Monday, January 21, 2019

Binge Watch Filler

The wind chill at the moment where I live is 8 degrees below zero. It's the perfect day to lie on the couch and do nothing much other than binge watch any one of the number of well-produced, beautifully shot, sublimely acted series on offer. May I recommend Amazon Prime's Man in the High Castle, for instance?

But if you're in the mood to watch something completely inappropriate, riotously funny, painfully nostalgic, and very, very not safe for work, I commend to your attention the Netflix animated series Bigmouth.

Conceived by comedian Nick Kroll and his childhood friend Andrew Goldberg, and featuring the voice talent of comic stars like John Mulaney, Maya Rudolph, and Jordan Peele, the series chronicles the social and sexual coming of age of a group of seventh graders in some vague suburb of New York City. That's as anodyne a description as the series is raunchy and over the top.

Here's a clip reel from the first season. Do enjoy. And don't judge me for watching this with my kids.


TR said...

I have watched all of both seasons of Bigmouth. Can’t believe it’s not more popular. The virgin gym teacher is the best.

zman said...

I tried to watch Man in the High Castle but I only made it through 5-6 episodes. I read the book which was supposed to be fantastic but it just confused me and I had to rely on the internet to explain the ending. I'm too stupid for high art sci-fi.

Shlara said...

Nick Kroll was on a panel talking about this show and it's value in sex ed for this UN Foundation conference I attended last year. I didn't know about it until then.

Dave said...

best sci-fi i've read in a while: "the three body problem."

we just finished watching "silver linings playbook" with the kids. it's on netflix right now. one of my favorites. we watched "meet the parents" earlier in the weekend so my kids got a full dose of comic deniro.

i will try "bigmouth."

zman said...

I guess no one likes Big Mouth.

Squeaky said...

I haven't seen Big Mouth. But got in the queue for watching at some point.

zman said...

I watched the first episode with TR and FOGTB Schpfechkt. I watched the second episode last night so I only have an n of 2 to work with, but the show appears to specialize in awkward cringe-inducing scenarios involving puberty.

Whitney said...

The Mr. Rogers documentary wasn't nominated for an Oscar. Hey, Academy Awards... way to be like the Grammys.

Anonymous said...

There should be an establishment in the financial district called Annuity Bar.

Whitney said...

Mussina goes in with an O’s cap, right?

TR said...

Mussina, Baines, Biggio, Niekro, Trammell and Gaylord Perry should have their plaques in a closet.

Meanwhile, McGriff and his 493 pre-steroid era HRs continue to get shafted. Free the Crime Dog!