On my way to work, I heard an interview on the Bob Edwards Show (as an aside, Edwards is a treasure, and it remains a shame that SiriusXM has decided not to record new episodes) with Bobby Bare and Bobby Bare Jr. from 2010. The Bares, notable musicians in their own right, had just produced a CD of songs written by family friend Silverstein and covered by artists like Lucinda Williams, My Morning Jacket, Kris Kristofferson, Andrew Bird, and John Prine.
As I started listening to the interview, I thought, 'hey, that's cute - they turned some Shel Silverstein poems into songs'. Goes to show you what I know.
Shel Silverstein wrote 'A Boy Named Sue'. Shel Silverstein. The children's book author. Wrote one of the enduring classics in country music history.
He also wrote 'The Cover of the Rolling Stone', made memorable by Doctor Hook & The Medicine Show.
'Twistable, Turnable Man', the name of the Silverstein tribute record, features a cover of the Doctor Hook hit by the inimitable Black Francis and his Pixies bandmate Joey Santiago. It's terrific:
Gonna buy 5 copies for your mother.
That's a good,tidbit Rob. My wife says she knew that. I told her she was full of shit.
"It's Father's Day weekend" just doesn't work as much as it should.
max scherzer's last two starts: 18 innings, 1 hit, 1 walk, 1 hbp , 26 k, 0 runs. decent.
the fox us open broadcast team is a riot of cliche, homerism, confusion, and poor camera work. can't wait for mike tirico at the british.
I smoked beef short ribs for the first time today. Might be my favorite food item that I've smoked to date. And with that done, I'm not doing shit for my family again until Monday.
just spent some time drunksurfing adidas.com. might've drunkordered some new hoops kicks. i'm the dad around here, goddammit. i deserve some new kicks.
I'm with Rob. I definitely do not need more basketball shoes but I recently ordered these http://hypebeast.com/2015/5/nike-kyrie-1-wolf-grey
I'm the Dad dammit.
Zman and I pre-gamed for Father's Day by downing scotch and beer (but no bourbon; sorry Mr. Thorogood) at the local watering hole.
I am now drunkenly watching the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Live in Paris concert I taped from Palladia. It's pretty goddamn good.
Now it's on to Rock Icons: Nikki Sixx. Banking on being allowed to sleep in.
Happy Father's Day ya'll. My first act on this day will be the changing of a flat tire with a mild hangover. Or shall I say, my wife's first act.
I'm going to hold judgment on these Fox fucks for another time. On the golf course itself, what I'd like someone to tell me is, if the venue was designed and built to hold such an event as the US Open why is it that there are holes where spectators can't even go? Why wouldn't they go with a different, as in better, easier to manage, more aesthetically pleasing strain of grass for the greens? I'm sure there are good reasons for it, I just want to know what they are. And on the flip side, bitching about the quality of the greens is a little much. Everyone has to putt on them people.
I was told I could sleep in. But two very young people bum rushed me around 7:30 and have been running around and yelling ever since. I cannot wait for my Alka seltzer.
Also, is the guy in the picture above pleasuring himself?
i just jumped out of a perfectly good airplane
With weenie?
Similar exciting morning for me. I ate a bagel and then pooped.
My poop was huge. Next up: a shower and a trip to toys r us.
I slept in. Was given a new pair of shoes my wife and childrens upon awakening. Now I'm going to the gym and then lunch by myself. Happy Father's Day.
I too received new shoes. I almost bought the new air Presto jawns yesterday for nostalgia's sake but $120 is about $50 too much for a neoprene sock with a rubber sole.
I loved the Prestos when I owned a pair in the early 2000s. There's a high probability I'll get a pair again at some point.
Just chillin at the car dealership. About 2 hours into quest to get a tire replaced. Good stuff.
my car is making a gawdawful grinding noise, so i too am headed to the dealership.
Brad Faxon needs to fire his stylist.
Unless you're driving some Italian exoticar, you can get a tire at any gas station or oil change place. I suggest getting two if the tire at issue is on a driven wheel.
You guys buy shoes like I buy rum.
Happy Dad's Day, Dads.
brake pads, z.
It's all ball bearings nowadays.
I thought Dan needed a tire? If all you need are pads you're in good shape, usually they try to bang you for rotors too.
you expect me to read other people's comments? actually, took my car to a guy in the neighborhood who's the lead mechanic at the local dealership. he's got a full setup at his house. his overwhelming competence in things mechanical and automotive made me feel somewhat less than manly. i know a lot about sports, though.
