Wait, what about Chelsea? Their poor play is proof that if
enough people wish for something worldwide, it will come true. The 2014 league
winners have collapsed and currently occupy 16th place (out of 20)
in the EPL table. There is no real reason for their decline, the same players,
owner, coach and horribly defensive style of play are replicas of what drove
them to victory last season. Every week heralds a new low and the players look
defeated before play even begins.
Meanwhile, Leicester City play with total positivity and
attacking abandon, they are like an injury-laden Notre Dame team without the
international support, coffers or Showtime series. They have come from behind
several times and never show intimidation regardless of the venue. Check ‘em
out this weekend, I’m sure if you do based on this post you will be rewarded
with an incredibly dreary 0-0 defensive draw. In other sporting news, does
anyone really think that a one-defeat Notre Dame team will get trumped out of
the playoffs by whatever crap team climbs to the top of the turd tower that is
the Big 12?
I was at this game.
See you on Boxing
Day! Dave’s post should be up by then.
Additional editor's note: says here that Tottenham Hotspur will claim one of the Prem's four Champions League spots. They haven't lost since the season's opening match, and they boast one of the youngest and most athletic lineups in the league. Plus, they have guys with fun names, like Dele Alli, Erik Lamela, Toby Alderweireld, Hugo Lloris, Moussa Dembele, and Harry Kane.
Additional editor's note: says here that Tottenham Hotspur will claim one of the Prem's four Champions League spots. They haven't lost since the season's opening match, and they boast one of the youngest and most athletic lineups in the league. Plus, they have guys with fun names, like Dele Alli, Erik Lamela, Toby Alderweireld, Hugo Lloris, Moussa Dembele, and Harry Kane.
whaddup? mark this day down in your calendar. for starters, momentous things in the world of one particular company in the biz of golf.
but more than that, the guy from the spin doctors began following me today. #blessed
#hefollowsmorethan100kpeople #littlemisscantbewrong #chrisbarron #ifuckinghatewhenpeopledothishashtagthingontwitter #rememberwhenmyspacebarwasbroken?
additionally, nov 19th - 1st time in 2 years (dec '13) the jaguars notch 2 victories in a row. whaaaaa?
#afcsouth #ungood #4oftheworstteamsinnfl #playoffpotential #mustard
you gonna give us a little more on the momentous news, danimal?
D'mal on a tear!
The first time I tried to type "tear" I got "twat" instead. Much different sentence.
also momentous, though
will tell ya later. maybe. depends. probably not though. no chance.
#infotease #justjokin #ofcourseilltellyalittlebuddybutontheqtemailstylebutnottilofficialdontwanttojinxanythingyaknowdawg?
that's the last of my #'s for a while, so appreciate that one
I saw the Spin Doctors around 1992, and the singer had a schtick about how "Yeah" was such a great word.
The money line in that speech was "You want a bong hit? 'YEAH!!!'" Really brought it home to the crowd.
waiting for godave! that's funny.
Spin Doctors were the classic underground college buzz band with a few catchy songs (Little Miss Can't Be Wrong, Jimmy Olsen's Blues, Two Princes) that then got way, way, way overplayed and everyone crushed them. Singer's annoying as crap, that doesn't help.
I actually liked a song that came out after the ebb of their popularity, a 1996 tune called Used to Be Mine. Doesn't hold up to lyrical or musical scrutiny, and thge video is grating, but it was a guilty pop pleasure.
There are a few one-hit wonders who have much lesser known tunes that I prefer to the hit. Maybe a post in there. Postcount!
Greg's Dad looks just like the lead singer of the Spin Doctors in his wedding photos. Now he looks like a caveman.
Johnny O'Bryant is a first team Troy O'Leary All Star. He's also yet another in a long, long line of talented big men out of LSU (though most have had limited NBA success). Has any middling CBB program so consistently produced athletic, talented big men? Not in my recollection.
i wore out the spin doctors' 'pocket full of kryptonite' (and arrested development's '3 years...') while traveling up and down the east coast being fratty for a living. still have a soft spot for that record.
