Big Gheorghe gave to me
Eleven Months of Elevating the Art of Blogging
Ten Years of Dipshits
Nine (six, really) goats goatating
Eight Autographs Showing How Sad My Childhood Was
Seven Books for Reading
Six Vinyl Discs
Five golden (Cream Yellow, really) cylinders for Squeaky
Four players playing
Three Nutty Squirrels
Two Chilean bangers (literally)
And a British lass slingin’ hot meat
Back by popular demand, y'all, our year-end review of the batshit crazy editorial calendar we managed to fling together. You already know we dropped 193 posts, but as with every year I do this, I'm pretty darn impressed with some of what we did. Nice work, ladies and gentlemen.
On with it, then, starting, as one does, in January.
We eased into the year with a couple of Wrenball posts, then Whitney went hard, advocating for legal shrooms.

What car would Dave drive? Spot. On.
February came next, as it does.
Here's Dave Fairbank's music collection.
Sheriff Callie's Wild West imitates life.
Tinder, but for cows.
I know some people with Wikipedia entries.
After February, there was March. As you'd expect.
Zman shot the sheriff, didn't go to jail.
Zman endorsed Mayor Pete, too.
RIP Carmine Persico.
I'm a damn hero.
Very, very Teej content.
April was next. No surprise there.
What car should the Teej drive? A goddamn sui generis one.
Minneapolis travel guide.
Squirrel camp!
FOGTB Lecky released an album.
Fairbank gave us a reading assignment. Gotta lot of pushy Daves around here.
May, as expected, followed.
Oh, brother.
Squirrel-related audio up your ass followed immediately by whimsy up your ass. Ass week!
Gheorghe explains the democratic presidential primary.
The president* is a goddamn disgrace.
Abe hung up his top hat.
Oddly, July was next. Kidding. It was June.
My kid can dance.
More Fairbank book reviews to make us feel shitty about the world. Thanks, Dave!
In retrospect, Whitney published a ton of music-related content this year. He wrote about 1989 here.
July really did happen now.
Dude bought a monorail and made it into cabins. My man.
Hey, baby, it's the Fourth of July. For good and for bad.
zdadtravel, parts one, deux, and three.
We wrote some good shit about dadding this year. You'd think we were maturing. you'd be wrong. But this from TR was cool.
TR also turned us on to Marcus King. MVP of July, that TR.
RIP Sweetpea.
Our resident Mike Love fan reviewed the douchebag's latest album.
Allagash! With pictures!
August was hot as fuck. Also next as fuck.

That pie is poisonnnnn.
We ran back an all-timer in honor of the Iowa State Fair.
Speaking of state fairs, I made my maiden voyage to Minnesota's.
September, not as hot, just as next.
RIP Lud and Scoop.
And RIP Daniel Johnston.
Baby Yaz gave us the feels.
Our Official Rugby World Cup Preview had length, but not much accuracy. Kinda like Whitney off the tee.
In 987 words, zman made the case for Trump's guilt. Had we not entered Bizarro World three years ago, this would be all she wrote.
Tim Kaine sings the hits.
October, predictably, was next in line.
I haven't done the math, but I'd bet good American money that TR's posted the most about random surgical procedures here in these parts.
In a similar vein, I'm not sure anyone's done as deep a dive on an SNL skit as TR did here. Big start to the month.
The Cowboy Motherfucking Cafe, y'all.
I went to Spain, made one small post about it, tried to write more, ran out of steam.
Finally, at long last, November.

