Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Lovely Human Tricks

I don't think much of Ed Sheeran. Or rather, I don't think about Ed Sheeran very often. His music is inoffensive and toe-tappy, if a bit slight, though he's clearly a talented vocalist. In general, his stuff just isn't in my musical wheelhouse. Galway Girl is kind of a bop, though

It occurred to me today when I saw an Instagram post from Sheeran that nearly every time I see something about him on the interwebs, he's doing something that shows sincere humanity. For instance, he cut this video to celebrate his boyhood football club's return to the Premier League (he's a 1.4% owner in Ipswich Town, known as the Tractor Boys):

His fan interactions seem genuine and lovely, as well, as you can see in this video where he surprises a young singer performing one of his songs:

All of which brings me to the video I saw this morning, where he serenaded a jogger who happened to be running along a canal where Sheeran was filming a video onboard a boat. Check it out:

The young jogger in question, who's named Nikki Atkins and is a teacher in London, spoke about her experience with the BBC. In all, just a lovely moment from a guy who seems to specialize in such things. Since Dave Grohl has stepped on a banana skin recently, we may be in the market for a new good human celebrity.  


rob said...

woj bomb!

zman said...

If you were that guy, why wouldn't you be this way? He has all the money he will ever need, and he has a license to print more simply by strumming his guitar and singing. What could he have to be pissed about? He should be out in the world, being happy and making others happy.

Whitney said...

Apparently he stuttered quite a bit as a child, and he's been really open about it. Helpful to others. Seems like a good lad.

Marls said...

Zed - you could ask the same of many who don’t act the same.

Jamboni said...

Zman - I often think about this. When Im on a day off from work and free of my other responsibilities, i behave as if i have no trouble in the world. Im saying hi to everyone on the street, letting people go in front of me at the supermarket, dricing slow in the right lane. All i can think about is how much retirement is going to suit me when i can afford it in 28 years or so.

Professor G. Truck said...

what happened to dave grohl?

Professor G. Truck said...

affair with a porn star? seems in the rock ballpark . . .

Mark said...

Whit- thanks for approving the rest of the week off for me. Feel free to email my bosses. While I actually do plan to work the rest of the week, I also plan to do fuck all (outside of the going to the gym) on Saturday and Sunday.

rootsminer said...

The car my oldest kid drive is named “Eddie” due to its’ stereo’s unusual propensity to play his music.

rob said...

his car is haunted by ed sheeran? huh.

Mark said...

I listened to the Rewatchables for John Wick yesterday and I'm pretty sure I'm going to make my family watch John Wick this weekend. God, I love that movie.

rootsminer said...

Eddie the car still belongs to me, though I've offered to give it to him many times. It's a 2008 subaru legacy sedan with manual tranny. Pretty fun car to drive.

rob said...

"manual tranny" hits a little different in 2024 than it used to

rootsminer said...

Depends on which seat you're in

Whitney said...

Not a "manny tranny?

rootsminer said...

That's a completely different animal, I'm told.

Whitney said...

I assume Dave googled Dave Grohl to find out the saucy scandal. But with Dave, you just don't know.

rob said...

i didn't answer his question because sometimes it's better to teach a man to fish

Whitney said...

Rewatchables also did the movie Night Shift recently. Very different movie from John Wick, but I always liked it.

rob said...

i'd rewatch a john wick x night shift mashup

T.J. said...

might be a lil filler as a treat posted