Monday, December 19, 2011

The Twelve Days of Gheorghe-mas: Day Six

On the sixth day of Gheorghe-mas, Big Gheorghe gave to me...

Six Bits Worth Reviving
Five Awesome Gifts
Four Smokin' Rock Chicks
Three Blogging Concepts (Sports, Drinking, Elitism)
Two Footie Stories
And a Doofus on a Pony

So, I almost ruined Gheorghe-mas. It's true. There hasn't been a Gheorghe-mas post in six days. I could make excuses, blame work, general apathy, a Reddit addiction (no chance Dave knows what Reddit is)...but I won't. I honestly couldn't figure out what to write about. No, rob, it's not rocket surgery, but I certainly didn't want to give a lackluster effort during the Gheorghe-mas season. Would I waste your time with six youtube clips? How many "Muppets rapping" videos are out there? As I whined about blogger's block in the car, @baconbaking even suggested doing six goose recipes (who's up for some Goose Balls) for Day Six, in homage to the original lyrics to "12 Days of Christmas". Well, I didn't do any of those. Instead, I chose to use my Day Six forum to suggest the editorial staff bring back some (fleeting) moments of G:TB brilliance. I give you six theme posts we need to bring back in 2012...

No. 6: Adopt A Rookie/Adopt A Team
Given we have to root for the William and Mary Tribe, arbitrarily adopting another team allows us perhaps the chance to root for a successful season. Though, given the well-documented G:TB Curse, whoever we picked is doomed to collapses. And quickly. I also liked that we stepped into the rookie adoption game, and welcome a return to this virtual human trafficking.

No. 5: G:TB Celebrates America
I mean, we're not communists (well, Dennis is a bit of a fascist), so why the hell hasn't this returned already. Enough about people's beach homes. Let's get a report on Branson, MO. Hell, let's get a post on Bronson, MO while we're at it.

No. 4: Ask A...
Don't want to give Dave a bigger head than he already has, but I thoroughly enjoy these question and answer sessions. The pool of potential answerees (is that a word?) is unlimited. Time for Summer Dave to become Winter Break Dave and craft one of these columns. Maybe we can get a list of new year's resolutions from Mr. Matthew Clemmens?

No. 3: Know Your Minor League Mascot
I believe it all began with a post about the Richmond Flying Squirrels (and rightfully so, they are a tremendous mascot). We need more of this, and not just baseball-related. I believe Virginia Tech beat North Florida last night (is that even a school) and their nickname was the "Ospreys". What's the deal wit that? rob, see, this is what the reader(s) is/are dying to know. I also like that we were able to include Jamie Farr in the G:TB historical archives via this feature.

No. 2: What The Kids Are Watching
No, really, I actually care what Dave's students and rob's daughters are watching on television. Hell, we can even branch out and see what sort of Skinemax danimal is watching weekend late nights.

No. 1: The Ghoogles
It has been quite awhile since we searched the world wide web to see what key words led folks to G:TB. This is #1 on the list because, well, I usually do this one...and it gave us the ridiculous "Alfonso Ribeiro Shirtless" google search claim to fame.

Just missing the cut: Anything large hadron collider-related, Bite Me Randy Newman (there can be only so much rob stuff), follow-up to the Jack Urbont situtation


  1. North Florida is indeed a real college. It's in Jacksonville. Which means it's actually in north Florida, unlike the University of South Florida. Close to half my graduating class went to North Florida.

  2. UNF is a rapidly growing instituion here in....eerr, ah, north florida. it's not a bad campus though it's more of a commuter school at the moment. thay have some decent facilities. Danimal gets his swim on there on occasion. One UNF athlete is one Joey Marino, Danny's boy who plays on the golf team. There are frequent Dan sightings up here as he likes to come visit and watch his boy play gawf. And now you know.

  3. TJ, how did the Barney Frank pic I sent you yesterday not make this post? Disappointing...

  4. The pic Geoff is referencing:

  5. That was on the House floor yesterday...where it was apparently quite cold.

  6. we adopted a team about three weeks ago. thanks for reading.

  7. Oh, really, I had no dipshit.

  8. there's just no way i'm making that much effort any time soon.

  9. Am currently at Jiffy Lube watching the news. There is a Neti Pot warning....something to do with an amoeba. Neti of the many things I have learned through my gtb visits. Thanks GTB!

  10. Am currently at Jiffy Lube watching the news. There is a Neti Pot warning....something to do with an amoeba. Neti of the many things I have learned through my gtb visits. Thanks GTB!

  11. Hey danimal, you at Jiffy Lube?

  12. Did I write in a stuttering fashion?

  13. i did not know what reddit is, and now i do, and i wish i didn't.

    hopefully, like my affair with "stumble upon," my fascination with it will be brief.

  14. Dave, have you attempted to navigate tumblr yet?

  15. winter break dave will certainly craft a new q and a. that picture of matthew clemmens always makes me giggle.

  16. haven't done tumblr yet-- i would, but i'm sneaking out of work early to go to costco. bite me chris christie!

  17. I'm pretty sure Barney Frank's nipples were photoshopped into that screencap ... which was indicentally taken at 4:20.

  18. Do I need to look up that word or is it a typo?

  19. So Bill Conlin's a kid toucher too? Sweet fancy moses.

    I'm not gonna lie...I played a ton of youth sports, and I'm starting to get a little insecure that no one ever found me attractive enough to molest.

  20. Zman, they were not...watched it live...they are real, and spectacular.

  21. So, um, this...

  22. His name was Robert Paulson.

  23. man, i already despised bill conlin. is there an emotional level below 'despise'?

  24. My mother sent me to a sleepover in middle school that my local Lutheran church sponsored. The pastor in charge of the church and the sleepover was this guy:

    Unfortunately, my (pear-shaped) nubile body didn't appeal to this guy.

  25. One more note - make sure to read the end of the article, which talks about why he had to resign from the church. He did that at an adult book store 2 miles from his church. Classy.

  26. I know the Zman is into trendy shoes. So this site might come in handy:

    Although I think I could swear Scotty Mac had a pair of these at Unit M:

  27. rob, I believe it's called "santorum."

  28. "man, i already despised bill conlin. is there an emotional level below 'despise'?"

    Yes..."the cowherd level"

  29. i think neti pot education was sentence of dave, but i'll check to be sure.

  30. neti pot was SoD and i read the article-- i'm never using it again.

  31. my apologies. yes, it most certainly was sod. thanks SOD!

  32. Beef O'Brady's Bowl is back. The place is electric.

  33. Geoff - I too am a little am getting a little insecure at the lack of passes made tame as a youth. Not only did I participate in nearly every sport available, I was also a long time altar server in the Catholic Church.

  34. ditto what mark said, but do foot massages count?

  35. Don't be tellin' me about foot massages. I'm the foot fuckin' master.

  36. i like this "reddit" thing. it's the front page of the internet.

  37. one more thing to keep me totally unproductive. thanks gtb. or was it sod?

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