Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Gheorghasbord: Medley

Packing up the truckster and headed up the coast to Cape Cod this morning. By the time this posts, I'll be somewhere around Frederick, MD, good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise. Which reminds me of this song:

Bringing some Long Drinks and some Narragansett Del's Shandies (the drink of summer) in addition to the hard lemonadey type of shit my kids like to drink. Which kinda brings this tune to mind, sorta.

We're taking two cars, because my older kid can't head north until Wednesday, so I'll be in the car with my younger one and her friend. And we'll play the game she and I made up on our trip home from Boulder. I'll be sure to find a reason to queue up my favorite R.E.M. song, deeper cut division.

As always, we're staying in Brewster. At my cousin's place rather than the old homestead, but the salt air tastes the same and the ice cream at Kate's is still the tops. Brewster's one town over from Orleans, which reminds me of this cat and his band, Donna's new fave.

There'll be plenty of familial fellowship and revisiting of old haunts. But I wanna be this guy a bunch, too.

We'll head home too soon, but I'll keep you posted along the way. Until then:


Whitney said...

Good shit. Enjoy the hell out of the Cape… I’m jealous and need to go back there someday soon.

rootsminer said...

What a guy - even buys his kids' preferred booze!

zman said...

That's a very vacation-y medley. Enjoy your ancestral stomping grounds.

Whitney said...

Trivia: Which of these is not a Paris 2024 Olympic sport?

Rugby Sevens
Beach Volleyball

rootsminer said...

I'm guessing the rugby is out.

Mark said...

Im back from St. Augustine and (half) working after a couple days off with my wife and kid. The wife was actually working on Sunday as she works to become a sommelier. Working in the summer is for the birds. My trip to Bermuda can't come soon enough.

Professor G. Truck said...

enjoy the cape rob! have one (or seventeen) at the squire for me . . . and play some foosball and spin like a motherfucker

Whitney said...

Bermuda… yes. I love Bermuda and need to get back. It’s been 25 years or more. When are you going, Mark?

Whitney said...

And it’s baseball that’s not an Olympic sport this year. Breakdancing is in. And all the others.

zman said...

Speaking of baseball, RIP Willie Mays.

OBX dave said...

Just read that Alabama considering legislation that will permit state workers to choose to celebrate either Juneteenth OR Jefferson Davis' birthday. Isn't that like giving Germans choice between liberation of concentration camps OR Goebbels' birthday?

zman said...

Or Lee-Jackson-King day?

Whitney said...

And in Louisiana they are mandating the Ten Commandments displayed in every public school classroom. Backsliding like a motherfucker. If Trump has 4 more years, get ready for Jim Crow II: Not Electric Boogaloo.

Mark said...

Most of you don’t care (nor are you aware of it) but this Kendrick Lamar pop out concert is an absolutely legendary night in hip hop. All of LA’s scene together and putting on a FUCKING SHOW.

Marls said...

Ok folks, Alabama is redneck and backwards but we need to present these things in the proper context.

Alabama ALREADY gives state workers off on Jeff Davis’ birthday. Juneteenth is NOT currently a formally codified state holiday in Alabama. The Gov. declared it a holiday in 2024 but that is subject to annual executive whim. The bill proposed by Alabama House Member Juandalynn Givan (D) is compromise to formally get Alabama to recognize Juneteenth.

Personally, I think dumping Jeff Davis day (And the separate Confederate Memorial Day) and recognizing Juneteenth would be a preferred path. But this is fucking Alabama we are talking about. This bill is a step away from the racist status quo and offers an option that is more progressive- a word not uttered in Alabama much except when talking about car insurance.