Nine Admirations
Eight Matchups Worth Watching - not really
Seven Books for Reading
Six decades of Fairbank
Five bits and bobs
Four reasons to save 68 CDs
Three balls a-rainin'
Two more automotive wormhole websites
And a bald guy and some random hor-seys
The overwhelming theme of G:TB this year, at least things that I wrote, was abject dissatisfaction with the state of the American body politic. I whined, I bitched, I raged, and I metaphorically shook my head with dumbfounded shock at the daily degradations to our nation's norms.
In retrospect, that wasn't a terribly Gheorghie approach. Life's too short, and all that.
So as a means to make amends, I come here today to appreciate one good thing about this year. Call it a psychic cleanse, a way for me to wipe the slate as we head into a new year. 2018 might not be better than 2017, but it'll be different, and for that, we at least have hope.
And because I'm nothing if not efficient, I'm combining an appreciation of some of the things that bring me joy with your performance evaluations. If you've got an issue, please call the G:TB HR hotline.
Forthwith, nine-plus admirations and appreciations:
I admire Dave's polymathic and insatiable curiosity and brainpower. From publishing music to reading more books in a year than the rest of the Gheorghies combined, to providing the world with alternately insightful and self-unaware musings at Sentence of Dave, to coaching and teaching the youth of America, to podcasting, Dave gets more out of his days than most people I know. One of my New Year's Resolutions, such as they are, is to operate with more intent. Kinda like Dave. Three run-on sentence fragments out of five.
I admire Mark's resolute sense of self, his confident approach, and his artistic sensibility. Some may not consider tattoos, sneakers, and hip hop high art, but I do, and I wish I had more of Mark's attitude when it comes to carving his own path. We're going to need more posts from Mark in 2018, so we'll give him four smoked pork bellies out of five for his commenting, but an incomplete for his posting.
I admire the way Teejay reinvented himself as a family man, foodie, and scholar while retaining his essential sweetness and good nature, and his generosity of spirit. Also, his stubborn willingness to commit to a bit. His long-running Brian Posehn impersonation may trail only his McFisty online series on the list of things that amuse me. Our filler game suffered this year. May the Teej step it up. Two Star Wars socks out of four.
I admire Zman's fierce intellect, diversity of thought and influence, and clear conviction regarding his priorities. I'm heartened to know that when we're ultimately sued by some bigger website that's stolen our material and passed it off as its own, we'll be in good hands. Three Mini Innocenti tires out of four.
I admire Whitney's charisma, the effortless charm that draws people to him and gets him off of more hooks than even he probably recalls. And I deeply admire the way he walks the walk when it comes to being there for his friends, even when being there means he has to go out of his way. Finally, I admire his way with words, even as I wish he employed it more here. My goal in life is to have him give my eulogy, rather than the reverse. I'd just kinda like to see the rough draft. I'd also like to see him write more here. His mid-year exhortation to up our game certainly sparked a renaissance here, so we'll give him four Dale's Pale Ales out of six. So, like, Tuesday morning.
I admire TR's self-deprecation and ability to deflate his own balloon. For a dude who operates in a world lousy with type A fuckfaces, his humanity shows up regularly, at least in these cozy confines. Sure, he might get in the occasional fistfight with other soccer dads, but he can laugh about his fucked-up role in it. That lack of self-seriousness is the Gheorghian ideal. Three train beers out of five.
I admire Danimal's sense of adventure and his poise and polish, under which lurks a little bit of Dennis the Menace a twinkle-eyed troublemaker. Our man moves easily in a world where he hangs out with Snoop Dog one day and George H.W. Bush another, and where he's in China one week and Scotland the next. All this from a dude who grew up in the Shenandoah Valley. I don't think anybody saw that coming. Two Florida sunsets from four.

And I admire all kinds of things about the citizens of Gheorgheville, from Mr. KQ's taste in music and beer, Shlara's drive to do good in the world, Donna's servant-leadership, Rootsy's musical talent and laid-back good nature, Dave Fairbank's curiosity and fundamental Gheorghiness, KQ's willingness to admit that she knows us, Fat Guy in a Speedo's footie knowledge, and Squeaky's artisan beer/music sensibility. This list is woefully incomplete, for certain.
As we close out this dreadful annum, I hope that each of you got as much from our weird little corner of the internet as I continue to do. When St. Peter asks me what I did while on Earth to make the world a better place, virtually hanging out with you folks will be on my list.
Godspeed, and God Bless, Gheorghies.
Thanks for the kind words. I've never been called fierce or an intellect before, let alone a fierce intellect!
Congrats Z! How's zschnoz?
Thanks, Robbie. Nice post. I doubt I'll be around for your eulogy but I'll begin working on it, anyway.
It recovered tremendously and it's still tremendous. Thanks for asking!
