Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Your Day 12 Extravaganza: List 4 of 12

On the twelfth day of Gheorghemas, Big Gheorghe gave to me

I bought none, just so you know.

What? I love Adam Ant. And this goes for $500 from celebrity replica shops!

What? An old toy from my lame youth.

What? I really love Joe Strummer

So bad. 1992 Spring Break. Many bad bad stories.

I don't like the reference to Mean Girls, but I like this:

6. "Mayday Malone" 7" x 10.5" Art Print - $60
He's the coolest. Reminds me of myself.

7. 4k Weeks Poster - $49
To map out my life that I have left.  (Yeah, right.)

8. 1994 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe - $1,100
I wish...

9. Finger Touch Drum Set - $26
Finally drums I can play well! Or likely not.

Only true fans know...

11. Schlitz 12pk-12oz cans - $11.49
I really did try...

Piqued my weird interest.

I didn't even want half of these, but they were in my cart. Problems.

There are many more of these to come. I can't guarantee it won't be 12 More of these later on...

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