Monday, April 01, 2019

More zman Bouilliabaisse

1. Ron Weasley is a gangster

The kid who played Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter movies now plays a gangster in the TV show “Snatch.” It’s extremely loosely based on the movie “Snatch”—many grimy Britons, a little boxing, and lots of crime. It’s ultimately a comedy though, so all the capers go pear-shaped and the main characters are constantly scrambling to avoid getting nicked by the polis or turned over by bigger sharks. It’s a fun 47 minute diversion from reality. Sony’s American subsidiary produces the show so no one’s accent is so thick that you need subtitles to decipher what they’re saying. You can stream it for free on Crackle.

2. Go Ahead in the Rain

I’m trying to read more this year so I read “Go Ahead in the Rain” by Hanif Abdurraqib. It’s a short and well-written read about A Tribe Called Quest, their music and their impact on the author’s life. Sometimes it’s an album review, sometimes it’s a history lesson. Other times it’s an autobiography, cultural commentary on the meaning of everything. Perhaps most uniquely, in a few places it’s letters written directly to individual band members. It won’t change your life but I recommend it if you like Tribe, hiphop, music, or good writing.

3. Another playlist for Connell

Abdurraqib drops tons of 1990’s music references in his book, so much so that I became motivated to dig through the crates and put together another playlist for Connell. I told Connell I would do this last summer but I didn’t because I’m simultaneously lazy and overworked. But here it is, better late than never. Rather than go “bangin old school” I went “smoothed-out old school.” Enjoy.

Let’s Ride
Honeydips in Gotham
Who Got Da Props
Jive Talk
Fortified Live
After Hours
Passing Me By
Memory Lane
Straighten It Out
Just the Two of Us
Funky Lemonade
Form of Intellect
Ya Know How it Goes
Where I’m From
40 Acres and My Props
The Truth


  1. What the hell is Crackle? Can I access it thru my Myspace account?

  2. Crackle is Sony's streaming service. It's free. It's an icon on the home screen of your AppleTV. They have a very weird mix of TV shows (227, Archie Bunker, and Parker Lewis Can't Lose, for example), anime, and Sony-produced movies. They have both "What's Happening!!" and "What's Happening Now!!" so I figured you would already use it.

  3. What’s Happening Now!!! Is a pale imitation of its predecessor. Pass it by. Same with Archie Bunker’s Place.

  4. I dig Zman using Britslang and hiphopspeak in the same post. You can't pin him down, people.

  5. Naked protesters glued their asses to the glass partition that over looks the UK Commons chamber today. They couldn't remove them without using a solvent to dissolve the glue.

    That sounds painful. Almost as bad as having a ketchup, mustard and syrup concoction dumped in your pants and having to walk 10 miles.

  6. This appears to me to be a lame, nerdy April fool’s day prank by the ol’ alma mater.

    Inspired by For the Bold, W&M's campaign to raise $1 billion dollars by 2020, the university has announced its boldest move yet: to fully commit to the ampersand as the official replacement for the word “and” for all time coming. Learn more:

  7. Speaking of condiment-soaked genitalia, happy 45th to Zman, who doesn’t look a day over 43.