I saw the Spin Doctors at UVa in 1992 with a bunch of baciagaloops from my freshman hall including everyone's favorite ER doctor/Wheel of Fortune pimp. A mosh pit broke out and some poor bastard has to be carted out on an immobilization board. UVa goes hard for the Spin Doctors.
A mosh pit at a Spin Doctors show? 18 year old zman went to a Spin Doctors show? My head is spinning at both of these revelations.
If you need further insight into the character of our fine mayor here in the Star City, this blog recounts what he is like as a court appointed defense attorney. About as sorry as he is at mayoring. http://davecheatwood.blogspot.com/2014/11/esteemed-mayor-of-roanoke-attorney.html
"Gap Integrity" has vaulted to my #1 seed when it comes to sports talk dipshittery phrases. Now ya know.
I thought gap integrity was wearing a condom.
Mind the gap. Integrity.
Ah, the good old Spinner Doctors. I think I have the CD EP in one of the many boxes full CD's in the basement.
Trump all for gap integrity.
18 y/o Zman also went to a rave. With 17 y/o me. In Virginia Beach. With fratres Hashem and Kyle, who drank a pint of whiskey while driving down I-64 while one of us was stuffed in the trunk of their hatchback (if I remember correctly).
Everything in that last paragraph seemed totally normal at the time, but is terrifying in retrospect. The event was a sadness factory. I think it was something like this:
Rootsy should run for mayor of Star City. Clarence and I will be your campaign managers.
GAAP integrity?
Last time Clarence and I got together in the Star City, some things may have happened that disqualify me from office.
I'm horrified and highly amused by TR's rave trip memories.
Hashem was a raver - never knew that.
So this is weird. Recent renovations in our pad, have some wall space I wound't mind filling with some framed concert posters. Against all odds, I wondered if on the net somewhere was a concert poster from the R.E.M. show at W&M Hall in 1987. Just did a Google search, which inadvertently led me to this post, which features TR in the comments talking about a road trip to a rave in Virginia Beach with Zman and the Tri Lams. Eerie, dude.
You drank on your way to a rave? Was nobody familiar with what happens at a rave?
The Gap (Integrity) Band?
The rave of flailure came up another time.
In other words, TR has a new recurring post about raves.
It appears that's "rave" in the singular, squeaky.
While we're on the topic of raves and repeating comments, here's where I'll be tmrw:
Why do you keep posting the link to the video of Daves zumba class?
halftime in gainesville, lady gators lead the tribeswomen, 1-0, in a second round ncaa tournament soccer match.
full time, florida 5, w&m 2
Take that, Nerds!
Also, if you're not listening to WRTJ (W Run the Jewels) on Beats1 radio on Friday nights, well...correct that shit.
Gheorghies, . . . hey.
Hi gheorghies. Watching rocky 4
Spoiler alert: Adrian is a debbie downer.
Michigan State getting 14.5 points. I'm taking the points with glee as well as a flyer on the money line.
Why the fuck is UNC playing at Northern Iowa today? I know that Cedar Rapids is beautiful this time of year and all...
That line started at 13, Danimal. I took it too but I'm worried about what seems like such an obvious play. Vegas ain't that dumb.
Yeah....they know somethin.
Tribe take on Dayton today...win this one and I'll start figuring out their first round opponent in March.
As a long time Tribe supporter, today has all the earmarks of a huge letdown.
I took UNC today too, giving 3.
Spidey taking advantage of tribe penalties and turnovers. I've seen this one before.
Field goals aren't going to do it against Richmond. They've gotten 2 turnovers and the defense has been fairly stout, but that won't last all day.
You getting Cotto-Canelo tonight, Mayhugh? I'm leaning that way. A little bummed it's not a title fight anymore but I think it will be highly entertaining.
Als, I love Antonio Callaway.
Well, that wasn't the level of stress I was looking for in my afternoon.
tribe had a real shot against the flyers. losing by 3 in dayton is nothing to be ashamed of.
missing 9 of 19 free throws is kind of worth being annoyed about, though.
Turns out Marls wasn't just smelling his own body odor. It was indeed the stench of Tribe letdown. Two losses on the day for the Sons of Sam Sadler.
wait, florida had to go overtime to beat fau?
leicester is now top of the table after 13 weeks. nice, whitney.
