Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Your Day 12 Extravaganza: List 5 of 12

On the twelfth day of Gheorghemas, Big Gheorghe gave to me

I'm 53. Set in my ways like my ways were long-ago-dried concrete.  I love my life, and I'm used to what I do. It's not to say I am in a strict routine... every day can be a little different, but it's with well worn things like "seeing friends," "watching bands play," "engaging in silly discussions," "watching bad sports teams," "shtupping the missus," or "blogging at Gheorghe." Some more than others.

So what am I toying with adding to the repertoire this year?

1. Shaving my head.
Well, because Day 12 is so late, I already jumped on it! But that's a big one.

So far the comments have been mostly positive, or not terribly negative. Worth keeping it going.

2. Yoga. 
Elaine had a 2023 New Year's Resolution to do yoga most days a week for 30 days. She did it all year long, loves it, and is still rolling. She almost always does hot yoga. Like really hot, from what it sounds like. It may kill me, but I've liked the yoga we've done at home so maybe I'll get hot. Maybe I won't die. 

3. Drinking coffee.
So if I haven't for all my adult life, why would I?

Well, truth be told, I always enjoyed an Irish coffee. And in recent weeks, I've had a couple of medium roast cups with extra cream. No sugar. Pretty good! (It's missing the Jamo, but I guess that's best on weekdays.)

4. Improv.
There's a comedy troupe/theater a few blocks away. Been meaning to try it out for a while. Recently a woman I know did the 6-week Improv class and enjoyed it immensely. I figure if she can, then this old class clown oughta dust off the comedy boots. Right? I'm signed up for a one-off class next week as a starter.

5. Standup comedy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. There's a huuuuuge difference between taking an improv class and getting on a stage to do standup. So yeah, I may chicken out. but I've been working on a little material like I might. We are friends with a couple of folks who do it regularly. Mayyybe....

6. Going to Red Rocks for a show. 
It's on my list. I've been to lost of venues around the country and beyond. It's time. I've even been there during the day when you can come and go (and exercise, which I did not). I gotta go. August features back to back nights with The Head and the Heart one show and the Revivalists and Spoon the next. Perchance...

7. Bonobos Extra Stretch Travel Jeans
I've been a Levi's guy forever. And ever. And then I read something about a different approach. And then I moved in with someone who chuckles at and challenges my fashion. She gave me Bonobos for Christmas. (In blue. Baby steps.) Z was right. Not bad.

8. Learning to play piano.
I know how to play guitar, ever since I was 28 and got lessons. I mean, I know a little, and baby I can guess the rest. I play quite badly, as Dave and Rootsy can attest. But I can play. I have played mandolin and bajo ukulele on songs I recorded. And drums. And keys. All pretty much faking it all the way, a note here and there, a chord here and there, a beat here and there. 

But piano would be a nice thing to learn at my advanced age. My grandfather played his Steinway grand by ear. It was so much fun. We have a stand-up that's on the first floor. My daughters never really take to it through the years. I think it'd be nice for someone to play it. 

9. Screenwriting. 
We discuss this here from time to time. Dave and I wrote a trio of movie scripts in 1998-2002. He read all the books, taught me what I needed to know, and we used now-archaic technology to so-write remotely. Our last one we co-wrote when he was in Syria. 

Our former beach now mountain buddy Bruce is writing a script based on Squeeze, and I have been his mentor. You know, the guy who couldn't get a screenplay made. Doesn't matter -- creative outlets are too few and far between. Let's do this. His incorporates a lot of the band Squeeze into it, and it's great to see his passion. It makes me want to do much more. We shall see...

10. Less drinking and more working out.
Guess how much I weigh? I'm in lousy shape. I need to follow some of the lessons you all have taught herein and get my poundage back down to appropriate. I've been working out a bit this year. Needs... more work...

Drinking really works against that. And I do love it. The social component of it thrills me. But it makes every tomorrow harder. Phew. One to grow on.

11. Another tattoo.
I last got inked on in April 1997. Aspen, CO. Dave got one as well. They were Seuss-themed. Good fun.

Seems like that's enough time to find my essence and go back for #6.

12. Getting hitched. 
I don't love the "whatever I did before" thoughts and chatter, much as I have it coming. I just know one thing: You only need one chance to get it right. For the first time. I love her and our life together. And it's time. 

Here's to new adventures and more lists ahead of me!