I'm not a very handy fella. My Dad wasn't either so I never cared to learn. I've gotten better as home ownership has forced some of that upon me but I'm still in the lower strata of men my age when it comes to building and fixing things. At times, like Rob, it makes me feel a bit less manly. Then I remind myself that I lift weights and play sports regularly and that I can smoke the shit out of meat and more than hold my liquor. That helps.
I also like to make the excuse that I make enough $ to pay people to do that shit for me. I know my wife talks shit about my lack of skill in this area though. Even if it's just in her own head.
I can do simple electrical stuff like change a light fixture, replace an outlet, etc. Every time I try to fix a plumbing issue I create a leak or even a flood. Water is the enemy.
If I had vertigo I wouldn't hang out in the sun in a black polyester shirt.
I second and third exactly what Mark said.
Mother's and Father's day in our house, birthdays too = no gifts. We either give each other a few hours or more of time....massages, a movie, together or alone. Today we went out together for a few hours to booze. Today I did more of the boozing. Tire fixed.
Sounds like we are all equally as unhandy.
Uneventful Father's Day. Some yard work, some wailing on my delts at the gym, and now some Sixpoint Craft Ale Sweet Action and BBQ chicken at the pool club. We are all watching the storm clouds around us while drinking.
The pool club. Sounds kinda swanky.
Rory makin waves. Danimal needs a good rory day to continue an uncanny streak that comes once a decade. May have to call in tomorrow.
Cuz we are talkin about a 10:00 finish time. Predicting a Monday finish here btw.
Mark and z....Google Keegan Bradley shoes....killer. I love that he wears these things and more so that he and Jordan are frequent gambling buds.
I saw those earlier. I didn't realize he's friends with MJ.
He probably makes more money off of mj than many make in a year.
And from what I understand he talks shit when he's doing it. That's the bonus.
Umm..molly mcgrath. Yes please.
Rob...nice job on the plane jump today.
Bradley was on SVP & Russillo after pictures emerged of him and Luke Donald playing basketball with Tom Brady and Jordan. I guess they all hung out all weekend and played golf, gambled and I'd assume drank. And he confirmed that he does indeed talk shit whil taking money off of both of them.
i have a buddy who has played somewhere in the neighborhood of 100 rounds of golf w mj. He's a golf pro, not a pro golfer. The standard is 50k in cash.....in the golf bag for your airiness. When you're the golf pro, you're staked by someone else so you can't lose. But when you win....his house is furnished by mj.
Not the house, the furnishings. I misspoke.
Am I the only one waiting for Day to start playing the vertigo game again, now that he's crapped the bed?
And the pool club is more Swank the magazine than swanky. Actually it's neither.
I am watching DJ play and having a hard time seeing him as a ladykiller. Dude's a bit swarthy. Maybe he knows how to hold court in a bar.
Adam Scott had a nice rally today. Too little, too late though.
Spieth is going to win
Snedeker - thanks for being half a baller
Fox's coverage is brutal. Norman is pretty good but other than that, there is not much to speak of. Their cuts between holes are awful, Joe Buck is Joe Buck, and they just played eminem over three straight shots because the guys in the truck can't get their shit straight. At least they aren't using the stupid robot.
Nobody puts Cleatus in a corner.
i have skydiving video, but it's too big to upload to blogger. if i can figure out how to edit it, it'll get posted.
My 7 y/o son is soaking in his first golf tourney. He picked a good one. He seems equally as excited about the golf as he does about staying up late.
Rumor has it holly does her last interview topless.
That's some outfit that sideline girl Holly is wearing...
It's a bit late for the Paulina shot. And Janet is aging like Paul Hogan.
I have a hard time imagining dj making this putt.
Louis was trying hard to keep from getting a chubby on worldwide TV.
Based on what the bar man told me and Marls yesterday..... Dufner's not happy att the moment.
Based on what the bar man told me and Marls yesterday..... Dufner's not happy att the moment.
Last comment sponsored by AT& T. And Double Mint gum.
Oh shiiiiiiit.
Ever hear of Doug sanders?
When I said "this putt" I meant this one and the next one.
Now Dufner is very happy.
Nice Paulina side boob.
Paulina's not afraid to let the titles hang out. To quote Rodney Dangerfield in Easy Money, "Kid, if I was you, I'd breastfeed until I was 18."
Wayne just kicked him out of the family.
Her titties are titles to some men, so that's not a true autocorrect error.
Janet Jones had a nickel on Jordan,
Hola gheorghies. Hope you all had great fathers days and got those tires fixed.
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