Friday, July 01, 2022

Looking For Literate Guests (in all the wrong places)

I've got my new podcast up and running. It's called We Defy Augury (I stole that line from Hamlet) and the premise is simple: thoughts inspired by literature. 

In a world dominated by screens, social media, and endless digital entertainment, reading is perhaps one of the last ways to maintain some sliver of autonomy over your consciousness. I've read a lot of books, but where do the thoughts go? I can't remember a tenth of what I read. Or what I thought about what I read. So the podcast is an attempt to capture some of this cognition. And I'm looking for guests. I think I could do it over Zoom-- but you'd need some kind of USB microphone to capture the sound clearly. The format is foolproof-- you read a couple passages from a book you like and talk about what the passages made you think about. 

I'm going to continue to pump out solo episodes, but I'd really like to have some guests: so start reading something good. And I'd appreciate any likes, follows, etcetera to get this thing up and running. It's definitely up on Apple Music and Spotify, not sure if it's on Google Podcast yet (it should be). 



rob said...

i wanna talk about this:

single best piece of sportswriting i've read. can i be your sports-lit correspondent?

Dave said...

absolutely! and if there any big words in the article, I can help you sound them out . . .

Whitney said...

Wow, what an article. I’d never read that.

I don’t quite understand “Curt Gowdy, the Red Sox radio and television announcer, who sounds like everybody’s brother-in-law…” but I like it.

And the bit “while the shortstop did a breathtaking impersonation of an open window” is exquisite.

Whitney said...

And Dave, this is cool. Eager to tune in.

Mark said...

I'd be happy to join. As long as you don't mind nonfiction.

Whitney said...

Happy Bobby Bonilla Day, Marls.

rob said...

i just used 'we're on to cincinnati' as the theme for a message to my leadership team regarding the rest of the year. i'm either a genius or an insane person. time will tell.

T.J. said...

Baby, if you've ever wondered,
Wondered whatever became of me,
I'm living on the air in Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, WKRP.

Whitney said...

You can claim Crockett/Tubbs, Starsky/Hutch, Ponch/Jon, or the Duke Boys, but I say Venus Flytrap and Dr. Johnny Fever are as cool a TV duo of the 70’s and 80’s as they come.

zman said...

Magnum and Higgins.

Professor G. Truck said...

i am also big on non-fiction. happy to entertain anyone who reads something other than twitter . . . although a reading of a bunch of selected twitter tweets might be an interesting episode

zman said...

I feel like Dave is daring us to do this. "Please, come on my podcast and talk about literature. Yes, I teach college-level literature courses but don't worry, you won't look like a fool trying to hang with me."

zman said...

rob, the single best piece of sportswriting you've ever read is David Foster Wallace's tennis article from the NY Times Magazine in 2006. I even said it's "better than Updike's piece about a lyric little bandbox."

If I went on Dave's podcast I would read Updike, by the way. I wish I could write like him.

Whitney said...

Higgins was not cool!!

zman said...

No but Magnum is so fucking manly that he compensates for Higgins.

Whitney said...

Maybe Magnum and TC

rob said...

don’t tell me my business, z

Mark said...

Teej is getting a lot of mileage out of todays Brian Windhorst memes and I’m thoroughly enjoying it.

Whitney said...

Thinking about when Teej was a burgeoning star here at GTB is like reminiscing about when Pedro Martinez was an Expo. Sigh…

Marls said...

Bailey Quarters. Yum.

Marls said...

Dave’s self promotion is second to none. It’s stunning how predictable it is. Z, please go on Dave’s pay attention to me show…it wil definitely improve the discourse by 69%.

rootsminer said...

Saying "yum" about a human makes you seem like a cannibal. Just sayin'...

Dave said...

i'm sorry you're so angry marls. perhaps you could read a self-help book and then come on the podcast.

anyway, to assuage zman's skepticism-- the point of this thing is NOT to do literary criticism-- I don't know shit about that. it's more: you read something and you have some interesting thoughts-- about the piece you read or not, could be totally tangential-- it reminds you of a story or whatever. you read a bit of the thing you read and then talk about what came to mind. that's it. much simpler than "the test," which was a pain in the ass to record.

Whitney said...

I listened to both episodes and got something out of each of them. I am not much of a science fiction guy, so the second one wasn’t as resonant to me as the first, but they’re both good.

Marls said...

All in good fun Dave - that comment came off way more dickish than intended. Sorry about that.

Marls said...

As for the Bailey Quarters comment, I think Yum conveys just the right amount of Herb Tarlekian 1970’s lechery.

Dave said...

thanks whit!

no worries marls. when you beg me to be a guest, I won't even bring it up.

rootsminer said...

Literary reaction from Marls, on a podcast hosted by Dave - Yum?

Mark said...

Yum Yum?

rob said...

on the one hand, i love watching zion play. on the other, i think committing $191m over five years to him is professional suicide for a gm. maybe the pels had no choice, but that’s such a massive risk.

Whitney said...

Kyrgios seems like a douche. Reading all the things he said today, and his past infractions of spitting at people and being a prick… seems like I’ll be rooting against him hereafter.

rob said...

megadouche. rooting disinterest well chosen.

Dave said...

yeah, i was using my rooting power to make him lose, but obviously my rooting powers have waned

Whitney said...

Not the least of his infractions involves a heavy reliance on calling people bro

Mark said...

I was also rooting against Kyrgios but I have to say I was impressed with how he finished the match. He clearly got into Tsitipas’ head and then seemed to get stronger as the match wore on. He’s so talented. Too bad he’s such an immature prick.

As for Zion, letting him walk for nothing is professional suicide. If he wants to resign, you sign him. For the asset alone. they’ll be plenty of teams desperate to bring him on when he’s ready to leave. Look at the hauls of picks and young players the Pelicans got from both the AD and Jrue deals. They’ve built a nice young team with that. They can do the same with Zion.

rob said...

that's a fair point, mark. i agree they had no choice. and i really hope he balls out. but it'd scare the hell out of me to sign that contract as the gm.

Mark said...

I definitely agree that his injury history and seeming lack of dedication to conditioning make the deal frightening.

Shlara said...

pro tip on the NBA salary cap: there's a floor and a ceiling. you HAVE to spend the money. this year the floor is $111 mill and cap is $123 million, and you have a good sense of what the range will be over the next 3-5 years based on data the League prepares and shares with the teams. Who you spend it on and how you schedule payments is your choice. And the cap represents 50% of the revenue for the year. This means each owner is ALSO pocketing about $100 million a year, with the balance going to cover "league expenses."