Today, Dave Fairbank weighs in from the beach.
Dispatch from the Sandbar:
The Outer Banks and Dare County officials tell us that as of Monday afternoon, there are no confirmed cases of the coronavirus, though a necessary addendum should be, “that we know of.”
Gov. Roy Cooper instructed schools across the state to close for at least the next two weeks, and the county declared a state of emergency that follows guidelines set up by the Centers for Disease Control and the N.C. state Department of Health and Human Services. Gatherings of more than 50 people are restricted, though that measure doesn’t include hospitals, shopping centers, restaurants, offices or grocery stores. There are no travel restrictions.
Folks have begun to self-quarantine and to restrict public movement to necessary trips for food, booze and presumably, toilet paper. Many local events, such as small concerts, food tastings, church gatherings, were canceled or postponed.

A debate sprang up here over the past few days. Of course, it pits public health vs. commerce – no small concern in an area heavily dependent on tourism. Some local businesses and realtors see school and office closures as an opportunity and invite people to visit, and to spend money. The mayor of Nags Head took to Facebook the other day, and while applauding many measures being taken to mitigate the threat, said that inviting visitors “is absolutely contrary to the spirit of the guidelines and common sense. I urge them to reconsider.”

The Outer Banks has a remarkably communal and charitable vibe, understandable given that it’s a sparsely populated coastal space where everyone is handy (present company excepted) and one Big Blow away from being a happy memory. I’d like to think that will ultimately help us endure.
My daughters ate lunch at Tortuga's last weekend, sharing their out-of-market dollars but hopefully and presumably no COVID-19 germs.
It's such a strange time, even for the confusing bizarro era in which we live. Looking forward to some summer fun down that way, Dave. May it be here before we know it, and with limited global and G:TBal anguish 'twixt now and then.
Stringer Bell got that pandemic?!
So did Luther
I'm working from home and at my office some. I did "worship" from my back deck on Sunday on Facebook Live at the church's FB page. A short version. Just me. Weird. This Sunday we're going to do it in the sanctuary - me and the organist and music director. Assuming we're not on mandatory quarantine.
All of this feels surreal.
We have a good friend who is a hospital chaplain, and her reports are awful about what the hospitals are dealing with and facing now. We can't go there to see church members or to nursing facilities. My husband's church member had a stroke two days ago and her husband couldn't enter the hospital even. Hopefully she comes home today.
I got a prayer request from a church member who is a family doc saying one of her colleagues needs prayer because they have tested positive for the virus and is in bad shape. OY!!
Our kids (one in particular!) are giving me hell about making them do anything. I "forced" them to have family movie time to watch "Diehard" of all things. They loved it, though not my daughter so much. She's not much for shoot-em-up. But good fucking grief. And that was before Monday - the first official day of shutdown. After my yelling at them, things are better. Here's to hoping that's all it took!
Carry on friends and stay well, y'all!
nawt tawmmy!
yes! enforced family movie time!
been there . . .
we are watching "better call saul" and "letterkenny" together. and "kim's convenience"
shit just got real in America's Wang:
BREAKING: All Florida bars and nightclubs will shut down for 30 days starting at 5 p.m. Tuesday. The governor has also banned gatherings of larger than 10 on beaches.
My boys are taking their school work pretty seriously, although I catch my older guy watching YouTube on his laptop at times. Wife and I are surprised.
We watched Three Amigos y/day. Does not hold up. I have some David Attenborough wildlife docs saved on the DVR. May dig into those. We may also watch Freaks & Geeks. I was given the DVDs years ago.
They picked up our garbage today. Yippee. No word from the Vietnam Vets Association, who are allegedly coming to get goodwill stuff. I told my wife I was skeptical. She said “they come rain or shine!” I responded “do they come rain, shine or pandemic?” She didn’t appreciate that.
is anyone else day-trading during these troubling times? i've got some really dumb hunches that i'm playing.
I just noticed the La Fogata graphic. Dave, we should have commented sooner on this storied OBX "Mexican joint."
Sing along with me...
♪ La Fogata ♪
♪ They forgot-a ♪
♪ We forgot-a ♪
♪ That they forgot-a ♪
Last year!
no, but we are dave-trading. there's a pretty cool dave in colorado who seems a lot more stable and less weird than the ones we already have.
in fairness, i have no idea if la fogata is the specific place dave referenced, but it is pretty close to his crib, so i made a leap of logic. one very small leap for man.
My kids love the Bad Bean Baja Grill at MP 3.5.
Tawm's gawt haaht.
Update: Dare County not allowing visitors, beginning at 2 p.m. Checkpoints at roads and bridges leading into the county. Residents only. Non-resident property owners need special permits.
Mexican joint I referenced was Plaza Azteca. More varied menu than La Fogata.
And yeah, Whit, Bad Bean is also a personal fave. But Plaz Az is a mite cheaper.
Ah yes, Plaza Azteca. The east coast has 'em from New England to North Carolina, including here in ORF. Good grub; I like the San Jose Burrito.
Gonna have to compile a list of the best types of food that travel well in delivery/pick-up situations.
Ones that typically don't:
- French fries
- Nachos
- anything requiring temperature/doneness precision
Whit, that list...you know what to do. #postcountbaby
calamari, not a traveler
pizza, salad, not together
chateaubriand, probably not
big block of cheese, never tried it
Cheese fries from the Deli to the house - traveler
Cooked BBQ "preservation" technique. This varies by BBQ cut. But before you cut, pull or separate the 'meats' place in cooler wrapped in a towel. Please make sure you've wrapped the 'meats' in tinfoil or covered tinfoil tray before the towel. Keeps everything nice and warm with minimal continued/residual cooking.
Boston Butt - good for 2-4
Ribs - good for 1-2 hours
Brisket - good for 2-4 hours (full brisket not the flat) The flat will dry out faster
Problem with pizza is it steams itself in the box. It’s critical to get it home in less that 10 minutes from taking it off the top of the pizza oven. After that the crust gets doughy.
"First up, Frederick W. Palowakski."
"It's Ogre, you asshole!"
"Ogre, you asshole. Uh, just Ogre."
He was brilliant on First and Ten.
I want to take a slow ride down to La Fogata
+1 for Marls.
Here is a video that provides the timeline of Trump’s comments. We all know this story, but it’s nice to have it in one video.
Very slow if you got no papers
I texted that video to a number of leftists today including rob. It’s remarkable.
yeah, it's remarkable. this whole era is remarkable.
brady as a buccaneer is weird
Gisele will love Tampa.
I’m a little more pumped about Brady than I thought I would be. He’ll have no shortage of weapons.
Squeaky speaks the BBQ truth. Very preservation friendly.
The “peak in six weeks” commentary is sub-optimal. It means spring baseball/soccer is done, b/c nothing will happen until we are well into the back half of the curve.
Local grocery store had milk and eggs tonight. They had very little of either 36 hours earlier. I guess that’s good.
Living the quarantined life means doing a lot of dishes.
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