Looking for some bar recommendations around Union Square in NYC. Irish pubs, good old fashioned American bars, maybe even dives. Asking for a friend.
That was great, Rob. For the record, I like actual art as well. My house is filled with it as Marls and TJ can attest.
Also, it’s one of my goals for 2018 to write more at G:TB as well. I miss writing. My job makes it far more difficult as I’m not in front of a computer very often but I’m gonna do it. I even started a notes page on my phone with post ideas. Wish me luck in following through.
thanks rob-- that's some of the nicest stuff anyone has ever said about me in print (besides my own self-congratulatory drivel). and it really made me appreciate the rest of the gheorghies.
also: late addition to the book list, and this is one everyone would enjoy: the power by Naomi Alderman.
Whit, The Smith is trendy, more of a restaurant than a bar but the bar area is lively. The Blue and Gold Tavern isn't right by Union Square but it's relatively close and it's right in your wheelhouse--it's a Ukrainian dive bar with possibly the cheapest drinks in the city and a damn good jukebox.
I also love the first picture in this post. For many reasons, the Teejay weeding was a great event. I hugged it out with Whitney the night before the wedding. Helped Teej and Greg setup the wedding that day and then pushed the drunken envelope with Greg and Marls after the wedding which culminated in losing my credit card and trying to break in to Union Station at around 3 am to get some McDonalds.
Wish I still had that Rhymesayers shirt I’m wearing in the pick. Pic me up one the next time you’re in Minneapolis, Rob.
Whit -
Pete’s Tavern is at 18th and Irving and is fun this time of year - we took Teej’s SIL there underage.
The old town is still good for a burger. We tried to jam you there after Lud’s memorial service.
Coffee Shop is still solid and they serve food very late.
Thanks for the kind words Robert. Though totally undeserved, they are appreciated.
Kind words, unkind photo. That was Zman and I in -6.9 degree weather, about to watch a gawdawful Jets-Cincy game. Jets went to the AFC Championship that year. Only the Jets could get to two consecutive championship games while hosting zero home playoff games.
Great post! And too kind to be included. I find myself here for laughs mostly and often turns out to be for much more! And that includes the dipshittery, too, which is good for the levity life needs. So thanks! Wishing you all a great New Year. Sorry about the young one's tibia--tough turn of events. Here's to hoping rest of vacay is much better!
My wife is out of town with the kid tonight. The step kid is here though and tonight was the the night to go out with Greg, his lady, and friends. I’m already home but the step kid asked about my status for the night and said “coming home soon or is the old man gonna have a rager tonight”?
I want to punch her in the head. Partly because I am an old man and also because I can’t rage like I once could. She’s mocking me and there’s not damn thing I can do about it.
She’s home. I’m home and I couldn’t be happier about it. Getting old sucks and is great. Somehow at the same time.
rob, thanks for the kind words and for that great pic. TR, I hope your kid is recovering OK - if you need an idiot to tell your kid it will be OK, I was on crutches for six months my freshman year of high school, and I found the good in that
we saw the new star wars movie last night. i'm a sucker for that story, so not much to complain about here. but adam driver sure can chew some scenery.
I have many thoughts on that new Star Wars movie
Maybe... like 10 of them??
I agree with rob, I like this new Star Wars movie a lot more than the last one. Zkids are in a yoodge Star Wars phase so I've been watching all seven movies way too much lately. There is soooo much bad acting in the four new movies. Evan McGregor and Adam Driver appear to be shockingly good thespians compared to everyone else around them.
Lovely post and gracias for the shoutout, Rob. And thanks for providing a platform for an itinerant keyboard jockey. It's been one of my many good fortunes to hang with you original Gheorghies, personally and electronically. I see no reason to stop. Next round is on me.
at the beach ball classic in myrtle beach. next game up features spartanburg day school, with zion williamson. so, nice.
him being in a walking boot on the bench, less nice.
gheorghies, who is your favorite artist that died in a plane crash?
im going john denver
Otis Redding, with Buddy Holly as his copilot.
excellent choices rootsy - i forgot about otis
i'll expand this to include athletes/famous people (so shlara can vote for jfk jr.)
zdaughter dropped zremote to ztoilet in ztoilet. This is ... suboptimal.
pretty bougie to have a toilet remote, tho.
It's a depressingly good topic Teej.
Sort of a passive aggressive dick move to claim Otis and Buddy, moreso after Rob called out my laid back good nature.
My toilet game is tight. zdaughter's grip not so much.
Can we lump in helicopters as well? Stevie Ray if so. If not, Winchester’s own Patsy Cline of course.
Binge watched The Keepers last couple of nights. Unreal.
Teej--despite my social-liberal creds, I'm not a Kennedy family fan.
