Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twelve Days of Gheorghe-mas: On the 7th Day

If we didn't get a seventh day up soon, I feared Gheorghe-mas might be headed the way of Chrismukkah (look how confused Whit is in the corner). So in attempting to save Gheorghe-mas I asked the editorial staff what they'd like to see from my go-to source of content/filler...

On the seventh day of Gheorghe-mas
Big Gheorghe gave to me
Seven clips you-tubing
Fiiiiive(ish) feeeet of height
Three Richmond wins
And a fat guy in a jer-sey

Mark might have been granted two clips, but he had to get all mouthy:
"I'd prefer both but I know you are a busy and important man who's flooded with literally tens of requests for content per month."

I was sent two excellent commercial choices (well, actually three, but we'll get to that in a moment). This one just beat out the Avis "I stack cheese" ad.

Whit was really excited about this one, something about we should have more sports on this blog. I don't know, I wasn't really listening.

Dennis went fresh and topical.

Rhymo-O really brought it with this, well, I don't know what this is actually.

And on this seventh and glorious day of Gheorghe-mas, how else could we finish?


  1. I think it only fitting I just trumped rob's youtube "post" with a post of seven youtubes.

    I love it when a plan comes together.

  2. That Ernie & Bert clip is visual crack. Good call, Mark.

  3. MOP + Bert & Ernie = Comedy gold.

    Plus, the amount of effort it took to sync up that Bert & Ernie clip is not to be discounted. I really like the idea of some guy spending an entire afternoon doing that.

    But TJ, I have a feeling Ric Flair is a bit upset with you. I wouldn't want to have to deal with an enraged Nature Boy...wooh!

  4. I thought Rhymos's clip more than covered our wrestling needs for this post.

  5. The Bert and Ernie clip is replete with copyright violations. I hope PBS doesn't track down the guy who made it.

  6. Of course you think that TJ. The Naitch, however, is not so easily satisfied.

  7. Hey Moose, Rocco, help Bert and Ernie find their checkbook.

  8. You guessed it, this happened in Florida:

    PLANT CITY, Fla., Dec. 15 (UPI) -- Authorities in central Florida say two men are charged with armed burglary after allegedly demanding only a metal eggbeater from their victim.

    The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said deputies arrested Robert Eugene Thompson and Taurus Deshane Morris after they allegedly entered a Plant City home -- Thompson allegedly armed with a knife and Morris allegedly with a chrome pistol -- early Sunday and demanded the victim's chrome eggbeater, The Tampa (Fla.) Tribune reported Monday.

  9. You know eggbeater is Florida slang for meth, right?

  10. Nope. I learned something new today.

  11. Vince McMahon took wrestling to a glorious, ridiculous, entertaining place in just a few years after his father died. I don't care what anyone says, Vince is a genius. Amanda Vanderpool
