Monday, October 22, 2018

Congrats to one of our own

The cultural leader of this community (assuming our culture is one of unabashed doofishness) deserves a shout-out. While you all know many of his roles (real estate scion, Twitter ninja, sock fan, lover, drinker, Mac McFisty, etc.), you may not know one recent one he has assumed.   

So congrats to our own literary genius. Teejus Christ, that kid can write. Congrats on getting this book out the door. 


rob said...

happy world series, everybody!

T.J. said...

a big thank you to my publisher, Simon & Simon & Schuster

Catpell said...

just had to google "world series" to learn that boston is in. good luck, rob! enjoy it before baseball goes the way of cock throwing . . .

T.J. said...

Does Dave's wife prefer cock throwing IN or OUT of vehicles?

Whitney said...

Here's a worthy posthumous article by Petty's biographer.

Whitney said...

Sleepy week for les gheorghiés