Friday, May 20, 2022

Final Out

The legendary writer (sportswriter seems not enough to fully encompass his insights into the human condition) Roger Angell passed at the age of 101 today.  

Because I'm nothing if not a half-ass, I'm going to offer two passages from his work. The first, from the collection Game Time: A Baseball Companion is universal. The second from 1972's The Summer Game, speaks to a pair of Gheorghies but stands in for all of us.

“It is foolish and childish, on the face of it, to affiliate ourselves with anything so insignificant and patently contrived and commercially exploitative as a professional sports team, and the amused superiority and icy scorn that the non-fan directs at the sports nut (I know this look - I know it by heart) is understandable and almost unanswerable. Almost. What is left out of this calculation, it seems to me, is the business of caring - caring deeply and passionately, really caring - which is a capacity or an emotion that has almost gone out of our lives. And so it seems possible that we have come to a time when it no longer matters so much what the caring is about, how frail or foolish is the object of that concern, as long as the feeling itself can be saved. Naïveté - the infantile and ignoble joy that sends a grown man or woman to dancing in the middle of the night over the haphazardous flight of a distant ball - seems a small price to pay for such a gift.”

“This was a new recognition that perfection is admirable but a trifle inhuman, and that a stumbling kind of semi-success can be much more warming. Most of all, perhaps, these exultant yells for the Mets were also yells for ourselves, and came from a wry, half-understood recognition that there is more Met than Yankee in every one of us. I knew for whom that foghorn blew; it blew for me.”


Marls said...

75 years at one job. Quite a run. The man could run a phrase. Loved his description of Choo Choo Coleman as a man that “handles outside curve balls like a man fighting off bees.”

His Christmas poem was always a great wrap up to the year.

rob said...

my 18 year-old just informed me and my wife that she and her friends intend to go on a bender (her words) over memorial day. proud father. i think?

rob said...

from david remnick's laudable angell obit, an entirely different point of view from the deceased about human relationships as we age: “I believe that everyone in the world wants to be with someone else tonight, together in the dark, with the sweet warmth of a hip or a foot or a bare expanse of shoulder within reach.”

rob said...

very first episode of the new kids in the hall features gratuitous male frontal nudity. so the kids haven't lost their fastball(s).

Professor G. Truck said...

yeah, that skit was pretty funny.

i posted on Reddit AITA! upvote me . . .

Whitney said...

More Met in me! Rob and I composed hundreds of posts on the Red Sox and Mets across six years, quietly and vainly trying to emulate the great ones like Roger Angell.

rob said...

that was fun. i feel like we wrote some decent shit. and some just plain shit.

Whitney said...

I wish we were blogging about this baseball season.

rob said...

new recurring feature!

zman said...

zmother-in-law is 76 years old and she lives in a "55 plus" community. Last night she went out with two of her two homegirls, who are both in their early 80's. zm-i-l was the designated driver so the other two drank a bottle of wine each and when they got home they said "We're going to go smoke some pot, do you want to join us?" zm-i-l claims she declined the invitation, but much like Martha Washington there are some hip, hip ladies at the Enclave in Livingston.

Whitney said...

No shortage of green here at the Rebirth Brass Band show in Norfolk for the New Orleans-themed weekend festival. I’ve been seeing this band for half of their nearly 40 year existence, and I do not tire of them.

rootsminer said...

Not sure if I commented on it here, but I was recently riding my bike and saw a 70s-ish lady puffing a bowl on her porch I was filled with joy.