Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Hurricane Filler

On Friday, with Hurricane Hilary bearing down on southern California, the New York Times ran the following headline and image:

Sandbags are a good idea if you want to mitigate flooding, but you need enough of them to build a wall against the rising water.  The car in that photo is a BMW Z8, a roadster manufactured from 1998 to 2003.  Only 5,703 were made and they currently sell for around a quarter of a million dollars.  And they have about five cubic feet of cargo room.  This is not the car I would select to haul sandbags, but I guess that's how they do it in SoCal.

I waited to post this until after the hurricane passed--luckily it wasn't too bad so I am comfortable with my snark.  In the future, Californians should review our wealth of hurricane-related content to prepare for wet weather.


Marls said...

Zed’s hurricanelogue for Irene is one of my favorite G:TB posts of all time.

zman said...

That might've been the first appearance of Marlsette. Probably the only reference to black truffle oil in GTB history.

rootsminer said...

At least there's no roof to keep you from stacking those sandbags really hiiiiigh...

rob said...

i feel like marlsette is a bit too plebian for her. i think lady marls more befits a woman of her class and grace. though she is lacking in taste in partners.

zman said...


Whitney said...

…[awkward confusion]…

rob said...

they're both consenting adults, whit. none of your business.

Marls said...

My better half and child are a kindergarten orientation right now, both clad in Lilly Pulitzer so I understand the reasoning behind Lady Marls. However, I think her youthful spirit would lead her to prefer Marlsette - also, it sounds vaguely French, which, like me, carries extra weight.