While most sockpuppets use fake names and identities to advance positions or feign the existence of broad support for policies, the crack research team at GTB has found a recent example where a prominent persona has been co-opted in the name of radical loonbattery.
After getting suspended by ESPN for a Facebook post that unfavorably compared Muslims with Nazis, the WWL finally suspended pseudo-Curt for his consistent assholery. Or, for promoting an anti-trans meme. But mostly for being an unrepentantly unprofessional asshole.
Schilling was chastened by ESPN's professional rebuke, and...nah, he wasn't. He just doubled down on being a wingnut online. Most recently, he conducted a highly scientific and obviously unassailable poll on the Presidential election. As you can see below, things look bleak for the Democrats:
When various commenters pointed out the fact that Schilling's Twitter followers almost certainly represented a biased sample set, fake Curt called them tools of the liberal media, and predicted a sweeping repudiation of conventional wisdom come November. Cool.
And finally, you'll be pleased to know that just yesterday, our man Curt (or the people that are controlling his identity) went public with his plans to run for President in 2024. Or by 2020, if Hillary Clinton 'illegally' wins in November.
I, for one, can't wait. A combination of unwavering certainty in one's position in the face of contrary facts, giant ego, disdain for people with dissenting viewpoints is both appealing and healthy. Run, 'Curt', run.
usa rugby may have lost to argentina, but new zealand lost, too, so we're in good company. or something.
That was ketchup on his sockpuppet.
starting to wonder, man. conspiracies are all real.
hightower just blew a lie/lay usage.
Nice boxing match in process...USA vs Japan. Nbcsn.
Phelps called up to swim in the 800 free relay as anchor. Get some. Lochte on the squad as well. Jeah! That at 11:38 Womp Womp.
His 200 fly against the douchebag Le Clos happens at 1030.
Note to anyone that cares....those times are local time, one hour ahead of EST.
Ledecky. Winner.
Le Douche doesn't even medal.
america is already great, bitches
Ledecky/Phelps back to back finals was swim racing at its finest.
Not to pile on to the media topic de jure today, but I don't recall any Olympics having this much tension/animosity between competitors. Is this a Millenial thing?
Le Clos may have been spent - that race should have been closer. It seems like he's had a lot of events already and he's been front-running almost every heat he's competed in.
new from schilling today: demokkkrats and killary clinton. he's going all colonel kurtz batshit on us.
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