Anyway, I was then trying to recall which of the Wheelhouse/G:TB commentors -- an incestuous group in the best kind of way, I assure you -- had reeled it off for us, but blanked. I had thought it might be "Geoff," but I've since been corrected. Anyway, it began to bother me so much (hey, those drives can get awfully tedious) that I was a good 30 seconds into the next song -- "Baby Hold On" by Eddie Money -- before I realized it. And I freaked out, with nobody to tell. And there you are. Wild, wacky stuff.
It capped off a bizarre few months. First, I saw a guy driving his motorcycle down the highway . . . doing wheelies. Wheelies, for Pete's sake, in the right lane of the feeder road between I-66 and the Dulles Toll Road. A bunch of them, and grinning a huge, toothy grin all the way. Awesome. Then I saw a crazy guy in a suit talking to himself in Union Station, only to realize he was on one of those Bluetooth wireless phone things that was in his ear, only to realize that he wasn't, and he actually was a crazy guy in a suit spouting some disturbingly weird things to the row of caps in "Lids." And finally, I picked up my three-year-old daughter at daycare sometime last month and met a little boy with the sweetest mohawk you ever saw. Meticulously shaved on the sides, curly and pronounced right down the middle. In subsequent visits to daycare, I have learned that this wasn't a one-shot deal, like a bet or something -- the kid is maintaining it proper. Three years old.
I don't know what this world is coming to, and that's what makes it very interesting. Renew my subscription, please.
You're really taking to the unemployed life, aren't you?
That 3 year boy's haricut is the ONLY reason I want a kid. Boy or Girl: Mohawk for you little one.
I must admit, I'm a little offended you didn't remember me.
when do we get to meet mark?
Mark, don't take it personally. In blog comments, it's hard to get a memory based on where we were and how emotive the storytelling was.
Fear not, I'll never forget again.
By the way, I think it only appropriate that Mark re-tell that story this morning...right here...
Okay, I'm in. Give me until about 9:30 to do a few thigns around the office.
Make it long enough and it can be front page news...G:TB loves guesties. And spreading internet rumors.
Although the last thing we need is Eddie Money to boycott us.
I'll email it to you TJ.
Hit refresh to be reminded what a mess Eddie Money is.
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