Rob and Doug Malone and I would make pizzas and fold boxes and clean the store. Orders would come in and we would rush out to get it to them within 30 minutes or . . . you know. Rob drove his Escort, when the steering wheel worked. I drove my Accord. Doug drove an old Audi with New York plates, evincing his Long Island heritage and Yankee demeanor.
It's driving me out of my mind
That's why it's hard for me to find
Upon our return to the store, we'd rejoin the motley cast of characters. Big Bruce, the elephantitic young fellow. The married couple working together, which was kind of an amusing novelty until we later learned they'd once been jailed for pedophilia. Such can be an impediment to gainful employment, so fold a box and take the next call for a Meat Lover's at the Rodeway Inn, you two.
Can't get it outta my head
Miss her, kiss her, love her
Rob kept me from getting fired one time when I ducked out to go to Harborfest in Norfolk. I never properly punched him in the face for doing that. We all three were nearly terminated when we skipped out in favor of Buffett at Cary Field. That weekend we delivered nothing, nothing but stupid jokes and drunken attempts at romance with our then-and-not-future girlfriends. It was a soundtrack reprieve. Somewhat.
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you're the only bait in town
Soon, though, it was back to the Hut, and not some Buffettian bungalow . . . though that word shares a syllable with what Pizza Hut represented to us. I kept drawing snake eyes on deliveries: a trailer here, Bruce Hornsby's dad there. The latter notorious for issuing an Andrew Jackson on his repeated, identical $19.70 order and telling drivers to keep the change. That's just the way it was, and some things would never change. Or qualify as "change."
Ah, but don't you believe them
To look back and think of the torment of that summer . . . the three classes I "took" in the Department Soon To Be Known As My Former Major . . . the marathon 1985 season of Strat-o-matic baseball sprawled out across a misnomer of a dining room table . . . MTV . . . the incessant mockery 'twixt the finest collection of my college era's comic comrades ever assembled, a clown-car residence of 6 adult males in a 2 BR/1 BA . . . the 40 ounces per vessel and the 4 dollars per hour . . . and the Bell . . . and the Biv . . . and the DeVoe . . .
That girl is poisonnnnnnnn
Never trust a big butt and smile
Years later. Decades later. I'm re-enrolled in the College. As a free treat on the evening of the last class of the summer 2019 session, there's a stack of large, 16" circular gestures topped variably for the students. From the Hut. That food is poison.
Folks around my world are always stunned when I inform them that this episode, this small chapter of magnets on car doors and punch-clocks and embossed name plates and differing definitions of "supreme" and taking pies home to housemates and gas bills (but $1.15/gal) and three bad brothers two of whom you know so well and the endless box making and the really, really endless playing of BBD, I mean endless nonstop ceaseless and any other way you and Roget could label it, it . . . well, it created this devastatingly amusing and despondently sad cry for help, the kind of help like you need if you ingested
Wow! Now that’s a response to a banal comment of mine.
I never met the Hornsby dad, but Bruce did mock me once when I refused to let him park at College Delly and walk to Paul’s. Sure I’ve told that dad story before. I was earning $4.25/hr at the time. But I was 19, and that job allowed me to drink there underage.
Love how you backdated the publishing time...
Poison is about a woman with AIDS, right? And you know they misappropriated "never trust a big butt and a smile" from KRS-ONE?
We're all learning things today.
I love the internet:
In Syracuse, a rumor spread that Michael Bivins uttered the line "Rob Moore, you're dead" in this song as a message to Syracuse University football player Rob Moore, who later played wide receiver for in the NFL for the Jets and Cardinals. The story went that Moore stole Bivins' girlfriend, and that Bivins retaliated with this lyrical hit. Bivins wore Syracuse gear in the video and was a fan of their football and basketball teams, but he claims that he never knew Moore and that the rumor is unfounded. According to Bivens, the line is, "Wrong move, you're dead."
'that dude's a paiiisaaaaan'
was it true that big bruce later showed up in a black crowes video, or was that an urban legend that we perpetuated?
