College Park, Md.
Closed 1996
At its heart, the Rendezvous Inn was a dive. A popular dive, but still a dive. It promised nothing more than cheap beer to college kids with little money. It was a social hive with alcohol, and while at the University of Maryland I spent an unhealthy amount of time there.

The smell was the first thing that hit you when you entered, an unmistakable wave of stale beer and bodily fluids that permeated the floor, the seats, the walls, the ceiling, everything. In cold weather, the smell of damp wool and heavy clothing mixed with beer created its own unique aroma.
Patrons often had a separate pair of “’Vous shoes” because the terracotta floor routinely had a film of beer that ruined regular shoes. If someone vomited, it was standard practice to rinse the area with beer or water and continue drinking.
As one alumna told the school newspaper, the Diamondback: “Envision everything like black wood and sticky. Like no joke, the tables were sticky, the floors were sticky, the bar was sticky, everything was sticky with beer because (there) was just constantly beer thrown all over the floor. It was gross, it was absolutely gross, but that was where we’d go.”
Bathrooms were downstairs and best approached with a HAZMAT suit and flamethrower. Urinals in the men’s room were routinely broken or absent, leaving guys to simply pee into holes in the wall. Management wised up and installed a stainless steel trough that was no less disgusting but far more durable.

Of course, behavior and hygiene were questionable. People regularly poured beer into and drank out of each other’s shoes. There was something called a butt pour. Someone would drop their pants and bend forward. A pitcher was poured over his or her butt, with empty cups underneath to catch the spillage, which was then consumed. Occasionally, guys would engage in a beer slide if the floor was particularly slick and filmy. They’d take off their shirts, and sometimes their pants, and folks would clear a path. They’d get a short running start and dive and slide on their chests, to see how far they could go.
My dad met me at the ‘Vous one evening during my senior year. Said he wanted to see the place I’d mentioned and so many other College Park denizens talked about. We went in and secured a booth. As the evening progressed, friends trickled in after class, study sessions, bong hits, whatever. When they approached the booth, I said, I’d like you to meet my dad. They laughed. You see, it wasn’t unusual for older gents to wander in and find a seat at the bar for a few beers among the kids. Students often struck up conversations with them, and they became one more drinking buddy for the evening.
Anyway, they laughed and I said, no, really, this is my dad. He pulled out his driver’s license to prove it. Much cheering and applause. He hung with us for the next couple of hours, buying pitchers and telling stories and being the center of attention. He reveled in it. I’m certain he should not have driven home that night. But it being the late ‘70s-early ‘80s, and it not being his first rodeo, he made it safely.
The ‘Vous closed its 37-year-run in Dec. 1996, as Route 1 and areas around campus developed, and kids began to gravitate toward cleaner, more upscale bars and eateries. That it lasted as long as it did is a marvel. Sort of.
Raise a glass, make a toast
Cheers! Kanpai! Slainte! Prost!
A watering hole with filth and germs
Lifted spirits and dismissed gloom
And possessed the power to affirm
It’s not where you drink, but with whom
This is why we retained a professonal writer.
This is awesome on multiple levels
The former Mrs. Marls worked at the Vous.
The Cornerstone is in that location now. It’s still a dive but not at the epic level of the Vous. It’s our go to for hungover Saturday B-school lunches.
It seems that 1996 was a bad year for dive bars.
that sounds like my kind of place. nice one, dave
Hey Whit (among others), here ya go -- the late, great Mex-Econo.
played soccer this morning for the first time since february. it was only three on three, and it was low-contact, but it was fucking glorious.
I ruined a pair of shoes just reading about the ‘Vous.
My wife, a Maryland grad, approves of this post. I have heard several stories of Vous shoes.
just watched uncut gems. the pacing was like nothing i recall, and the whole thing is kind of a mess, but i think i really liked it. i think.
Hi Gheorghies. Wife and I watched the first half of the Bruce Lee doc, and boy does it suck so far. We’re gonna finish it b/c neither of us knows how/when he died, but it’s very underwhelming so far.
i've watched "uncut gems" twice now. i love it so much. it becomes funnier if you watch it a second time. you just have to enjoy the slide . . .
I heard great things about the Safdie brothers’ previous film Good Time. Want to see it.
I watched Uncut Gems last night. They should’ve cut about 20 minutes out of the middle and parts are uncomfortably painful. Sandler’s girlfriend is wildly disproportionately attractive, like the movie where Jessica Biel is his love interest. That said, Sandler’s character is definitely a guy you can recognize from the LI/NJ diaspora. I would not watch it again, but I wouldn’t wear Vibram Five Fingers either so Dave and I have different tastes.
I got Disney+ as a $1 add-on to my Hulu subscription. Now I have ads when I watch Killing Eve, which is great (the show not the ads). I also watched The Mandolorian—it’s fun and mindless entertainment. The deal includes ESPN+ but I haven’t delved into it yet.
We have the same deal. I really enjoyed The Mandalorian. Fun spin off. Killing Eve is next the binge watch list for the wife and I.
I like Uncut Gems. Didn’t love it. Garnett is pretty decent actor.
Good Time was also excellent, in a wild one bad decision after another way.
every liberal should listen to the new sam harris very reasoned very logical podcast about police violence, racism, and the protests.
Must have been an Uncut Gems kinda weekend. Me too. Disliked it, entirely. One opal out of 4.
Just started Schitt’s Creek cuz have seen about everything else. 2 Schitt’s out of 4 but still early.
just booked a week-long rental in the little beach community on cape cod my family's place was in. pretty excited to get back there. it's been five years since my grandmother sold our place.
College of knowledge getting some airtime on 60 Min this eve.
I loved this post OBXDave, sounds like any bar in Morgantown during the same era (maybe just a tad later..) Just add the chew spit on the floor.
Insider alert - TJQ apparently appears multiple times tonight on the McGwire Sosa 30 for 30. Now ya know.
I'm bummed Patrick Reed didn't get it done. He's a fun asshole who has no fucks to give about pissing people off. Love those kinds of guys.
Saw the W&M clip too, Dan. Also watched a segment about Great White Sharks and how Cape Cod is a hotbed for them these days.
In other aquatic news, we spent Friday on a boat in the Indian river. We island hopped and let the kids explore said islands. Came closer to a dolphin than I ever have (5 feet in the water) and saw all other kinds of marine life. Did a bunch tubing too.
Spent most of today at the beach. Pretty solid Florida weekend.
Jealous, Mark. What was the W&M segment about?
It wasn’t a W&M segment. They were discussing the funding issues coming toward public and education due to the pandemic. They featured a W&M graduation scene.
Watching the McGwire/Sosa 30for30. I’m enjoying it and also realizing how much I still cared about baseball in the late 90s. Seeing guys like Ray Lankford, Ron Gant and Shawon Dunston has brought me joy.
Here's the 60 Minutes piece:
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