My palate has strayed from Dale's modestly-hopped formula to giant mega-dank fare like the Sixpoint Atomic-Res Triple IPA I'm drinking at the moment (It weighs in at 11.8% ABV, which is nice on those evenings when you only feel like having one or three.) Nevertheless, I'll always have a soft spot for Oskar Blues' flagship.
But the good people that brought you Dale's, and such terrific stuff as Mama's Little Yella Pils, Ten FIDY Imperial Stout, and Gubna have done something that I don't think is either wise nor forgivable: they brewed mustard beer.
I really like mustard. And I love beer. For the life of me, I can't imagine the two things combined, unless it's me quaffing a brew after biting into a hot dog. Here's how Oskar Blues describes their beer, brewed in partnership with French's (annotations mine):
"This is mustard that's sipped, not squeezed. [Ew] For National Mustard Day, we created the brightest brewski [Jeah, Bro!] you'll ever taste, perfect for summer barbecues. [It's no Dale's. Or Narragansett Del's Shandy. Or PBR. Or Truly.] It's a semi-tart tropical wheat beer infused with citrus fruits to complement French's Classic Yellow Mustard. [I just barfed.] The flavor includes hints of key lime, lemon, tangerine, and passion fruit to create a tart, refreshing match for the spice and zip of the mustard. [You already used tart once in this copy. Also, key lime and mustard are not flavors that go well together. Which is why I barfed again.] Grab a can and see for yourself. After all, it's mustard o'clock somewhere. [Fuck right off.]"

Umm, yeah, I think I'll pass on that.
We got power back at 845 PM last night. Made a baseball playoff loss easier to stomach.
Older guy has a game in Union, NJ tonight, hometown of possible child abuser Jeffrey Ross. I'll try to investigate the story when I'm there.
This is impressive for a "failing" company:
"The NY Times has more digital subscribers in Dallas-Fort Worth than the Dallas Morning News, more digital subscribers in Seattle than the Seattle Times, and more digital subscribers in California than the LA Times or the San Francisco Chronicle.”
They added 669 K digital subscribers in 2Q20. That number is higher than the combined online readership of the Boston Globe and the LA Times.
yuck, I love mustard but hate tropical wheat beer with mustard in it (I'm guessing)
just put up another post on medium. edited the fuck out of my original blog post. if you can check it out and like it or something, I'd be much obliged . . .
This is real? Yuck.
wayne lapierre, call your office. or flee the country as fast as you can.
The move to dissolve the NRA is stupid. It just makes this a political battle. Why not go after Wayne and his cronies individually and force them to pay restitution for the millions and force them out? You could then claim you are supporting the second amendment while still looking after donors AND financially crippling Wayne. Oh, that’s right, because the NY AG wants to run for governor at some point.
Dissolving the NRA doesn't sound stupid to me. Sounds better than defunding the police.
Defunding the police is stupid too.
Marls is gonna get cancelled for his comments on the NY AG.
dissolving a criminal enterprise isn't a bad idea. the ny ag dissolved the trump foundation, too.
defunding the police is a dumb slogan. demilitarizing the police is what people should be talking about. descoping the police, too - they shouldn't be in the mental health or homeless policy business.
Is the NRA really a “criminal enterprise” or is it just run by crooks. I’m not sure that I agree that the reason the NRA exists is to further criminal activities. This isn’t a mafia social club that exists solely as a front for criminal activity. It has a legitimate goal and carries out those activities. Put Wayne and his buddies in jail...make him sell his home to pay back the cash...but dissolve the organization? I don’t like the NRA, but feels like the AG is doing this because she doesn’t like their political slant. If if the executive director of Planned Parenthood stole several million bucks from the organization, should it be dissolved? I’m sure that mouth breathing republican trolls like Gohmert would say yes but that doesn’t make it right either.
good stuff here. have no idea what is going on w/wayne - where can i get a newspaper around here?
well i don't know about you (with exception to tr) but it's good to see real golf back on, of the major championship type. doucheshambeau's driver just broke. luckily, he can replace it within the round. otherwise, we would have had quite the scene between he and a rules guy.
i think mickelson donning shades is, well, unnecessary.
and some other guy i've never head of is sporting some pretty cool tye die sleds. when in san francisco.
Big no on that beer. On another beer note, I’m. It generally into fruit flavored wheat ales but the Mango Cart from Golden Road is a nice light, refreshing summer beer.
I have really been digging Sunday afternoon PGA golf. We’ve had some fun ones so far. With that said, I did pull a “get the fuck outta here” when I saw an article about Tiger practicing w/ a new putter. That’s a bit much for me.
I like most of the top guys on the tour: DJ, Speith, Fowler, Koepka, Tiger and Finau. And I love Patrick Reed. Always have a soft spot for guys who embrace the villain role.
Quick recap on my 12 y/o’s bonkers conclusion to his baseball season.
Tight semi playoff game. 6-6 heading into top of the 6th. We are the away team. Our opponent (Union) put in a new pitcher - a real meatball - who threw hard and shut us down 1-2-3. He and his catcher walked to our dugout after the inning and started yelling at us. I came out and unloaded on their coaches. They apologized and unloaded on those kids.
We move to bottom of 6th. That same meatball kid (~169 lbs) gets kicked out of the game for intentionally plowing into our 1st baseman on a groundout. He veered out of the baseline to deliver a check. Pandemonium ensues. The kid then has a tantrum in the dugout and the ump makes him leave the field. The kid’s white trash mom then goes ballistic and starts yelling at everybody. She gets tossed too. She won’t leave, so assistant coaches have to get her out of there. Umps almost toss me for leaving the dugout. Game ends shortly thereafter when our catcher airmails a throw to third to catch a kid stealing. After the game, a different white trash Union parent (a dad) lost his shit on their team’s coach, even though they won. Thought I might have to fight my way to the car. Crazy. Glad baseball is over.
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