It might've been partially his body odor...
I see what you did there, Rob. Games certainly broke well for Man U. And Claudio Ranieri (sp?) certainly has shown us something. He's gonna get our by somebody next summer.
our, paid, whatever.
Just did a very slow turkey trot. If it wasn't BO before, it is now.
south cackalacky lost to the citadel? somewhere, the boo is sipping a tall glass of whiskey and smiling.
fat guy didn't mention leicester's jamie vardy, who scored their first goal today against newcastle. it was his tenth consecutive premier league match with a goal, tying ruud van nistleroy's record. sick and ruud.
did we know they were remaking point break? vaya con dios.
Mark - yeah, think I'll get it. My wife and her grandmother plus a lot of wine = I need a distraction. I think Cotto more skilled but I think Canelo learned his lesson during Mayweather about allowing the other fighter to control the style of the fight. Canelo's been through some pretty tough fights but nothing compared to Cotto. I blame Margarito and his potentially packed gloves on taking something out of Cotto that I'm not sure he ever got back. I think if it goes the distance Cotto will win but I just don't see Canelo allowing Cotto to work at his relatively slower pace. I think Canelo will be able to get inside and his chin is one of the best in the business. My prediction would be a Canelo win on KO/TKO in the 10th or 11th round.
The only way to remake Point Break is to make it INTENTIONALLY campy (this time). But that has recently been done, and done relatively successfully with 21 Jump Street and the sequel. From the cast listed, I don't see them going in that direction (I'm getting a Jem and the Holograms vibe from the IMDB page). The only way I could see it getting my attention would be if it had Keanu playing the Angelo Pappas/grizzled vet role. I mean, that's a $100M revenue movie right there.
Teej - post suggestion for you if you haven't written to it before would be to address camp done wrong vs camp done right in movies. You could even focus it on Snakes on a Plane (the former) vs the Piranha remake (the latter).
Mark - if you get the fight, pay particular attention to Rigondeaux bout on the undercard. My favorite non-GGG/Kovalev/Chocolatito fighter out there. Best counterpuncher in the business.
I too did a Turkey Trot, Marls. Was happy to slog thru 5 miles, considering I'm less than six weeks from finally healing from a plantar fasciitis issue.
Still working on getting weight categories instead of age categories.
No way MSU makes this kick.
Good for that kicker. My kids are repeating his preposterous celebration dance all over our house.
Who's the Heisman front-runner? Derrick Henry by default?
I think it's been Henry for a week or two, TR. Baker Mayfield isn't far behind and could definitely sneak ahead if Oklahoma runs the table.
I'm at a surprise birthday dinner/party for one of the Bizzaros. I plan on drinking. Heavily. Then using the fight as my excuse for leaving.
What was over/under for Baylor/Ok St? If it's less than 90, it's too low.
My one rule this year for CFB betting has been to take the over in Big 12 games.
we all just let poor tr hang like that for 3 hours? top notch dickery.
my daughters decided they wanted to fight me when we got home after a too-large mexican meal. i kicked their no-skill asses. we've got some work to do. need to at least teach them how to shoot the leg and throw a half-nelson.
I've reached my breaking point with Team Bizzarro. I like them. They're nice people but it's just too much. I need to go home to my quiet living room and my comfortable couch and tasty bourbon. Soon.
hokies got full on boned in that overtime. game winner was clearly not a catch.
just poured myself a glass of basil hayden's on the rocks, mark. cheers to you.
Ezekiel Elliott's soon-to-be agent is pretty bummed about his player's decision to whine about carries.
And I can't believe there is a Fox halftime trio of Leinart/Wannstedt/Stone.
Molly McGrath seems nice.
twitter *hates* rigo. mayhugh is so underappreciated.
nah, everyone loves riggo
Hey Rob, Ian is contending that Crowded House is "awful" and demanding I change it. I told him I was telling on him to you.
Christian McCaffrey is fucking awesome. He'd get my Heisman vote.
Hi g's
Hi Danimal.
Where is davekin?
Yo GTB money
fucking ian
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