A couple of weeks into social distancing / quarantining / lockdown, there are going to be some shaggy G:TBers. In lieu of actually seeing each other, here's the latest, both on scruff and day-to-day doings.

The Pic: In the office, overlooking the Elizabeth River. In the background, my birthplace across the river, along with some Naval vessels and the Port; a downtown going mostly unused at the moment, especially that Sheraton behind me.
The Beard: Like TR said, it's getting whiter every day. I could go for a while longer without shaving, but I'll likely be dispense with it after we're back to work full-time. After shearing it into a mustache for a weekend, of course.
The Story: Working from home a bit, but also slipping into the office now and again. Between 0 and 4 colleagues join me there, it's 5 mins from my house, and the rest of this 25-story building is pretty much shut down, so I'm not in close proximity to humans for the most part.
Let's hear more from the Bearded Men (and ladies) of Space Station 11 . . .
The Pic: My new office at home, our lanai. On Day 1 at home, last Wednesday, I situated myself in in the carve-out within our bedroom that serves as our little office space. That was depressing, plus I need to stand throughout much of day. So I moved. I love it and will continue to until the oppressive heat arrives.
The Beard: More gray than dark. My kids like it. It's the only hair on my head that they have seen, or at least remember. I'll keep it as long as I can. It's not robust, a few spots needing fertilizer on either side of my lips.The Story: Haven't been to the office since last Tuesday. Val has the kids doing school work from home though the online routine does not officially begin until next week. No chance our kids go back, but they haven't called it yet. We're all doing fairly well all things considered. The new normal.
The Dog: Roscoe. He hangs with me much of the day.
The Beard: Way more salt than pepper these days, to be sure. Kids like it, wife hates it, but I figure I'll keep it for at least a little while longer. I've trimmed it a little, and taken care of the neck region, so might as well let it reach its full potential.
The Story: I'll be working from home until at least April 24, per my company's policy. Don't tell my boss this, but I've been considerably more productive during this fucked up period than I normally am. I've connected with a number of teammates and colleagues, and I've procrastinated significantly less than I normally do. This particular moment notwithstanding.
The bigger story for me at present, and the thing that I'll probably remember most about this period, is the literal pain in my neck. The MRI showed two herniated discs - C4-C6, if you're scoring at home - and the epidural did fuck all to alleviate my discomfort. Which is a bit more than moderate. The local hemp/CBD store is closed, so alcohol and muscle relaxers it is.
The Pic: At the living room table. It is one of three locations I use as an "office" now. Basement on wet bar, which serves as a standing desk option, and then upstairs in the office/kitten room. Which is nicer than that description indicates. There are three of us here working from home, so we all take a level to start the day, sometimes switching up for the sake of different scenery.
The Beard: The Posehn in the Membrane look is coming back. I've threatened to do a 'stache, but I have a terrible 'stache so I'll just keep this shit beard. I'm so bored I shave the head every day now, so it's got a nice sheen.
The Story: Have been working from home for two weeks and a day now. Doubt we'll go back to work before May. Have not ventured to a store/retail establishment since a Target run seven days ago. Get fresh air by walking the dog during the day, then also wandering aimlessly at night through the neighborhood. Am very perplexed by people who refuse to slightly deviate from their walk to keep six feet between us, especially joggers. What the fuck, assholes? I don't need you cruising by a foot from me when there's an entire fucking road to run on.
The Pic: this is a close-up of TR's face when he was at his grill, cooking up lamb chops for the missus' birthday on Wednesday. The wife was snapping the photo. I would have just appended the whole photo, but I was unhappy with the way the lamb chops were lined up on the grill. I had to audible due to a small grease fire.
The Beard: chin hair is now 69% white. The rest is steadily coming along. I am half Iranian, so I have a swarthy base for facial/body hair. I expect I won't get a haircut again for 1-2 months. I haven't gone more than three weeks in the last few years, so I'm curious to see if my sides will look as grey as they do now when it gets longer.
The Story: things are slow in TR's world. He has been unemployed since mid-February, so he's a full-time teacher to two mostly ungrateful boys. He is drinking a fair bit every night, and is struggling to find an exercise routine. Job search appears to be on hold for a while. TR is a bit pissed at the Saudis and Russia for blowing up the US oil market. Only plus is that 4-5 families do a social distance cocktail hour outside our house. We stand 10'-15' apart from each other and chat in a big awkward oval. Waiting for somebody to call the cops on us.
Alright. Who is next?
The Pic: I got down on the floor with my trusty companion Lola. Thank God for all the entertainment she's provided during this quarantine.
The beard: my usual goatee. It's quite white. I am otherwise clean-shaven-- face and head-- because I like to clean up for the Friday Zoom happy hour with my fellow English teachers. It starts at 2:30 sharp and goes until no one can drink anymore.
Why clean up?
What else is there to do?
The story: teaching English remotely is not so bad, aside from the eyestrain. My Creative Writing kids have been happy to vent. They also loved two podcasts on creative thinking that I posted. If you like music, you will love these episodes.
