With a possible shutdown of the U.S. government looming, it is helpful to remember what happened the last time federal workers received a forced furlough. According to an FBI interview report:
- Unable to begin a new paying job, a 22 year-old female intern continued to work at the White House.
- Said intern's "personal relationship" with President Bill Clinton began on November 15, 1995, the day after the government shutdown began.
- On that Wednesday evening, the intern, seizing the moment, told Clinton she "had a crush on him." The 42nd President responded by accompanying the intern to a back study behind the Oval Office, where he kissed her.
- "Unclothed genital contact" would later occur, along with "kissing, hugging, touching and oral sex on the person of the President, but not intercourse."

there you go, kq - some golf
we have 55 people in our masters pool this year. i have 2 entries. i'm currently in 54th & 55th place.
Danimal - You telling me you didn't go all in on Charl Schwartzel?
no. my best player at the moment is ryan palmer at -1. i'm a
ra-TARD. no young guns. and b/c i felt pretty good about my picks, i kept 4 players on both teams. poor decision. at the moment anyway.
I can't believe you didn't include a sentence about smoking vaginally enhanced cigars. You're slipping.
That might be the best label/tag ever used, and no one mentions it? Sad people, just sad.
concur on the tag. sublime genius.
he went subtle on the cigar, z.
Thanks Rob. I like to think I am known for my subtlety. Or my total lack of it. One or the other.
what would be the brand name of said cigars?
garcia gina?
come on poulter!
the video on my masters app isn't working. this sucks. can't believe i paid $0.00 for this piece of shit.
call tech support at ANGC - i'm sure someone can help you out...
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