Tuesday, April 02, 2019

WCSAGD: Teedge Edition

My love of Teedge and French cars are both well documented. Put them together and what do you get? A WCSAGD post!

Teedge is Irish, which means that he's likely French. I say this because the Normans invaded Ireland in 1169 (clicks). As a result, modern-day Irishmen and women have more than a little French ancestry.

French cars aren't particularly hardy and they tend to fall apart over time--it isn't uncommon to find one collapsed in a heap in the corner of a garage. You cannot miss a French car rolling down the street. They stand out because they are so damn weird, but they are also weirdly cool. They often feature innovative, if perhaps poorly-conceived, technology. Pop the hood on a French car and you probably can't recognize half the stuff going on in there.

All this is to say the French make wonderfully weird cars. Similarly, Teedge's parents make wonderfully weird offspring.

When you met Teedge for the first time you were probably like "What the fuck is this?" And then when you started talking to him you were probably like "Is this guy nuts?" And after a few minutes you were probably like "This guy is certifiably insane--but I like it!" And once you started drinking with him you were probably like "We are dangerously close to going off the rails here, but I'm having fun so let's go with it."

As a result, both Teedge and French cars have a cult following in the US.

Teedge should drive a 1972 Citroen SM in vert argenté.

Nothing else looks like an SM--the kink in the passenger side windows, the skirt on the rear wheel wells, the clamshell rear hatch, the array of lights in the front. It is unique.

The interior is funky too. For example, check the gate on the gearshift. It slides around with the shifter. I've never seen anything like it. And the padded seats are pretty unusual too.

You know what else is unusual? This guy.

Surprisingly, the SM has a Maserati engine (Citroen owned Maserati at one point). Thus like Teedge it has a powerful heart.

Like many Citroens, the SM features an oléopneumatique suspension. This means that the suspension is full of oil and gas. Like Teedge. And it's surprisingly smooth. Kinda like Teedge. The oil and gas reside in those big green balls in the photo above (other similarity shared between Citroens and Irishmen).

As you can see, Teedge and the SM are uniquely alike. Weird but cool and charming, full of pleasant surprises, with the potential for a ludicrous malfunction potentially lurking around the corner.

That's what Teedge should drive.


  1. Stellar pick for Teedge.

    Happy b-day, Zman. Guess I'm buying the drinks this weekend.

  2. Here is a white one in Lynchburg


  3. Looks like you just need a briefcase full of cash, then Amtrak it on down to Lynchburg and cruise home in style.

  4. I would not encourage you to buy a 47-year-old French car. In fact I actively discourage it, unless you're interested in regularly twisting wrenches and scouring the internet for parts, none of which will be available in the US. It would be easier and cheaper to get a sailboat.

  5. Thinking Rootsy in particular will enjoy this: I am currently wandering the backstage area of Moody Theater at Austin City Limits, prepping for a work event here over the next two days. Pretty freakin' cool

  6. Nice, Teej. See if they'll let you get up and do a number on the stage.

  7. Teej covers "Always On My Mind" by Willie

  8. tribe has reportedly hired dane fischer to take over the men's hoops program. he's an assistant at gheorghe mason. our source close to that programs says that mason head coach dave paulsen speaks very highly of fischer. and i hope he's a stud, but this ain't exactly the homerun hire you're looking for when you fire tony shaver.

  9. Happy Birthday, Z. Nice playlist on the last post. Some of my very favorite 90s hip hop made the cut. Special props to you for “Who Got the Props?”.

  10. No one has comments about the dinosaur graffiti mural though?

  11. Just finished a preposterously large platter of food at one of KC’s best BBQ joints. I want to take a nap.

  12. Where’d you go TR? Oklahoma Joes? Gates? Arthur Bryant’s?

  13. Q39. A bit higher end than Joe’s. Amazing brisket. Everything else great too. The locals swear by it.

    Been to OK Joe’s a couple times. That place rocks too.

  14. I just consumed an obscene amount of food at Terry Black’s in Austin

  15. I got myself a (refurbished) iMac for my birthday. It is 27.5 inches of bliss. Add joke here.

  16. Happy Zday! You get SSD or Fusion Drive? I need to upgrade, but Fusion drives sketch me out a bit.

  17. SSD. My Apple expert says Fusion is very much inferior.

  18. wow! poetic parallelism between the citroen SM and the teedge.

    i have a 27.5 fusion drive. seems to work fine, aside from how stupid the stuff is on my internet. is yours better?

  19. I trust you are excepting the brilliance of Gheorghe: The Blog...

  20. I just Zion-ed my right shoe at work.

    Cheap Groupon-acquired black zip boots. Snazzy. Cool. Cheap.

  21. Were you more than 30 seconds into the game?

  22. I think that's the frat gods telling you not to wear zippered boots.

  23. I hear the fashionable types around here favor skechers...

  24. I’ve heard of that Q39 place. And it looks fantastic.

    In unrelated news, I drove to Kissimmee for a doctor’s appointment today. In less than two weeks I’ll be a legally licensed medicinal marijuana smoker.

  25. The whole process was absurdly easy.

  26. any more gheorghies need cars, z?

  27. Yes. I know who gets what. Just need to write it up.

  28. nice. can't wait to read about rootsy's international harvester scout. i'm already jealous.

  29. Mark - the locals seem to argue about Q39, Jack Stack and Joe’s. I need to hit Jack Stack next time.

    But to be honest, My BBQ palate is not refined. I pretty much love all of it at a good place. Brisket (especially burnt ends), pulled pork, smoked turkey, sausage, beans, slaw, etc. Q39 had an apple slaw that was criminally good and a tangy BBQ sauce that wasn’t overwhelming.

  30. i ate nearly to the point of puking at jack stack last time i was in kansas city. that's not my usual move. it's stupidly good.

  31. I’ve done Joes and Jack Stack. Both are great. I don’t know how refined my BBQ palate is but I know good bbq when I have it. And I could care less about the sauce at a good bbq place.

  32. rob, you’re awful at WCSAGD.
