And yet, with all that, like men from time immemorial, he finds himself confounded and at least a little bit scared of the indomitable passion of a group of unreasonable women. (Unreasonable used in the most approving manner, in this case.)
Pussy Riot are a punk band/performance art collective made up of ten or so women, a group whose made it their business to protest the current state of Russian political affairs, bringing them into direct conflict with Putin - a type of conflict his typically direct style seems somewhat ill-equipped to manage, at least from the perspective of public relations.

And so on the one hand we have the the patriarchy heavy handedly enforcing its hegemony, while women once again appear to be the saner and more patient sex. As it was in the beginning, so shall it be for a while longer.
Still think I prefer the Sex Pistols, though.
In case your Russian is a bit rusty, here are the lyrics:
St. Maria, Virgin, Drive away Putin
Drive away! Drive away Putin!
(end chorus)
Black robe, golden epaulettes
All parishioners are crawling and bowing
The ghost of freedom is in heaven
Gay pride sent to Siberia in chains
The head of the KGB is their chief saint
Leads protesters to prison under escort
In order not to offend the Holy
Women have to give birth and to love
Holy shit, shit, Lord's shit!
Holy shit, shit, Lord's shit!
St. Maria, Virgin, become a feminist
Become a feminist, Become a feminist
(end chorus)
Church praises the rotten dictators
The cross-bearer procession of black limousines
In school you are going to meet with a teacher-preacher
Go to class - bring him money!
Patriarch Gundyaev believes in Putin
Bitch, you better believed in God
Belt of the Virgin is no substitute for mass-meetings
In protest of our Ever-Virgin Mary!
St. Maria, Virgin, Drive away Putin
Drive away! Drive away Putin!
(end chorus)
Rhythmic gymnasts are cool.
hanging with tr again, zman?
Alas no. zwoman went to meet zsister-in-law at the finish line to help scrape the sewage off of her. I am hanging with zson.
Z....# of siz?
Dunno. Currently #318 woman according to zwoman.
Norway has some outstanding handballing ladies.
She eats without a bib.
I think it's 524.
danimal's zstalking
So I take it you are not tracking her. Caring and interested brother that you are.
I see that a NYC triathlon has claimed yet another life.
+It is indeed 524. She's my zsister-in-law. zsister would only enter a triathlon of drinking.
Putin. heh heh
And Rob, you already know this: if you want real punk rock, the Pistols were the flash, but the only band that mattered was The Clash.
rain coming down like a cow peeing on a flat rock. which means direct tv is out. during pga coverage. was already surly.
pga is suspended, danimal. because they heard you couldn't watch.
and clarence, for my money, the clash are far beyond just punk.
best punk band ever is "the minutemen."
sentence of dave is google #1 for the phrase "water polo is boring."
Johnathan Stewart got $22.5 million in guaranteed money?!? Barnwell will have a field day with this.
Stewart is 100% of Comedy Central's cache.
This song is terrible. I think they were jailed for failing sonically.
Sex Pistols are not good. Clash is very good.
Danimal may care that I'm playing Arrowhead in Denver tomorrow. I may get to see the Aurora theater on my way from the airport to the course.
Check in with you all next week. I may have a review of Shotgun Willie's in Denver. Google it.
TR has been drinking.
As have I.
Game on, fuckers.
Just did an hour beer and bacon tasting...4 bacon dishes, 4 Flying Dog beers. Good times.
good lord the wife has some horrendous Katherine Heigl movie on and even the earphones can't keep the suck out of my ear
1990 USA Rugby Final Four National Championships held in Denver. Our hotel in walking distance of Shotgun Willie's. Old Blues of CA score a 79th minute try against us to complete a huge comeback win.
I blame Willie. And Krystal. And Candi.
the google image search for TR's recommendation are, um, interesting...
TR must be drunk because he texted me that he thinks my wife is pretty. Which is nice of him to say. za-in-law is done I think.
Which is not to say that my wife isn't pretty (love you if you're reading this) but its not a normal text to get from a male friend.
long day out there....good for her.
It was a joke, in that it came from my wife's phone. Long story. Short version is Pig Roast in Chatham in September.
tr actually thinks zwife is a pig? that's not very cool.
A pretty pig though.
cute little porker, indeed
You guys have been busy today. I'm about to start drinking so hopefully I can contribute.
Qiu is pronounced "choo"?
I'm convinced that all Olympic events where judges give out scores are fixed.
Eli and Deion are fairies?
Chad Johnson...ugh...
I've felt that way about most judged Olympic events since Roy Jones Jr. got jobbed in Seoul in '88.
Cadillacs are suddenly interesting.
As ate Russian high jumpers.
I need to get a lipstick kiss mark tattooed on my neck.
Just don't get it covered up like Kenyon did.
I am highly tattooed. They are covered during my workday. I met with a woman yesterday who had a blatant neck tattoo showing and didn't seem to care in any way that is was visible. Not gonna lie, it threw for a minute.
Someone should tell Bill Bennett that presidential elections are decided on a state-by-state basis.
Early on the Spanish are crushing the US men in the swarthiness category.
USA defense is pillowy soft right now, a lot of running by ball fakes and missed rebounds. But it doesn't hurt that they are shooting the lights out.
why are we losing? this is unacceptable.
Swarthiness is underrated. Ibaka doesn't sound like a Spanish to me.
Marc Gasol has 4 fouls. With 5:30 left in the second quarter.
Anyone know what the line on this game was?
Spain is also winning in fouling. US is weathering it nicely. i like their composure so far.
CBS says the line is 21.
This game is being officiated very differently from every other game in this tournament.
the line was 21? that's preposterous. spain is good and reasonably deep.
Spain is averaging in the 70's, US averaging over 100 for the Games. I think that was all the analysis that was performed.
Kevin Love's free throw trajectory is that of a Tiger 3-wood stinger. Amirightamirightoramiright?
Alexi Schved!
I accidentally killed one of my shrubberies whilst spraying poison ivy killing spray. Ironically, the poison ivy continues to thrive.
Love has been the biggest asset in the first half for the US. Spain is not turning the ball over; if they can sustain that this game is going to be tight till the end.
Props to our guys for not going absolutely apeshit after that flagrant call.
More irritating Spaniard: Rudy Fernandez or Juan Carlos Navarro?
Doc's barber was not prepared for an HD close up interview.
Some halftime entertainment for ya....always makes me laugh.
give the ball to durant, melo!
US/Chris Paul hulking up.
Fuck you Rudy Fernandez.
Seriously though, Rudy is the master of killing USA momentum with deliberate fouls.
I heart Chris Paul
USA made that last 45 seconds interesting.
69th comment.
I too heart Chris Paul. He was great in the 4th.
Rachel Maddow is angry
stupid new post up. feel free to use it to comment on the pga.
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