Gregg Popovich, as the rest of us know, doesn't do publicity stunts. In fact, he might be the apotheosis of anti-stunt. Everything Pop does is calculated to maximize his team's chances to win championships. Which is why, even though the Spurs' PR staff probably wrote it, I believe he means this statement from the team's release on Hammon's hiring: "Having observed her working with our team this past season, I'm confident her basketball IQ, work ethic and interpersonal skills will be a great benefit to the Spurs."
When she was little, Hammon asked her father if he thought she could play in the NBA. He told her that she might be able to play in college if she worked hard enough. Now, even as she admits that a woman playing in the league is a longshot, she makes the case for a distaff coach, something her Dad never contemplated. “I think anything’s possible as far as women coaching men. It’s really silly. People ask me all the time, will there ever be a woman player in the NBA? To be honest, no. There are differences. The guys are too big, too strong and that’s just the way it is. But when it comes to things of the mind — game-planning, coming up with schemes — there’s no reason a woman couldn’t be in the mix or shouldn’t be in the mix."
I realize that I'm playing to type here, nodding approvingly at the inexorable crumbling of yet another artificially erected societal barrier. In this particular case, though, it's less a knee-jerk liberal reaction than a father's happy one. I'm not so naive as to think that my daughters will inherit a world free of bias, but every Becky Hammon means there's one more opportunity open to my girls and their generation.
All of this assumes, it must be said, that Hammon can actually coach. She spent the better part of last season with the Spurs, essentially interning as she rehabbed from a knee injury, and earned the respect of Popovich, his staff, and his team. The door's been opened, but walking through it is a different challenge entirely. If Hammon's not effective, she won't last long. And that's the way it should be.
Here's hoping Becky Hammon never looks back.
Give me Hammon on Five, Hold the Mayo
what if hammon were to coach o.j. mayo? 'hammon, mayo sandwich the knicks'
DeJuan Wheat needs to get involved.
I loved DeJuan Wheat. For more than wheat bread.
No Wonder, he could really pass muster.
Did he have good moral fiber?
Had tempeh for the first time today. Peh.
Finally a post about a woman that doesn't involve boobs, vaginas, or body paint and it quickly devolves into a discussion of processed meat. Welcome to the world of Gheorghe.
to be fair, kq, our posts about vaginas are usually focused on defending them.
To be equally fair, there's some diddling involved too.
Here we have a good comment stream about processed meat and KQ has to bring up vaginas. Way to go.
Went to a Nats Mets game and a Marlsfest broke out! And I'm all in on vaginas.
'equally fair' is an exquisite turn of phrase. almost orwellian, if i knew what that word meant.
a little redundant too
going to attempt to play golf for first time since march. o/u 100
I hope Wiggins becomes a fucking megastar in Minnesota. that's the best possible deal Flip could have pulled off in this situation
i think it's a pretty good deal for both teams. that's a fair return for love.
drinking scotch the night before an 8:00 meeting, in retrospect, was a poor decision.
Clicking on "accept" for an invitation to an 8:00 am meeting is a poor decision. I had an 8:00 am telephone conference which I took from home while feeding a baby and yelling at a rambunctious three-year-old. Thank god for the mute button.
Dan Snyder has decided the parking rates at FedEx Field weren't quite where they needed to be. Fee to park at FedEx for tonight's preseason game in the regular lots? $57.50.
Geoff hating Dan Snyder in the GTB comments section. Football's back!!
I wish Dan Snyder would take up heroin. And skydiving. And skydiving on heroin. And OxyContin. And home bomb-building. And playing in traffic. And going on safari in Liberia and Sierra Leone right now. And affairs with Glenn Close. And amateur am aviation in small single engine planes. And scuba diving off the Great Barrier Reef, which is so great. On heroin.
I guess I am just saying if he had more hobbies he would be less of a total bastard.
what, exactly, is so great about the barrier reef?
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