A group of enterprising black and orange sufferers have started Operation Orange in hopes of filling Camden Yards with real, live Orioles fans. I wish them luck, but I'm not holding my breath.
Several years ago, a far less kind and gentle me had a bit different take on one of Operation Orange's predecessors in the late, lamented Misery Loves Company. At least the O's fans of yesteryear had some righteous outrage. Now, they're just worn down by the combined weight of the dismal Angelos years. Kinda like a football fan base I know. Here's what those guys at MLC had to say back in 2007:
Orioles blog The Loss Column (aptly named, indeed) is mad as hell, and they aren't gonna take it any more. Fed up with invading "sewer rat" Red Sox and Yankee fans, they're fomenting a mass movement (and by mass in the context of O's fans, I'm guessing 8-10 doofuses hopped up on Natty Bo) to Take Back the Yard when the Sox visit Baltimore on September 8.
I appreciate the effort, honestly. And I get the frustration. I've written several times in this space about my mixed emotions regarding Sox fans and their behavior in visiting parks. The Nation ain't perfect by a long shot. But my admittedly biased worldview informs an opinion that the protest is targeted about as accurately as Dick Cheney's shotgun. There's a reason Sox and Yankee fans overrun Camden Yards, and it sits in the owner's box.
If Peter Angelos hadn't gutted a once-proud franchise to the point where hometown fans stay away in droves, and erstwhile fans from closer to the Beltway completely ignore his team now that they've got another option, tickets wouldn't be available for Sox and Yanks fans. Were I an O's fan, I'd be bitter, too. But I'd probably be smart enough to target that anger appropriately.
And another thing, Loss Column. Before you go tossing rocks at other cities, consider the glass house in which you live. Despite the nickname, Charm City it ain't. Boston accents are funny? How 'bout Nancy the barmaid, hon? Downa shore from Bawlteeeemore. You probably think The Wire is fiction. You may not want to go down that particular path, lest the Sox fans that almost certainly will outnumber those in black and orange take umbrage.
Apparently there are rappers in Portland (Oregon, not Maine). And they're down with Talib Kweli. And they read George Orwell. And they're pretty good on this track.
That is one tremendous schnozz.
For those who couldn't get Zman's link to work, here it is:
I spit hot fiyah (and brimstone)!
kinda digging the new wizards' unis:
only a matter of time before they become the bullets again
Unis are cool. Too bad most of the players inside those unis suck so much ass.
Rob, agreed. These say Bullets all over them.
Someone pointed out on twitter how much the new Wiz unis look like the early 80s Chicago White Sox unis.
Mark, some freshman RB named Mike Blakely is transferring from Florida...
I'm aware, and pretty unhappy about it. Blakely was highly rated and an early entry. He's leaving after a semester on campus. That's the second early entry to transfer since Muschamp took over. It's normal to see some attrition under a new coach but the amount of attrition has been surprising...and a little worrisome.
At this rate, Florida might have to go ironman next year.
Also, I haven't had a chance to check out the link Z posted. If it Lifesavas? That's the only hip-hop group from Portland I know.
It's Animal Farm. By "going ironman," do you mean this?
why do i have meeting on the two nicest days of the year?
I didn't know that Dave was a Quaker.
Angelos looks a lot like Prince Vigo from Ghostbusters 2.
TJ, were you drinking when this happened?
Oh, and that link is NSFW.
Tremendous deep cut reference from Mayhugh.
That movie was terrible, from the plot to Bobby Brown.
Real interesting day at G:TB.
we're all in a gtb planning meeting. you didn't get the invite?
RIP Tractor Traylor
i have an adult league soccer game tonight at 10 pm. there's a 95% chance i'm going to be "sick" tomorrow.
"Adult league" makes it sound like a porno.
i'm in baltimore for work for a few days. the mariners are in town. there are a gazillion japanese folks in my hotel. really hoping for an ichiro sighting. and, of course, hoping to support operation orange.
we have twelve fat men and two slender women on our team-- it would be one ugly porno.
Six free Mayer Hawthorne songs:
Was Jashe in NYC, recently?
danimal had a great danimal day...as it was his birthday. thanks for the well wishes bitches. played golf in the a.m...mickeltitty played behind us for most of the front 9 w/a group of guys...he's actually pretty good. played through us on 10...he's now a gtb follower....
Happy Birthday old man. And I bet FIGJAM loves him some rapping muppets...
The norm MacDonald show is funny.
Well then.
LeBron kind of took over down the stretch tonight. Not a lot that can be done with him when he's knocking down jumpshots.
With that said, the Heat may want to ease up a bit with the celebration. You only advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals, boys.
What a crazy coincidence that everyone in Oklahoma City wore the same tshirt to the game!
z, sorry. common will return tomorrow after your waldo post.
that was close-- i almost missed a day at SoD!
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