I am a bit worried about "collecting" 53 six-page Rutgers Expos essay next week. I don't want to grade that many things on a screen, but what can you do? Then we have to figure out how to meet with the Rutgers guy for folder review and all that. Should be a trainwreck.
Still, teaching English and writing classes is a hell of a lot easier than trying to teach science or math remotely. Those teachers are losing their minds. They are used to progressing in an organized manner, grading kids rigorously, and building one concept upon another. Sucks to be them.
The pic: F
rom lunchtime yesterday on my front porch.
The beard: It's been on my face since the fall, and it leaves it this weekend, after a few rounds of creepy facial hair experimentation.
The story: I’m still working, but business has slowed to close to nothing, so we will be cutting hours next week and having some more folks stay home. I’m furiously reading legislative summaries to help inform how I might best deal with this situation. As of today I’ve talked to all my employees and laid out my three main objectives, and nobody’s freaked out on me yet. I’m rationing the booze to every second or third night, and teaching my kids how to properly load and unload the fucking dishwasher.
The pic: On the couch this morning with the pup, Barclay. Spent the morning online with my B-School cohort trying to figure out how to make the last 2 months of an in person, live program not suck too badly while migrating to 20 hours of classes each weekend to on an online format. Who would think that getting 40+ people to agree would be so hard?
I'm also including a bonus photo of me DJ'ing our work happy hour yesterday going K-Billy Supersounds of the 70's style. My daughter does not quite know what to make of the whole thing. The green screen allows for some interesting backgrounds. Highly recommended if you are doing a lot of teleconference calls. Amazon has a wide selection.
Related note, I have two very matter of fact surgeons in my B-school cohort that are on the front-lines of this thing and the picture they paint is not good. Their recommendation to all of us is captured best by this little ditty...
Anyone else?
The pic: F
rom lunchtime yesterday on my front porch.
The beard: It's been on my face since the fall, and it leaves it this weekend, after a few rounds of creepy facial hair experimentation.
The story: I’m still working, but business has slowed to close to nothing, so we will be cutting hours next week and having some more folks stay home. I’m furiously reading legislative summaries to help inform how I might best deal with this situation. As of today I’ve talked to all my employees and laid out my three main objectives, and nobody’s freaked out on me yet. I’m rationing the booze to every second or third night, and teaching my kids how to properly load and unload the fucking dishwasher.
The pic: On the couch this morning with the pup, Barclay. Spent the morning online with my B-School cohort trying to figure out how to make the last 2 months of an in person, live program not suck too badly while migrating to 20 hours of classes each weekend to on an online format. Who would think that getting 40+ people to agree would be so hard?
I'm also including a bonus photo of me DJ'ing our work happy hour yesterday going K-Billy Supersounds of the 70's style. My daughter does not quite know what to make of the whole thing. The green screen allows for some interesting backgrounds. Highly recommended if you are doing a lot of teleconference calls. Amazon has a wide selection.
Related note, I have two very matter of fact surgeons in my B-school cohort that are on the front-lines of this thing and the picture they paint is not good. Their recommendation to all of us is captured best by this little ditty...
Anyone else?
Houston, we have a problem. I posted my section and saw it on-line for a minute. And then it disappeared and Rob's section showed up. And now Rob's section disappears when Danimal's shows up.
When does our Help Desk analyst Teej get to the office?
oh no. probably too many cooks in kitchen.
yeah, i just had to rewrite my section. tanks fer nuttin, danny.
oh, im here, just watching you fools attempt to post
did you say... too many cooks? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrGrOK8oZG8
New season of Ozarks!
that show is poor man's "breaking bad." there's something off about it-- i had to quit.
I stopped Ozarks in the first episode of Season 2. Hate to say this, but I agree with Dave. The old "how are we gonna get out of this pickle" routine ran old. And Laura Linney looks like Bateman's mom.
people rarely agree with me. but it was weird with that show. it was shot well and the acting is good, but i just didn't buy a word of it. the plans and characters seem half-baked.
better call saul, on the other hand, is killing it right now.
Can't say the same about "Too Many Cooks" - it's a must watch. Looking forward to plugging back into Ozarks. I'm a fan regardless of what the COVID infected think.
It's time to have a social distance Happy Hour. I'm bout to go cray. Having a virtual HH w/the folks in my office today at 330. Should be interesting. It's not outside the realm that our "payroll specialist" shows up in a bikini top. I wonder if I should preempt that. Fuck it...let it ride.
went on a little run run in the hood at lunch time. as i approached a young mom and her two kids, i veered well off the path, 15' if it was an inch. i guess that wasn't enough. she pulled her kids close, an arm around each of their shoulders and turned their backs towards me as i ran by. i did have clothes on by the way.
on that note - my selfie pic attire includes crocs and nothing else below the waist.
Whit, I just sent you my beard selfie. I plan to photo document the various stages of sketchy looking facial hair this weekend on my trip back to a clean shaven mug.
After a huge amount of recs in the last week, the wife and I dug into Tiger King on Netflix. Holy crap, it’s addictive.
