Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Apology to Educators . . . But Seriously, You Should Know Better.

One of the joys of blogging is the residual glee generated when something you have set free on the internet makes its way into the limelight. Whether it is a post on circus peanuts or the William and Mary griffin, there is nothing like the satisfaction of knowing that people are linking to your creation. You think: people beyond my retarded circle of friends are enjoying this. Like Dr. Frankenstein, you have created life, and though your creation might be perverse and monstrous, it is still beautiful to watch its span. So I am proud to report that a Greasetruck song has a life beyond my fans at G:TB..

Apparently, biology teachers across our wired nation have been streaming the song "Amoeba Love," thinking it is a cute way to illustrate binary fission to their students. But-- unfortunately for the teachers and fortunately for the students-- this is no cute educational video. Something happens at "00:27" in the video and one commenter remarks that his teacher's reaction was "priceless." And, judging by the number of comments and their different dates, this has happened more than once, and in more than one classroom. Check it out.

Though I apologize to all the educators who were duped by this video, I think your embarrassment is superseded by the joy the song has brought to the students in your biology classes. I won't detail the "00:27" surprise here, you can watch and enjoy it for yourself-- and I should add that the video might not be safe for work, if the people you work with are offended by bad cartoon drawings of genitalia-- but honestly, it's pretty tame.

And if you are offended by the video, let me offer this explanation: I was in a particularly weird mental place when I made this. It was several years ago on a snow day, and my two young children were both napping. I had two hours to compose and record the song and to animate the video. And in the days previous, to my chagrin, I had come to a frank realization-- I was not going to be a great animator. Despite learning to use a pirated 2-D animation program, I saw that my destiny was not in the way of Hayao Miyazaki. Why not? Because I could not draw. And so I gave up trying to animate something wonderful and magical, and decided to portray the only subject I could: an amoeba.

In the end, it is fitting. My amoeba video's digital footprint asexually reproduced on the internet, and then found its way back to me. I created life and it thrived in unexpected places.


  1. seriously - who are you guys and what did you do w/the real irish? a long way to go yet but even if they blow it, which is likely, some good signs here.

    and....go dukes!!!!

    this means you should bet HEAVILY on the Texans tomorrow

  2. No comments on the cilia though? Must be lousy bio teachers.

  3. i forgot about the whole cilia discussion, mr. van der waals. perhaps the up-coming blu-ray edition of "amoeba love" will address this.

  4. Or just make it "Paramecium Love."

  5. Congrats Danimal. I owe you a beer if we meet up tomorrow.

  6. Andre Debose...welcome back.

  7. this is my new favorite post of all-time

  8. Oregon has zero points. I am confused.

  9. I had forgotten how fucking terrible Florida's offense is. I'm an idiot...and i'm switching to liquor.

  10. i've never seen a florida offense look this bad. hope mark's deep into the happy juice.

  11. I wonder if Daryl Bem knew that the amoeba would turn into a cock-and-balls.

  12. I'm deep, but not nearly deep enough. This is painful and embarrassing. I've lost the ability to gin up anger and incerdulity with this team. I think Brantley may transfer out to a FCS school at year's end. I don't blame him and I won't miss him. Sad, but true.

    Oh over. Officially.

  13. There is an upside to tonight. I'm staying with a tattoo artist I know in Jax & we're watching the UFC fight and the Pacquiao fight as well (the tattoo artist is Filipino). I'm okay with people getting their ass beat tonight.

  14. Marcus Lattimore finished tonight with 203 total yards of offense. Florida finished with 105. That is all.

  15. If you want to feel better about yourself, I encourage you to visit a Gator message board tonight. I haven't (and I won't) but I'm pretty sure what they'll look like this evening.

  16. Pacquiao just walked into the ring to "You're the best around" from Karate Kid. Is it possible for me to love this guy more?

  17. Just got back from watching Manny. A few other thoughts:

    1) Manny walked out to about 20 seconds of Thunderstruck before switching to You're the Best, and it was the first of several impressive combinations.

    2) I dig the national anthem of the Philippines. And the "singing sensation" that performed it was a nice little number.

    3) Only Manny can make a very lopsided fight that entertaining. Part of it was knowing Margarito had taken beatings before and come back (Miguel Coto) but most of it is just the relentless attack.

    4) Margarito's corner should have stopped the fight by the 10th round. He showed a little threat in the 9th but after that didn't take hold, they should have saved him from the last 9 minutes. As bad as his face looked after tonight I can't imagine what it will look like in the morning.

    5) I'm actually rooting for Mayweather to not serve prison time so these two can fight. Seriously, I think they'd both make about $50M on that fight.

  18. Florida plays App State next week. I'm truly worried about this. What happened to my life?

    And I agree with Mayhugh, Pacquiao was great last night. I was completely riveted by a mostly one sided fight. Margarito put forth a good effort but was thoroughly outclassed. Still, Pacquiao's so active that his fights are super entertaining if his opponent is willing to trade punches.

  19. it is almost amazing the swing with your gators. i'd be worried too about next week - with w&m almost beating unc, jmu beating tech, app state is as good or better than both of those fcs schools and uf about the same as unc right now

    will not be attending jags game today...had to give up the tix - will be viewing from the hos-pee-TAL. i may sneak in a 6-r. would that be wrong? classless yes, but wrong?

  20. Not wrong at all. You've earned it sir.

  21. Danny Boy, congrats, my friend. And take some Dale's Pale Ales, they look like Shastas or something -- not beer cans.

    Big weekend for you. Baby, Dukes, Irish. Maybe the Cowgirls wil knock off the G-Men for you and put the icing on the weekend for you.
