Friday, October 11, 2024

Go See JD McPherson and/or Kate Clover

Last weekend I went to see JD McPherson and he kicked ass.  You can tell he spends time with Dan Auerbach because he and the band sounded meticulously like their album versions ... except when they decided to jam out and did Bloodhound Rock into Wolf Teeth and blew the roof off the place.  Apparently they've done this before.

They also covered Richie Valens, Iggy Pop, and The Velvet Underground.  Here's the setlist, I'll embed a Spotify playlist here later.  Suffice it to say it was good-old-fashioned, extremely accessible rock n roll and you should go see him if he's in your area.

But even more impressive was the opening act, Kate Clover.  Her stuff on Spotify is crisply produced and she even has videos so I expected something pretty commercial.  Instead I got an honest-to-god punk rock show.  Here's an older set with decent recording quality.

And here's a set with her current, better guitar player (but you can't hear the vocals too well).

So go see her too.


rob said...

i do love a punk rock girl

zman said...

Who doesn't? I literally bumped into Kate Clover on the stairs going in and I didn't know it was her but clearly she was someone. There was also a very punk rock couple--the guy had long spiked hair and black leather pants and the woman had feathered bleached blond haire and black-and-white tiger striped pants painted on--but I' not sure they were anyone other than punk rock kids.

rob said...

my dog met hal hershfelt at a coffee shop in town today. so that was neat.

Marls said...

Was she wearing her gold medal?

rob said...

she was not. i didn't recognize her initially, but i had a strong hunch that she and the woman she was with were spirit players, so i went home and looked up the roster.

rob said...

the spirit train in leesburg and a lot of their players live in the area, so i see them around from time to time. they're not hard to spot, given their advanced fitness as compared to the average schmucks wandering around town. like me.

zman said...

Don't sell yourself short rob, you could totally pass for a pro basketball player.

rootsminer said...

I didn’t think LA would be able to take out the padres, but I hear Randy Newman singing.

rob said...

fuck that guy

Whitney said...

Not bad, Robbie. Not bad.

Whitney said...

Also, a punk rock girl is about the best in the world

rob said...

iowa has scored 37 points? in football? in this economy?

zman said...

I blame the Biden stimulus package and migrants

Mark said...

I’ve never seen a worse football coached than this Florida team.

rob said...

dan lanning is chasing a missed extra point two minutes into the second quarter, which ain’t genius

rob said...

my mom sent me a nyt story with the following synopsis today: “American adults under age 50 have been developing some types of cancer at increasing rates. Alcohol use may be a factor, experts say.”

joke’s on her. i’m *over* 50.

rob said...

oregon is too cute by half. bucks are gonna walk 'em by just playing football.