  1. Don’t worry. Not getting to 12 today. #10 on this list ain’t happening quite yet.

  2. colorado buffs football schedule was released earlier in the week. check it out, cross-reference with the red rocks calendar and we'll make a road trip of it and see my kid to boot. for example, baylor at folsom field on 9/21, heart at red rocks on 9/22. why does 9/22 ring a bell?

  3. Nice pants! You should get TR involved with the tattoo parlor.

  4. most posts in january since 2021. ruh roh.

  5. Take it easy Whit. This pace seems dangerous.

  6. Nice win in Lexington for the Gators. Beautiful sight watching all those hillbillies leave early in OT.

  7. The missus and I staggered into one of the old haunts. Karaoke night. I’m in the work attire of sport coat, oxford, etc. No worries.

    New guy doesn’t have Goin Back to Cali. Mama Said Knock You Out had to do. And it did.

  8. yes, very. a reinvention of oneself!
    pls provide a few days notice on the open mic night.
    my damp january ends today but am going to keep it going for a week as penance for my pre-planned lapses. 2nd year doing and others got me thinking about it more here (i think tr was the first). last year was hard, this year much easier. it has recalibrated to the positive my drinking habits. sure there's the occasional bender, but they are fewer and farther between. and the evening where i'd have 1-2...i just skip it. it's been a good thing.
    gtb is the sphere of influence and igor is taking it to the next level.

  9. as the bard once sang, "and the hangovers hurt more than they used to". my first damp january was a good thing, and moderation is my friend.

  10. A House bill in the Virginia General Assembly to reinstitute the death penalty has been voted down 6-2 in subcommittee. I'm pleased by that.

  11. that would imply that the commonwealth has some rational republicans, which is something we could use more of.

  12. Whit, this package is beyond impressive (sitter at the net). I haven't been around for the entirety of G:TB, but might it be your magnum gheorgheus?

    Next Gheorghemas, if the finale is your 12 favorite shoes or intersections or afternoon naps, no one should utter a peep.

  13. do not feed the animals, dave

  14. get excited for the dan quinn era, commanders fans. at least this means there's a third head coach in the nfl with w&m ties.

  15. Sounds like OBXD is calling for a rhombus.

  16. working through online first aid training required as a high school coach. friends, there are some *graphic* wound images in this motherfucker and no trigger warnings. i find myself clicking through verrry carefully.

  17. Need a ruling. The missus says that Lloyd Dobler was a major nerd. I say he was a cool dude. Kickboxer, for fucks sake.


  18. righteous dude, friend of the geeks, jocks, stoners, wastoids, band kids, et al.

  19. i don't know the difference between the stoners and the wastoids, if i'm being honest

  20. Pretty cool to drop some FBDO on Lloyd Loyd all null and void

  21. not gonna sell anything bought or processed. totally not working for abe froman, the sausage king of chicago.

  22. the scene where he holds the boombox and plays 'dankeschön'? so choice.

  23. is there an easier job in america than programming comedy central? run repeats of the office, south park, and seinfeld until it's time for the daily show. lather, rinse, all the repeats.

  24. I can think of a few classic comedy episodes they should air

  25. heard on the radio yesterday the kelce brothers podcast has dethroned rogan. the swift effect is real.

    dobler - cool cat.

  26. ain't gonna be no rematch. pour some out for carl weathers.

  27. Damn. I was just moving up the waiting list for his acting classes.

  28. The world will miss Carl Weathers. Really dig that guy.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going.

  29. Adam Sandler’s tribute to Weathers on Twitter is very cool. The first time I ever saw Weathers on screen was Action Jackson. He’ll always be a cop a Detroit cop to me.

  30. The Count of Monte Fisto is the best boxing nickname ever

  31. could work for a porn star as well. 'mornin everyone

  32. big day in the gheorghieverse

  33. So, I'm ready for work tomorrow and avoiding many things I could be doing in my house.
    Since I'm G:TB adjacent mostly, here's my "things I'd carry" for your enjoyment (?) - no pictures (again, G:TB adjacent - if you want pics, the person in charge can direct me to email or something)...

    1. Framed letter from FDR written to my husband's paternal grandfather. Apparently FDR wrote to local parish ministers asking for their take on how people in communities were responding to the new programs implemented recently by his administration, particularly Social Security. We've no doubt a staffer actually wrote it and some admin typed it, but he signed it. No auto-pen back then.
    Interesting how much clergy were held in high-esteem then and that FDR thought they had pulse on citizens/opinions/etc. Pretty cool.

