poem 'Beer' about women, mostly, but I find it fits a lot of life's situations. Here's a trippy visualization of it by NERDO:
My wife sent me a text this evening that read, "Task for you...softball/baseball related songs. Go." So I responded with the obvious, "Centerfield, John Fogerty." Not what she was looking for, apparently, as she quickly sent back, "Something with a sports tie in, that could work for a father daughter wedding song for a former college athlete bride." The obvious answer, "Basketball, Kurtis Blow."
Seriously, though, there's shit for decent sports-related music. Someone do something about that.

VCU fans are fired up about TBT, but they're not nearly the only ones. Syracuse fans are backing Boeheim's Army. Gonzaga supporters are jacked up for A Few Good Men (get it?). Team Utah is repping an entire state. The whole concept is genius - play a basketball tournament for a lot of (winner-take-all) money during a time of year when there's no other hoops to compete, and spin up the passions of people that are fanatical about their schools.
Here me now and believe me later - this thing's going to be massive.
Someone should write a song about it.
"Just a Friendly Game of Baseball" by Main Source
"Basketball" by G Love and Special Sauce
Ultimately the bride will choose "Butterfly Kisses" or "Dance with My Father."
How 'bout a little Meatloaf? Paradise by the Dashboard Lights? Helloooo?
I was at a wedding where they played that very song by Meatloaf just a few weeks ago. Not good.
"Must be the Money" by Deion. Sports tie-in, good beat, appropriately ironic. And Deion's involved. Maybe a little up-tempo for a wedding dance, but that's a wedding I want to attend.
On this date 15 years ago: Evan Lloyd departed this planet via a Harley-Davidson hand-painted with Ohio State colored flames. The void left In many people's lives, including mine, hasn't been filled in a decade and a half, nor will it be.
For those that knew him, drink a Schlitz if you can find one (he would loathe the hipsterization of Pabst), smoke a Backwoods, listen to "Jungleland", and keep the man alive . . . while imaging a conversation between old Ev, Clarence Clemons, and Buddy Ryan. Love you guys.
Also, "Title IX" by Random Idiots is your answer, Rob. C'mon.
For reasons I don't understand, the TV in the kitchen area at work is always tuned to Fox Business News. This morning a bunch of talking heads were screaming about Sanders' endorsement of Clinton above a chyron asserting "SOCIALISTS GRAB CONTROL OF DEMOCRATIC PARTY." I wonder what the corresponding chyron for the Republican party would say? Right now they're interviewing a VP from White Castle--complete with a sterling silver lapel pin and a necktie dotted with little White Castle burgers--who maintains that automation is bad for American business. Too bad no one ever shared that view with Henry Ford, the economy would be in much better shape today.
All this to say that Fox Business News is buffoons.
That aside should read "complete with a sterling silver hamburger lapel pin". Details.
I second Mayhugh's "Must Be the Money" recommendation.
Have been in the English countryside sipping tea with the lords and ladies since Monday. Headed on into London propah this eve for a walkabout and a few pints. No Schlitz Clarence but the thought was and is there.
Mr. Robot season 2 beings tonight. With two new episodes!! A needed bright spot in one of the worst weeks I've had in years.
Briante Weber balling for the Heat in the summer league. 18 puts and 5 steals.
As I half-drunkenly wrote last night, the first episode of HBO's "The Night Of" is quite strong.
I want to dig into Mr. Robot. I'm trying to DVR Season 1 repeats, but I haven't snagged the first couple episodes yet. I'm trying to be cheap and avoid paying for it.
The first episode of "The Night Of" was strong to quite strong. You'll dig Mr. Robot.
lagunitas beer dinner at a local restaurant on a weekday night. so choice, right up until i have to get up for an early meeting.
Before you teach your kids to do the dab dance move, consider the origins may be rooted in weed, specifically the super weed goo hits known as dabs. That may not be the origin, of course. The alternative is that the gesture originated from the motion of surreptitiously snorting coke from the inside of your arm joint. All this is on the Wikipedia page, so you be the judge and when the massive melodramatic backlash to the dorky dab move comes about, tell 'em Clarence already told ya.
Mr Robot is worth paying for.
Anybody here have Haydn Porteous in their British Open pool?
Saw a promo for this last night. Looks highly entertaining.
Anything involving Bronsolino looks highly entertaining.
Did Clarence just figure out the dab thing? Keep up, old man!
Hellllllllo from the Dominican Republic
But Mark, 99% of coaches and mayors and businesspeople and especially parents who are doing it and/or having their kids do it don't know. I always suspected the connection since I learned the hard way about dabs last summer but figured I would have to be wrong, given how pervasive the thing is. I was naive.
Count me among the 99%. I have gotten to the point where (a) popular culture has passed me by in many respects and (b) I don't care.
If we wanted it, and we do not, we could be the blog that breaks the news to millions of people. Could put us on the map. I'd volunteer to demonstrate the alluded activities.
Nah. Too much spotlight.
serendipitously listened to "jungleland" today while hauling it home from the x-country trip. the jersey was really starting to seep out of my pores, i got into the habit of just beeping at people who were clogging the left lane, instead of the patient tailgating and/or flashing the brights. the beeping was quite effective and i'll be using that technique from here on in (until i got shot).
Well, Ev would've approved in some weird way, the way he never understood you (as I never fully understood you) but very much enjoyed you (same).
Over the Jersey state line...
This Bastille Day news. Fuck...
Ok, I can no longer take this bad news.
Clarence - you appear to have a story to share about dabs. If you do, I'll share my worst edible story.
Edible underwear?
hola gheorghies
mick jagger fathered a child by his 29 year-old girlfriend. trying to decide if that's gross or awesome. my 29 year-old girlfriend is pissed at me.
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