Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Tired of Looking at That Leprechaun...

Lots of tremendous things to look at here: the afros, the matching costumes, Lionel providing the inspiration for Buck Swope's cowboy look in Boogie Nights, the mild irritation among the band who would rather be funking out than backing Lionel on a love song.

I thought of this song over the weekend, when I had a perfect bowel movement. It slid out without requiring much pushing or clean-up and was just, well, easy. You know, easy like Sunday morning.

(If musings on my bowels don't spur our leader to finally push out our "big" December theme, nothing will.)


  1. thanks for ruining Lionel for me, TR

  2. Lionel was always in ruins. Like Lionel Richie your whole style is bitchy.

  3. I just heard a rumbling from one among the GTB roster that Teedge is stepping down as doofus overlord. Confirmation?

  4. yes, Daniela will be replacing me

  5. Was it because of the Lionel bashing?

  6. Fascinating tweets from bro in law TJ today re Bonds Trial. Classic right place right time. Check em out.