And I'm going to go with Roberto Clemente
Zeppelin I, II and IV still bring it. Especially cranked to eleven on vinyl. Just sayin.
Are you kidding me????? What song is it you want to hear?
Ronnie Van Zant, along with Steve and Cassie Gaines, are my pick. Rest peacefully in the dulcet beyond, Skynyrd peeps. Tuesday's gone with the wind.
I'm not taking 2 like Rootsy. Which means Jim Croce is still out there...
No love for III, Mr KQ?
Immigrant Song, Out on the Tiles, Friends, and especially Tangerine are all all-timers, to be linguistically redundant. If Hey Hey What Can I Do had been subbed in for Hats Off To Roy Harper, as almost happened, this underrated gem might've garnered more critical acclaim. As it happened, you and too many others diss it mightily.
Seriously... Tangerine.
Oh don't mistake the omission for any disdain sire. It's just that III didn't make it through to the other side like the others. Certainly one of my next purchases. Actually picked up Little Feat Hoy Hoy and Men at Work Cargo today. Don't judge. Colin Hey one of the best shows me and the missus have ever seen recently. Rock on. And by the way have moved on to The Yes Album. One of the tightest sounding LPs of all time. Yeah, I said it.
Angels and Fuselage indeed.
Kenny... you, sir, have grit.
Btdubs saw Lynch before Xmas, he's up for a Wiz game. You guys pick the game when you can come up. Tix on me down low. You can crash here and we'll jam some tunes.
Brad Stevens just drew up a sick inbounds play w/ his Celts down 3 w/ 11 seconds left. Tatum inbounds to a cutting Smart. Tatum then curls around a hard screen set by Kyrie at the foul line to get a pass in the lane and dunk. Harden then lost his mind and pushed off on two consecutive inbound plays. He was whistled for both.
Everybody talks about how great Stevens is on inbound plays. Cool to see it real-time.
One of my most fun live music moments of all time was seeing Gov’t Mule do Immigrant Song about 15 yrs ago. I was absolutely out of my gourd, and it was epic. And I don’t even like that band that much. I like to call them a cover band to F w/ folks who like them.
My vinyl has ben boxed up since August. Audio guy coming on 1/9 to get my new Apple TV and Sonos speaker system put in place.
Is Pharrell sponsored by Adidas? Do they make his giant hats?
You going to rock the vinyl?
You going to rock the vinyl?
My folks had tickets to see Croce, but he died right before the show.
All I can think of when I Hearn his name is this:
The vinyl will come out for sure. The built-ins in our family room are equipped to store my albums. I need depth to hold my equipment.
KT, I'm in for some Wiz.
If KQ had a dollar for every time she heard that..
Pharrell designs some shoes for adidas including my sweet tennis ball Stan Smiths. He has a pretty austere aesthetic that works for idle aged guys like me. At least with respect to sneakers. His hats are on some other shit.
I'm considering making the move to Sonos but I'm afraid that as soon as I take the plunge something else will come out that eats its lunch. Too many cliches in that sentence. Anyone have any thoughts on multi-room stereo setups?
Dude ur a vintage car guy. Go get urself a tube amp and some kickin floor speakers. Ive got em and there's nothing better mate.
Sonos is the boznomb dot coznomb. Go for it.
Stanford - TCU was a heckuva game. DVR’d the end and watched it today.
laying on my mom's couch, sick as a dog - achy, sore throat, painful cough, chills. this kind of nostalgia i could do without.
Little buddy, sorry to hear you are lying on the couch sick. Get it out of your system so you can charge into 2018.
Just had lunch with stepbro Ian. He sends his regards and confesses that he never reads G:TB. Even as his picture is posted above.
Did you jam him in response?
I’m taking Payne Stewart in the felled by aviation category.
I’m surprised there was no love for Thurmon Munson
The Belk Bowl is fun
Wake vs A&M game is fun.
Strangely, a neighbor of mine who came over for some pops last night brought w him a copy of II, digitally remastered on disc.
If you had under 106, you lost.
Teej had said "favorite artist that died in a plane crash" but I guess it was expanded to athletes when Shlara said Clemente. There is artistry in sport.
Actually, Teej expanded it himself at 3:03 yesterday.
RIF - I though Ed Asner told you...
The Alamo Bowl resulted in me staying up later than planned and have one extra bourbon. ‘Twas a fun game. As was the Belk Bowl. Hopefully the Cotton Bowl is a good one tonight.
Not looking good in Dallas.
Very disappointing
Rob- I heard that you were feeling ill. Headache, fever and the chills. Marls is there to restore your pluck. Cuz he's the friend that likes to f*ck.
I’m not driving to Myrtle Beach to help you out Rob.
i'm in a car all day driving back home. someone post something to entertain me.
Something like "Ten Things to Entertain rob"?
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