Wednesday, December 04, 2013

The Twelve Days of Gheorghe-mas, Day 1: HE'S BAAAAAAAAAAACK

It's that most wonderful time of the year yet again, folks: Gheorghe-mas. Our mildly successful faux holiday celebrating all that is Gheorghey returns once again today with this (belated) post. Amazingly, Gheorghe-mas has not only been around since 2008, but we have actually completed all 12 Days of Gheorghe-mas each year since (not a small accomplishment for this elite team of procrastinators).

On previous Day 1s, Big Gheorghe has given us...

But ultimately, on this 5th anniversary of the creation of the greatest fake holiday since Festivus, it's time to go back to what started it all...

On the first day of Gheorghe-mas
Big Gheorghe gave to me
A fat guy in a jer-sey

Happy Gheorghe-mas to you and yours, and we'll see you back here throughout the month as we scratch and claw our way through 11 more days. Someone start working on Day 2, por favor.

/Insert my tired jokes about classic tunes "Christmas Eve in Washington" and "Christmas Shoes" here...


  1. tribe hosts richmond tonight. tony shaver will not be wearing shoes. hard to step on a spider when you're barefoot.

  2. i heard "christmas shoes" for the first time ever today! wow. epically bad.

  3. how have you never heard that song before?

  4. i'm withholding the rest of the comment and crafting a sentence about it. it's a run on.

  5. cross-promotion teaser

    nicely done

  6. breaking: sources close to florida state university inform g:tb that jameis winston will not be charged in connection with the ongoing investigation.

  7. Don't overlook the song "Santa's Super Sleigh." It's pure rubbish.

  8. sources close to the winston investigation note that the team's plane is scheduled to take off for charlotte two hours before the district attorney's announcement regarding charges to winston. this would seem to indicate that the florida state staff knows something.

  9. Paul Walker autopsy out....he did in fact die as a result of the car crash.

  10. Finally, closure for us here at GTB.

  11. tribe goes on a 20-2 second half run against richmond. loses by 11.

  12. I've never heard Christmas Shoes before. I don't plan on that changing.
