Hair neatly combed. Well, to the best of his ability, check.
Tie clipped in place. Check.
Chris Farley interview impersonation honed. Check.
Sometime this week, intrepid G:TB proprietor T. Coraghessen Boyle is scheduled to meet, live and in person, the inspirational foundation for all things Gheorghe. As our man will be "working" at a professional function during the course of this interaction, discretion and poise will be at a premium. If he's gonna keep his job and we're gonna keep this blog going, we'll need your help.
In that light, we ask you, the G:TB community, to provide your helpful hints for getting our guy through this occasion, fraught as it is with both peril and opportunity. Advise away in the comments section below.
I'll keep the beverage intake to a minimum...
Rob, you don't call me the Doofus Overlord for nothing.
It also might make sense for folks to start sending me job classifieds, you know, in case things go poorly.
I think a good opening would be to ask to see his penis...
well, sure, if you want to be obvious.
what passes for big news in tribe hoops:
McCurdy is one of the main characters in "The Miracle of St. Anthony" (great book, btw) and seems a classic case of parents pushing a kid too hard. Even in the book, Bob Hurley says that he'd be better off going to a mid-major. Of course, McCurdy's parents aren't having it and push him to take the best scholly available.
He's been buried on Arkansas' bench the past two years but I would imagine that he'd enter W&M and immediately become the program's best player.
the w&m hoops program's best player. that's like being the most ethical appointee in the bush administration.
hi Rob! :)
I know you're getting married soon, but those shoes are definitely bi-curious, Geoff.
Tribe hoops, political pot shots, bi-sexual footwear...what the hell is going on around here?
gotcha, geoff. ;)
emoticons, too, teej. don't forget emoticons.
Mark, when you come up here whaddaya say we sit around, braid each others hair and wait until we get our periods at the same time?
Sure, I like challenges. I've showered with Greta Van Susteren.
One day 'til Gheorghe...
I do hope you've learned a Romanian expression or two to impress him...
According to the world wide web, the Romanian for "Hello" is "Salut" or "Bună"
I'm simply going to ask him if he remembers meeting me in the dark streets of Little Italy 8 or so years ago. How could he forget?
teej-minus 3 hours and 20 minutes...
Pulling this off while staying in "work" mode will be an impressive accomplishment. I will reward myself with copious amounts of alcohol.
see if you can schedule a 2-on-2 hoops contest between me, you, whit, and him.
On the day that Gheorghe and TJ are reunited, Dikembe Mutumbo, M.D. makes his triumphant return.
boy, i sure hope teejay realizes that it's his duty to come in here sometime today and recount his experience.
Nats win again. I win tomorrow against the O's and they will be on pace for 62 wins.
And still 100 losses...I'm fine with that.
But is Gheorge fine with that?
we're waiiitttttinnnnng.
lost over $200 gambling yesterday on stupid baseball. I would like to thank the Cubs for blowing a 4 run lead in the bottom of the ninth with one out. Also, the Marlins can suck it. Ricky Nolasco is supposed to be good. He's from the Cubs farm system. And the Bulls can suck it too. I think that I'm going to start betting the opposite of what I think I should bet.
anybody dumb enough to risk that much money on baseball deserves to lose it.
no offense, or anything.
I agree with Rob...Swint IS dumb.
And round.
He's actually been downgraded to "egg-shaped."
Keep waiting...I need to recover.
i don't consider myself an avid nba fan anymore - really haven't for years - but I was getting into these playoffs, especially the western conference. now, spurs/jazz and pistons/cavs just sucks the life out of the whole thing. even as i know that the spurs and pistons play solid all-around hoops, it's still just more fun to watch end-to-end action - forgive me for lacking purism.
TJ blows. What a letdown.
I'm waiting on the photo...
On a side note, while driving a golf cart around Georgetown's main campus yesterday I bumped into one Roy Hibbert...
TJ: "What are you still doing on campus?"
Roy: [Goofy smile and shoulder shrug]
Roy just carried on, walking right through a graduation ceremony that was letting out.
Are you now the blogsphere's official representative of all things DC and 7 foot plus?
I'm opening a Thornton Melon "Tall and Fat" franchise:
Are you fat? When you go jogging, do you leave potholes? When you make love, do you have to give directions? At the zoo, do the elephants throw you peanuts? Do you look at a menu and say "OK!"?
"Bring us a pitcher of beer every seven minutes until somebody passes out. And then bring one every ten minutes."
this is a bleak moment in the history of g:tb
the fact that the doofus overlord is sitting on a story of unprecedented proportions and i'll be out of the office all day tomorrow and wednesday with no hope of seeing it.
and yes, i've got a case of the mondays, too.
I'll send you a facsimile via carrier pigeon.
I'm not sure I understand what the delay is all about -- is it just so there's no way it can live up to the build-up, or is it so the freshness of the moment has faded from your mind so you do it no justice?
There was never a chance it could live up to the hype. Short of me beating him in 1-on-1.
Even I wrote something today...and that has happened in weeks. Get your act together Doyle.
Geoffrey, is that self-deprecation or a shameless plug? I'm "hoping the former but fearing the latter"...either way, the Dre post today was damn funny.
shameless plug. Geoff needs a pat on the back.
Great album, great song...excellent write-up.
After my string of 7-footer run-ins, I was dismayed I didn't bump into Wang Zhizhi on the metro this morning.
Shameless plug. But seriously Thomas, where in god's name is the Gheorghe post?
Did you see how I capitalized "Gheorghe" there and not "God"? Speaks volumes...volumes I tell you...
The meet and greet with the man just doesn't resonate without the photo...but in the meantime, I'll see if I can get back into the groove. YouTube and Drudge here I come...and I see the Nats bullpen still blows, so there's always that.
One last thing - I have one busy week every six months, and when I get done Jerry is in Australia. Say what?
Yes, Jerome is in Australia until July, I believe.
I'm spending all my free time bidding on this
These folks should consider themselves lucky...at Kings Dominion they would've been pummeled with buckshot:
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A teen was shocked with a Taser gun and several others were detained at Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom theme park after they attacked officers responding to reports they were spitting at guests, according to police.
A Disney security guard said three teens and two adults who were visiting the Magic Kingdom from Long Island Sunday were spitting at guests and cursing.
When a sheriff's deputy responded, the five are accused of punching and kicking the officer and other security guards at the park.
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