What follows that, well, I think we've all got some questions.
No such questions about the day immediately after, though. That's when hundreds of thousands of women from across the country, including a number of FOG:TB (see here for KQ's well-named band of sisters) and my wife and daughters, are gathering in the Nation's Capital in protest.
The Women's March on Washington's politics lean decidedly to the left, though the principles the organizers espouse hit on universal themes of respect and dignity - a pair that's been in hiding during Trump's frantic first months on the global stage. The March's Unity Principles look like a mashup of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders' greatest hits, and I say that with respect - more of this during the election and this weekend's gathering might have a much different tone.
Speaking of Sanders, and of women, the supergroup Nice as Fuck was one of his early supporters, playing several fundraisers and generally riding for the Senator from Vermont. In honor of badass women, here are a couple of tunes from Jenny Lewis and her bandmates.
Rock on, ladies, and godspeed to all of you on the streets of Washington this weekend. Give 'em hell, patriot pussies.
Stunned by the girl scout cookie news but I guess it could be worse. Made in Russia or China.
TR, it's been almost 3 years since the last Spoon album. They could pick up the pace a bit.
March on, Ladies!
World Wide Web says last album was an August 2014 release. So a March 2017 release confirms Squeaky's math. Time flies.
On Spoon's web site, you can pre-order a fancypants album that's purple. Neat.
Unrelated, but I love Mike Tomlin. Terry Bradshaw can eat a dick.
"We’ll be ready for that ass."
TR, I thought Coach Tomlin's retort that he was a Hollywood Henderson fan was brilliant.
Rob, I'm going with Jess and Shannon and several others. You should go with your ladies. I'll see you there.
i'll be in the big easy, teej. but i'll raise a glass to all of you.
I'll be in the Richard Rogers Theatre enjoying Hamilton, and will be with the marchers in spirit.
May even catch some of the NYC march before heading into the theatre.
I'm sure there will be more marches to join in the next 4 years, if you're unable to make this one
I honestly don't think he'll make it 4 years so get your march on while you can.
Here's to those of you marching! There in spirit indeed! On different note--We managed to start a tradition with our kids that when they turn 10, we take a trip - something somewhat big deal-like. The first wanted to go to London. Ha, ha! His second choice was Chicago (we lived in KY at the time, and we said within 8 hrs was the limit). Still couldn't afford that -- remember we are solidly middle class and a fam of five. So, we went to St. Louis. Arch, Mississippi River cruise, downtown sightseeing, good food, excellent zoo, etc. fun! BTW, this was the kids idea--the "I'm a decade old so we should do something fun trip" plan. That set a precedent for kids 2 and 3 to follow. So, kid 2, we'd moved to VA, he decided on DC. Fortunately, friends live nearby, so less costs, more things to enjoy doing while there. Great fun! Kid 3 turns 10 this May. She's decided on NYC. Yes, NYC. I tell y'all this to say I re-read where and what we ought do from a post a little while back on this site...I'll let you know how we do. It's going to cost us all the money we don't have, but we are going. In April actually. Apparently late April is cheaper, just slightly, than mid-May. If you think of other things that are must-do, and we aren't opposed to being touristy, let me know. Thanks!
Shlara -- as a family, we are absolutely jealous that you're seeing "Hamilton" and the others of you on this site who have...if anyone has a way to get five tickets to that show, we'd spend even more money we don't have for that!!
Donna, good luck and have a blast, and we will enjoy the travelogue.
Best to the marchers, impressed and proud and love the name of KQ's team. DJT may well be gone before four years, but his successor may evoke just as many protests, particularly by women before he confiscates uteri and locks them away in the nunnery.
We do the ten year old trip for our youngsters as well. Oldest wanted to go to DC and see a DC United game - no problem. Youngest wanted to swim with dolphins, which we'll finally surprise him with next month, two days before he turns 11. We're spending the rest of the week in Harry Potter World and other Universal Studios properties.
Tomlin's Hollywood Henderson reference was gold. Bradshaw can eat a fat one.
I generally don't care about MLB HOF announcements but I'm pulling hard for Tim Raines and Vlad Guerrero tonight.
my wife is marching on trenton saturday, is a lesser, dirtier jersey style march.
ian just asked if he could go to comicon in japan for his birthday. i laughed. he said, how many birthdays would that trip be? i said 200.
also, tr and zman-- mini-summit in at my place this friday!
Donna--you can definitely enjoy NYC on a budget. I hope you're doing Air BnB b/c then you have a little more space and can cook/prepare some meals in an apartment which saves $$. NYC is often best just wandering around--so bring your walking shoes. As for Hamilton, I tired the lottery every week for the last few months I lived there and never won--but it's moved online now, and it's worth a shot. Also--the tix to TV show tapings are free--you just have to sign up in advance--which is a little tricky, but totally fun. The site is 1iota.com
I guess you got half your wish, Mark. Rock in, Vladdy Daddy has to wait. Bags and Pudge in as well.
And if the trends hold, Bonds and Clemens will be in in a few years. Oh well.
I'm happy for Raines. The math on baseball finally came all the way around in his favor. It's deserved. He was the manager of the minor league team I worked for. Good guy. Kinda.
there's a story in that 'kinda'
I'm on the fence on Vlad. And how is McGriff such an afterthought!? Crime Dog hit over 490 HRs and was a premier slugger for a decade. His numbers just seem light b/c it was right in front of the roids era.
I don't think Bagwell or Biggio are HoF guys.
wvu lost at home to oklahoma? ew.
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