Sunday, July 26, 2020

TR is Getting a Tesla

Autoblow is real. I think it's also a real bad idea.

You'll clearly be too distracted to avoid an accident. If you get in an accident will you have a "World According to Garp" situation?

Doesn't this make a mess? How do you clean it? How do you get out of it without soiling your car?

Doesn't everyone know what's going on when they see you carrying it in and out of the car? You obviously can't keep it in the car for everyone to see.

This explains TR's sudden interest in getting a Tesla though. Also in TR's wheelhouse, the same company sells prostate massagers.


Mark said...

Last night’s social distancing happy hour with Greg was a success. I was hammered by the pool with a bunch of friends. About as good as it gets during the time of the rona. Speaking of which, I’m so desperate for sports that I’m watching regular season baseball.

TR said...

Michael Thompson seems like a good dude. Happy to see him win.

Mark said...

I’ll be gone in the Dark is tremendous.

rob said...

outdoor showers are proof that god loves us

Whitney said...

I will second Mark's comment but asterisk it. It's one of the most disturbing documentaries I've seen. It's affected my sleep at least once. Same with my gf. It's incredibly dark. Be forewarned. But watch it if you can.

rob said...

i have the book, but i’m struggling to make any headway because the subject matter is so disturbing

Whitney said...

I like the labels on this post

TR said...

As many of you remember, I put up a post a while back about my 12 y/o's sad sack basketball team. One of the kids (the one who would fart so bad it would disrupt practices for 10 minutes) is on his baseball team. The kid is a good catcher and hits with power.

That kid pissed his pants today. Happened mid-inning, when he was catching. Thankfully for all, a pitching change was needed shortly thereafter. We did a catching switch at the same time, due to an "equipment issue." Fun times tonight in the 92 degree heat.

rob said...

hi gheorghies!

mark schlereth, possessor of three super bowl rings, pissed himself on the field in nearly every game he played. so that kid is in good company.

Dave said...

i'm surprised you had practice. we're going to have to cancel high school practice because of the heat index . . .

TR said...

Dave - do you think high school soccer happens in NJ?

rob said...

virginia public schools have announced that there will be no sports until december, at which point they’ll play winter, fall, spring seasons in a compressed fashion.

rootsminer said...

I wonder if that Va sports news will slow down the marching band practice I've been seeing at my old HS.

Whitney said...

Trump told me that the cold weather will kill the coronavirus

zman said...

I thought it went away like magic in April? I've been drinking bleach and swallowing flashlights to prevent infection.

rootsminer said...

I've just been mainlining Sundrop. Many say it's could cure the virus.

In truth, I've never had a Sundrop, though I once wrote and recorded a song called "Come on Sundrop". It was for a very niche audience.

rob said...

i’m currently conducting an experiment (small sample size, to be sure) to see how persistent daydrinking conveys immunity. wish me luck.

mr kq said...

How many ounces?

rob said...

all of them

Whitney said...

Rob is like 2,000 ounces

TR said...

I weaseled my son back onto a travel soccer team. Just paid $91 for his uniform, which means they'll certainly cancel the season.

rob said...

covid hasn’t been great for my figure pushing 2500 ozs.

rob said...

or at least 2400

T.J. said...

MPJ has some thoughts:

Michael Porter Jr. via Snapchat: "Personally I think the coronavirus is being used obviously for a bigger agenda. It's being used for population control in terms of being able to control the masses of people. The whole world is being controlled."

TR said...

I just realized that when having the option of Dodgers-Astros or Portland-Cincy MLS, I will choose MLS. No crowd noise piped in, so you hear Latino guys screaming “Mira, mira!” a lot.

Dave said...

i just did some math and wrote something about reopening schools. i'd appreciate it if you guys gave it a read and checked my logic, because i might send it to some school administrators i know . . . thanks