Wednesday, December 04, 2024

'Tis the Season: Gheorghemas, Day 1

Gheorghies, it's officially go time once again on your favorite faux holiday...

On the first day of Gheorghemas

Big Gheorghe gave to me...

Much needed hip mo-bili-ty


rob said...

it's the most wonderful time of the year!

Danimal said...

happy for teej's new hip. not happy that he's one of a few friends of the same age that has replaced key body components in the last year. we're 50 years olds getting hip and kne replacements when we were kids?

rob said...

to say nothing about how high his belt is, danimal. that's elite old man shit.

T.J. said...

Unfortunately, this hip has a long history leading to last Tuesday's replacement:
- dislocation at 14, spent entire freshman year of high school on crutches to not fuck it up more
- six years ago, break it - three screws inserted
- five years ago, surgery to take one of the three screws out

In the past year, the only greater collapse than this hip was Aaron Rodger's legacy

T.J. said...

oh, and that belt was to catch me if i got too speedy in the walker or fumbled on the stairs, as one does

zman said...

Looking good Teedge! Did you drop some ell-bees before the surgery?

T.J. said...

the only good thing that came out of that pandemic was I lost some solid ell-bees (and have more or less kept them off)

Whitney said...

Teedger is a hip, hip, hip man, man. Godspeed back to full strength and enjoy the Gheorghemas miracle!

rootsminer said...

Go on, Teejus!

OBX dave said...

Steady rolling with your new hip, T.J., though it seems an extreme measure just so that you can evaluate handicapped and differently-abled features and compliance on public transportation.

rob said...

tribe laid the wood to uva-lynchburg. i have no idea what that is, but it seems good.

rootsminer said...

There’s a UVa Lynchburg? Sounds like more of a scam than liberty.