My hair, as you will see momentarily, was as long as it's been in my adult lifetime when I woke up the morning. You saw evidence last week, and it didn't get any shorter. I might've from carrying the weight of all that hair and product.
I'd long ago grown tired of looking at myself on work video calls and seeing Ed Grimley, I must say. So yesterday, I took a risk.
My eldest daughter ordered barber shears and a comb from Amazon, which arrived on Friday. She watched at least one YouTube video tutorial on cutting men's hair. She's an artistically-inclined kid, talented in a number of visual forms, so I trusted her sense of shape and balance. And I allowed her to cut my hair.
For your enjoyment, a story in six pictures:
I looked like fucking Teen Wolf |
Sexy (from the) back |
Action shot! |
The result, prior to application of product |
Can't do anything about the face, unfortunately |
st. peter now participating in the airing of the grievances. r.i.p. jerry stiller.
Compliments to the amateur cosmetologist. Not too shabby.
I wish I could trust my wife or a kid to give me a trim. I can’t.
I have super-thick hair, so it’s all about creating a gel helmet to keep it under control. Unfortunately, it makes me look like Wolfman Jack.
You guys who still have good moss should just get some clippers and go with the 8 guard. It'll grow back.
we buzzed my son ian. alex won't let us. i do the 2 mm.
thank you for providing pics rob. words couldn't do that justice . . .
I can't convince either of my boys to let me clip them.
Nor can I convince my 14 year old to make his 8th grade grad speech interesting enough to hold the listener's attention.
It's taking every ounce of my self-control to not make a joke about getting trim from TR's wife. Every ounce.
That's really tremendous self control.
can someone follow my "jazz odyssey playlist on spotify? it's groovy
if that ain't a cry for help, i don't know what is
things i learned today: weiija jiang, the cbs reporter who caused giant orange baby to meltdown this evening by - checks notes - being a woman who stood up for herself did her undergraduate work at the college of william and mary in williamsburg, virginia. proud of our fellow alum.
According to Wikipedia, Laura Ingraham has dated broadcaster Keith Olbermann, former New Jersey Democratic Senator Robert Torricelli, political commentator Dinesh D'Souza, and attorney George T. Conway.
That is some kind of list. I never knew George Conway was such a stallion.
Hey h's.
Laura Ingraham is quite the stickwoman. I know someone who dated George Conway in law school and she thought they would get married. That didn’t happen, obviously, and she can’t belive he married Kellyanne instead.
H's, G's, whatever. No glasses, no see.
Well, GTB has one more 50 year old within its ranks as of yesterday. Despite it taking place on a Monday, during the covid, and a full slate today, it turned out to be a pretty good one and well worth it. Can't wait for bedtime though.
Happy birthday, Big D!
having to testify under oath to congress was a godsend for fauci. he could speak freely away from the looming presence of orange poopypants.
Happy Bday Danimal! It only gets better from there...
Happy 50th Danimal!
Wife and I finished second episode of Succession. It’s gonna be hard to stick with this show unless we get one endearing character. I want to punch Kieran Culkin’s character in the face, if only b/c his dialogue is so stilted and unrealistic. And Shiv is awful. And her boyfriend is awful too.
Does it get better? Cameron Frye can only do so much heavy lifting.
And while I’m complaining, there are several bad actors/characters in The Wire in Season 1: Bubs and his heroin buddy are terrible. The Asian female cop is terrible, and the meathead Italian cop is terrible. I know Omar, Stringer and McNulty are the heart of the show, but there is a lot of weak acting/characters going on. Maybe I’d see the same w/ a second viewing of The Sopranos, but I doubt it. I really want to love this show, but I don’t. And I’m 10+ episodes in.
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