Saturday, June 22, 2024

Stupid Vacation Tricks

Rum, as it turns out, is a surprisingly effective part of a healthy training regimen. Let me explain.

I'm staying at my cousin's place in Brewster, MA. He and I were sipping on some Plantation XO at the end of the evening a couple nights ago, and he asked me if I'd ever heard of the World's Hardest Mile. I had not, but I have now:

Given the rum's effects on decision-making and my decent level of fitness at the moment, I suggested we try a quarter-mile version the following morning. 

I woke up the next day and told him, "I had the damnedest dream - could've sworn we agreed to do some stupid fitness challenge". And off we went.

We found a straight stretch of road near his house on Long Pond. Straight, and not a little uphill, and commenced to get our exercise on. The bear crawl, lunges, and running bit were manageable. The burpee/broad jumps? Fucking sadistic.

After we completed the challenge, we celebrated by jumping in the cold, clear pond. Felt like...victory.

And this morning, my entire shoulder/neck complex is afire, muscles spent. 

Get on the rum if you wanna get your fit on, friends. Or, perhaps, think twice.


Mark said...

Following up on the over/under achiever convo. I absolutely overachieved to become a college basketball player (short, skinny, not super athletic) and then just as I reached the precipice of becoming a good/great player, I let go of the rope.

I was so burnt out that I barely touched a basketball once I left Chowan for nearly a year. And then I rediscovered my love of the game and, once again, overachieved for over a decade in intramurals at Florida and men's leagues throughout my area.

Always makes me think what I could've done had I just kept going in my early 20s. Then again, I wouldn't have a million amazing University of Florida memories if I had.

All in all, I'll take it but I do often wonder if I could've played/lived a couple years in Europe as a young man.

Mark said...

Also, Belgium-Romania is as entertaining a 1-0 match as I’ve ever seen.

Whitney said...

It’s hot. Damn hot. Real hot.

Mark said...

Fucking heartbreak for Switzerland.

Danimal said...

in the event anyone has been watching olympic swim qualifying...last few events tonight. a young girl that my son has grown up swimming with from south florida, and as he brags, his first insta follower, will be competing to make the olympic team this eve. rylee erisman - 15 yrs old. if she doesn't make it, we'll see her on the next one for sure. amazing stuff.

rob said...

that’s very cool. a kid that graduated with my older kid is in the finals of the 3000m steeplechase this evening.

Danimal said...

She came in 5th.
Enjoy watching the track and field as well. Watched Fri Steeplechase,I think it was Friday, and while watching thought to myself, how the fuck did they come up with this event? Only in Ireland. Perplexity it.

Danimal said...

Can’t get enough of the Jardience ads.

Danimal said...

The Miller kid lives about a driver 4 iron away…goes to Creekside hs
Ponte Vedra represents

Professor G. Truck said...

you could also do the 1/16 mile rum-chugging-culvert-crawl challenge

OBX dave said...

In advance of Game 7 tonight in S. Fla., read a piece just before the Finals started responding to the question of whether much of Canada would be rooting for the Oilers because it's been forever since the Cup was won by a Canadian team.

Author's response was basically: Nope. We're an entire country with our own rooting interests, he said. Calgary sports fans wish disease and death on Edmonton fans and vice versa. Edmonton might as well be Saturn to people in Montreal and Ottawa. Much like the U.S., Canadians only root for 'Canada' in international competition.

Will be interesting, however it plays out.

Dave said...

anecdotally speaking, i don't find that to be true. my Canadian buddy here in highland park is throwing a big party tonight with poutine and Canadian bacon and a general "go canada" spirit

Dave said...

and i'm on the fence about going because I don't give a shit about hockey, no matter where it is played

Mark said...

He's serving poutine. Of course you go.

Also, fuck Italy.

Mark said...

Mother. Fucker. I'm the mush.

rob said...

dammit, mark

OBX dave said...

Hey Mark, isn't your wife and entire other half of family Italian? That's some serious stealthy rooting and tightrope-walking, yes? Or am I mis-remembering?