    2. Steinway Grand (6 ft) piano circa 1926-1928 we think. Haven't checked the serial number fully. Belonged to husband's maternal grandfather who was a band director/teacher. Not in great condition as far as cabinet, but plays terrifically well. Husband says we can get rid of it. I say never. Good thing the bag is big.

    3. Bound copy of my dissertation. Nerdy for sure. But reminds me that I can do hard things. Lots of long, tedious hours produced this baby over 10 years, while having also produced 3 children.

  34. 4. Copy of "A Prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving. My favorite novel since I first read it. Always have a copy. Usually 2-3.

    5. Neon sign of Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat. Gift from my first husband. His name was Shawn, and he was many things I wish I could forget, but one of the best was that he was a great gift-giver. He was thoughtful beyond most - he remembered events, things people loved...he learned as a child Dr. Seuss was my most favorite and Cat in the Hat the coolest character ever to me (which is a little funny because I don't really like real cats - I'm a dog girl). This sign is very cool! The neon needs a little work now, but it is about 28 years old now. I still love it and think of him fondly. It's the only thing I have from that time.

    6. Stained glass cross my husband made me for my 30th birthday. It's gorgeous and lovely. I love it and him!

    7. Cedar wood chest, hand-carved (chisels) by husband's paternal grandfather - made for his wife, handed-down to Clark's aunt then sister and now to us. Clark's grandfather pastor was also a master woodworker. Gotta keep the family woodcrafts. Big and heavy but still. There's a set of candle-holders, too, and a picture frame/icon thing with a print by Botticelli (I think) in it.

  35. 8. Artwork by our middle son - he's quite the artist, and I'd bring at least one of his works; it's a sun/moon piece that is in our family room.

    9. I'd bring a recording of our daughter singing (she's got quite the voice).

    10. Picture of our oldest recently taken in Morocco as he's riding a camel. He's with two of his friends, and it is just too cool. Makes me happy to see him happy and adventurous and on the continent of Africa.

    11. Picture of the 5 of us at the Grand Canyon in the evening in 2014, when we asked a guy to take our picture, after we'd had dinner. Turned out he was a photojournalist from NYC. Wow what good photos he took!

    12. Two conch shells - one that our oldest picked up out of the water at Shackelford Banks in NC when he was 6. It's intact and terrific. And the second I just found at OBX this past December. It's about 11 inches long and intact also. OMDL was I excited.

    13. Blenko glass. I have lots of it. I'd choose to bring a classic water bottle vase of theirs. They are an American company that makes their glass in a tiny town called Milton, WV. I think I'd bring the cobalt blue one. It's really art glass, and it's wonderful.

    14. An art picture by my close HS friend's dad. He started painting in retirement, and he gifted me this picture in 2018 one day when we visited them at their beachfront home in VB. I love it. It's kind of whimsical and fun and of trees - I love trees.

    15. There's a photo of our family of 5, my parents, and my sis and her husband and son all at the Grand Canyon as well. I'd bring that. It was very cool for us all to be there together in 2014.

    That's a lot.

    Here's some other news: I've given notice at my job. I preach for the last time there on Feb. 18th. Work through the month (do my last pastoral visits, admin stuff, get out of my office).
    We've learned that my sister needs a bone marrow transplant now. So, things are changing with treatment and such. And our three parents are getting lots older and need things, too. So, I'm traveling a bit for all of that (to Philly area and to NC). I'm being tested to see if I can be a donor. We'll see. The good news is that my sister's medical team believes the best chance to cure her is through this, so on we go.

    I hate cancer. And here's to hoping all of you have better things happening.

    And that you enjoy my "Things They'd Carry List" ~

  36. that's an amazing list, donna. i love owen meany *and* the cat in the hat. sending good vibes to your sister and your whole family. i'm not sure i believe in traditional prayer, but i do believe there's a spirit afoot in the world that connects us all.

  37. good luck with all that donna-- yikes . . .

    and white, that's an impressive list-- if you accomplish half of that you'll be a new man-- coffee and yoga and working out . . . and some screenwriting-- I like four of those things. you need to substitute pickleball for yoga, much more fun.

  38. uh . . . whit. didn't mean to get racist there
