On the third day of Gheorghemas
Big Gheorghe gave to me...
Three Ways of Coping
Stories from two three strokes
And much needed hip mo-bili-ty
It's been 37 days since the United States of America elected That Fucking Guy President once again. This is not a post seeking to understand the logic of the whole thing, or parsing exit polls, or demanding the scalp of various Democratic electoral consultants (though whoever decided to stop letting Timmy Walz call 'em weird should be covered in honey and set atop an anthill). Nope, this is a post that realizes there's not much to be gained by complainin', and offers one man's keys to coping for the next four years.It ain't much, but it's something. Taking some agency helps. So here are three categories of actions I hope to dig into and a few things I've already embarked upon.
I'm hopelessly, terminally online. I seek news, analysis, context almost to a fault. In general, I think being an informed citizen is a good thing. At present, though, too many things I read/see/hear make me wanna break things. So I'm working on refining my information diet with an eye towards balance and sanity.
I subscribed to ProPublica, a nonprofit journalistic enterprise focused on stories in the public interest. I find it journalistically sound and editorially ambitious, and generally untethered from mainstream American news' bowl-circling addiction to both-sidesism and clicks.
I've also been watching a shitload of documentaries if I'm not watching sports or Food Network stylings. Appreciate the inputs from Team Gheorghie.
Your boy has upped his yoga game even more since the election, in addition to making more of an effort to get some weight and cardio work in. It certainly helps.
Historically, I've talked a lot of shit without walking very much of it in terms of things political activist, or even community engagement. I greatly admire the works Marls and Mrs. Marls do in the community, and I think there's some karmic good to be found in engaging.
I donated to Side by Side, which is a Richmond-based nonprofit "[d]edicated to creating supportive communities where Virginia’s LGBTQ+ youth can define themselves, belong, and flourish". My kid is a counselor at the organization, which supports a marginalized community that's gonna need all the help it can get over the next few years.
I'm also making plans to attend the People's March on Washington just prior the next Presidential Inauguration. It's symbolic, for sure, but as I see more and more Democratic leaders bend the knee and comply in advance (Fucking Fetterman just called for Trump's 34 fraud convictions to be pardoned!) I think the least I can do is show up and be counted. My kids and I attended the March for Our Lives in 2016, and I was moved by the energy of the people. I want to be viscerally reminded of that power.As I said, it ain't much. But it's better than giving in and giving up. Here's hoping Day Four is a bit more dipshitterish.
That’s something. Coping advice and good examples of it are what many of us need for the next few years. Keep on keepin’ on.
Mark, enjoy Winston. Top of the hill downtown is a cool stretch. Recreation Billiards.
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