My kid's gonna leave me soon. Not prepared for that.
Our man in the OBX explained the desertification of American news. Sobering shit, this.
Guess who wrote about perineum sunning?
Apropos, I think, that we ended our fiscal year with This Decade in Wrenball.
And so, like sand through an hourglass, so goes another year in our lives. The 15th year of publishing here included our fair share of dipshittery, sober-minded exposition (not very much, but enough that the FCC let us keep our license), filler, and good, old-fashioned camaraderie.
God Bless us every one. Here's to another 15.
That's a lot more content than I remember reading.
Always a fun trip down memory lane. Well done, Robbie.
I assume it's quiet here because everyone is too nervous about tomorrow's Bills game to say anything.
yes, that, WWIII looming, and how the smuggled the ex-Renault CEO out of the country in a musical instrument box
As always, a great recap. I got to hangout with Toughskins for a few hours on Wednesday. Nothing crazy happened, other than getting a commitment from him for OBFT this summer.
Happy New Year.
guys, to help take your mind off the looming WWIII, listen to this 30 for 30 podcast--it's really good. (not as good as the Sterling series, but still really good)
For Diana Taurasi and Sue Bird, life in the WNBA paled in comparison to the lavish treatment they received in Russian professional basketball, courtesy of their team owner and benefactor, Shabtai Kalmanovich. Kalmanovich spoiled his stars, showering them with expensive gifts, luxury hotels, and private concerts — but eventually the two stars would have to confront his shadowy past.
Nice work, Robbie. As always.
But you OF ALL PEOPLE should know that it’s “like sandS through THE hourglass”...
ah, hell
This sober January thing already stinks.
That's an impressive amount of content. Clicks to all of you who keep cranking it out, year after year.
Side note: If you're into Frank Zappa's 1969 album "Hot Rats", the 50 anniversary box set that just came out is pretty heady stuff. I also imagine it'd be torturous if you're not real damn fond of the album.
I’m not in to sober January. I get it for sure, but it’s not for me. I’ll sober it up during the week but I need a few Friday/Saturday drinks.
And by “sober it up”, I mean smoke weed and sleep well Sunday-Thursday.
tribe are six-point dogs in boston against northeastern. we never play well up there. pretty confident you can take the huskies and the points.
Memphis guard Lester Quinones (great name, btw) is trying to bring back the Stockton-esque nut-hugger shorts look. Nobody needs that.
tribe almost blew a late 14-point lead, but nathan knight scored on a tough inside move with 1.1 seconds left to give the good guys a 66-64 win. i have no idea what's happened. 3-0 to start the caa season, all three games on the road. w&m's seven road wins this season are the most in the nation.
Ok, let me get this straight...Two of the best basketball players in the world go and play for a Russian oligarch that pays them huge money and crazy luxury perks. Said oligarch is a convicted KGB spy with a really sketchy past including making a fortune by exploiting cheap South African labor and the blood diamond trade in Sierra Leone.
Isn’t cancel culture supposed to ostracize them for making money that came from such places?
i love end of the year recaps. otherwise, i don't remember shit.
the gym wasn't all that crowded today. i was shocked. there's usually a bunch of new years resolution yahoos clogging up the equipment in early January. i'm happy to see that people have given up.
Sorry Bills fans. As in apologies.
I have a headache. Luckily everyone left me alone to yell at the TV in peace. If the Titans will I’ll be really bummed out.
Z, yours was the only NFL team a GTB staffer roots for to make the playoffs. I think. You were our only hope, Obi Wan. And now this.
Jags (?)
Whomever Teej roots for
Rob’s abstinence
Yes, Jags. Not one gtb'rs team in the playoffs. Seems about right.
Isn’t rob a fugazi Saints fan?
nah, that didn't really stick. i have no nfl allegiance.
Took my daughter (and the rest of the fam) to her first Gator basketball game tonight. Second row behind the basket and a big comeback win. In double OT no less. A really fun and memorable evening.
I was pulling for the Bills for Zman’s sake. Josh Allen had some gawdawful moments late in that game.
Only hope for the night is to see Pats lose and the dynasty come crumbling down.
In other news, my 4th grader had 6 pts, a couple steals and a couple assists in his first travel basketball league game. Kid sometimes freezes in big moments, but had confidence tonight. He spends all his free time dribbling and shooting on the hoop In our yard, and has learned something about hard work.
Josh Allen sometimes plays like John Elway with a concussion. Tremendous arm and good running but too many bad decisions.
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