There isn’t another place quite like Newark Penn Station.
Get me some crack, pls. Thx!
nice whit . . . lester bangs meets hunter s. thompson on a greasy pepperoni slice of low wage life.
Rob: good news for your wife on your trip:
I think you made that up, rob
go to 0:15 in this video and tell me that's not a very reasonable facsimile of big bruce:
errybody fired up for the 90210 remix premiere tonight? i bet shlara and the teej are with me.
nice post Whit!
The secret to selling donuts is to go to sorority court about an hour before 90210 starts and say “You know you want some donuts to eat while you watch 90210.”
the 90210 thing was so bad it was good, in terms of entertainment value.
No 90210 for us. Wife and I finished Fleabag Season 2 tonight. It’s very good!
We started Catastrophe, an Amazon original. Anybody have an opinion on this? Pilot was decent.
Nice excerpt Whitney. I've always liked that song. Have thought about trying to arrange it for my jug band, but that would take a bit of work.
Do it, Rootsy!
Unrelated question: if you're friends with Dave, is there any way you could consider eating these?
I say no, there is no way.
Has anybody seen a show called Letterkenny?
We popped by a friend's beach house last night, and he was watching it, so we tuned in for a pair of episodes. It's Canadian and accordingly weird, and it's pretty funny. Papal ballots help. It seems very, very Dave.
Plus the main characters are named Wayne, Daryl, and Squirrely Dan. Seems to be a pretty direct connect to Whitney, Dave, and Squirrel. I'm sure you would have noticed without me connecting the dots.
Dave “Snoball” Pellicane
37 dicks!
In a row?
I mean, when you get on a roll...
Squirrely Dan would be a good name for a Steely Dan cover band comprised of backwoods meth tweakers.
Condé Nast Traveler just published a list of the 50 most beautiful places in the world. I perused the list. I have been to a total of one of the places. Did not make me feel great about my vacation choices.
Sunken Gardens did not make the cut.
wife and i have been to three . . . Galapagos, Grand Canyon and Cappadocia. surprised that Petra and some of the beaches in Thailand aren't on there
I'm 0 for 50. My daughters have been to one. Daytona Beach not on the list.
Have been to 3.5 places on that list:
Cliffs of Moher
Grand Canyon
Na Pali Coast (seen from a helicopter)
Vik in Iceland
3 for me:
Grand Canyon
2 of those for my kids!
We’ve returned from our European adventure—amazing good time!
So now we’re talking about what to do for my 50th bday next year....if you could pick where to go, where would you?
teej, don't sell yourself short . . . i think you might get bonus points for the helicopter.
and whit, get your ass to the grand canyon-- that's an easy one and it's surprisingly awesome, despite all the hype. i have been to both sides and prefer the less crowded, higher altitude (and thus colder) north rim.
i think letterkenny is like a canadian portlandia . . .
I am a jaded grumpy tool but I was awed by the Grand Canyon. Definitely worth a trip, you can tie it into Sedona or someplace similar.
Speaking of Donna's 50th, a good friend's 50th is this weekend. He's a thoroughly avid fan of chicken wings. I had 50 of the "hotter" variety shipped in from the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, the reputed original buffalo wing originator. I delivered them to him last night and he had some for breakfast. The reviews were highly positive.
i've been to 0 of the 50, as well, but that list is invalid if it doesn't include the view from the back porch of the martha wood.
I've been to Grand Canyon 3x also - 2 to South Rim and once to North. North is definitely less crowded, but both have their appeal. Definitely worthy of the list! Really nothing like it. I'm surprised Petra didn't make it either. I've always wanted to go there.
I really want to go to Hawaii, but the flights alone make it cost-prohibitive...it's more than going to Europe.
But if any of you have been there, do you have recommendations?!
I really would like some suggestions. One place I've never been is New Orleans - and I know a bunch of y'all have...maybe that'd be a good 50th birthday site!
0 for 50 as well. But feel like I’ve been to some pretty cool places. Might have to make me own list. Currently on beach with the Martha Wood view. Glorious.
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