If he was here right now,
He'd make a plan
And he'd follow through,
That's what Brian Boitano'd do...
Apparently, that plan is to write shorter, less entertaining columnettes than Anthony Kornheiser. The NBCOlympics.com Torino Tracker Blog is a source of much entertainment, highlighted by the hard-hitting journalism of Mr. Boitano. Brian lets us know that Yevgeny Plushenko (who?) need not worry about a Plan B in the short program, Chinese skater Zhang Dan is one tough (fortune) cookie and that in Torino "Shoppers were as aggressive about buying souvenirs as the athletes are about winning medals" (yeah, that makes sense). USA Today's Craig Wilson could've provided me with this fluff. Gold-Medal Blogger my ass...
He also might fly to DC and kill you if he finds out about your blog.
No worries, after the Olympics he still needs to travel through time to the year 3010 and fight the evil robot king, saving the human race...again. Then maybe he has time to fight GTB.
Russia's got us by one medal currently, but don't worry Greg, we'll get those bastards.
Whit Wednesdays = Ridonkulous Hangovers
I am refusing to watch the Olympics so far. I think those people need to get a life. I mean really - is one really an amateur if one spends 8 hours a day "practicing"? What is that about? If you spend 8 hours a day doing anything but sleeping, I am going to say you are a pro. I might even go so far as to say that if you spend 8 hours a day doing anything but sleeping and you are not getting paid for it - you may very well be an idiot.
Not that there's anything wrong with that....
You're gonna make Brian Boitano cry. Again.
He's a little girl.
He should change his name to Cryin' Girltano.
Oh, that is McBad...
Thank you.
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