Anyone else ventured into the 17 minute Dylan tune that dropped yesterday? Pretty heavy dirge vibe, but I dug it on first listen. He's got a way with the words that would make clarabenet90 comment on his webblog.
Chocolatey seventies goodness! Those seats could not be any better.
And a cheaper Bronco option for Danimal.
i liked tiger king but think it could have been a 90-minute doc. it gets repetitive. definitely netflix trying to milk the tiger/redneck footage to th emax
just added my pic (and didn't fuck up the font and stuff!)
Rootsy's been added as well. Sorry for the sluggish response time, my man.
This is our truly laziest virus day. Kids earned it after working hard all week. Wife still asleep, and the rest of us all in jammies. We finished Wrestlemania 30 and my 6th grader is digging into his new favorite show - Ghost Adventures. It’s a painful reality show on Travel Channel. My kid thinks everything on the show is real.
I want to have him watch a terrifying movie to scare him out of this phase. This show is even dumber than pro wrestling.
Blair Witch seems real and could scare him good.
John Wick 3 is on. It got me wondering something, so I googled it.
John Wick has now killed a total of 299 people on-screen. That's more than the combined total of Jason Voorhees in all the Friday the 13th movies and Michael Myers in all of the Halloween movies.
First time ever seeing Rootsy. And Dave's dog. I'd hang with those guys.
Experienced first zoom happy hour yesterday...I think we need some tips, protocol.
rootsy! i didn’t recall the top of his head looking that smooth, but that might be because he had a hat on for the entirety of last year’s obft. i shall effort a photo of my hound.
Is it just me, or do Rob and TR look a bit smug about all the hair up top?
We've been having Friday night zoom happy hours with my wife's family on Fridays. My bro in law sells medical supplies, and told us any ventilators they produce beyond the orders they've already received have to be sold to the federal govt. I hope they'll be fair and competent in efficiently getting them to where they're most needed, but I have my doubts.
I still have 99% of the hair on my head. Only one receding part. Unfortunately, I couldn’t unleash the power of my fro in college due to the US Army.
Rootsy is morphing into McWhinney.
I was going to say the same thing. Finkle is Einhorn.
Duke-Kentucky on CBS sports network. And the 2013 NBA finals on NBATV. Game 6 (Ray Allen shot) up next.
MLB Network showing the 86 NLCS.
Medium shady Saturday night has begun here, and phase one of beard shearing is complete. If anyone wants updated pics for the post I’ll send them along. Chin is bare now, so fewer of those pesky white ones.
Dammit, Marls. This NLCS goes until 1am. Welp, there went my day.
Laettner just stepped on Aminu Timberlake.
I saw that. This game is the starter kit for hating Duke.
at least the weather is crap up here . . . makes me not as sad that my Brooklyn bar crawl was postponed.
added an action shot of my doggo
Dave, I’m drinking one in your honor today. Bummed about the cancelled crawl. We really had a crew coming. We'll do it later.
Watched Duke-UK s conference half. Drilled my kid in basketball for an hour (she housed her Mom in HORSE). Made her sit and eat chi the last 7 minutes of 2013 NBA Finals Game 6 with me. Now in the pool with the kid.
Nice Marls addition to the post. Though he didn’t discuss his facial hair.
News flash: Found some old papal ballots in the garage freezer. Hoo boy. It’s a Saturday Night Special, as Ronnie sang.
Speaking of papal ballots, the local dispensaries are rolling out the deals. Bout to reup in a major way this week.
I ran thru pen oil when Massachusetts stopped selling them. All we have left is old edibles.
Sounds like Mark and I are good. Good luck to the rest of you scavengers.
I stopped shaving tonight once I got down to a nice wraparound ‘stache. It’s hot as hell here and I’m walking around the house shirtless looking like a real creep. Good times.
what is our water bill going to look like this quarter?
8.5 x 11 inches, folded horizontally in thirds. probably some print and some graphics.
that's good stuff.
can we do some kind of photo weigh-in and see how gheorghies fare weight-wise during the quarantine. i'm in a crazy battle of working out and eating/drinking. i think the latter will win
i've been drinking too much, and the disc issue has limited my ability to exercise and led to some muscle atrophy, but i've been eating really healthily and my weight is the lowest it's been in about two years. so keep drinking, i guess.
I haven’t had a drink in at least a month. Getting a buzz would only make these circumstances worse.
Seriously Zman, I’m starting to lose respect for you.
new post up. we can continue our analysis of zman's absurd position there.
I’ve had at least five drinks a night for 3+ weeks. But I’m locked into a keto diet - eggs, bacon, sausage, steak, cheese, salami, chicken, almonds, veggies and low sugar chocolate. That’s been a big help.
I ordered an ab wheel. It arrived y/day. I have very sore abs today. That device is a killer. I have adjustable dumbbells that range from 5-52.5 lbs. I also have an old rectangular coffee table that is my makeshift bench for some stuff. Running has not gone great and I don’t have a bike.
I think I’m gonna organize my attic this week.
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