Sunday, November 14, 2010

Your Sunday NFL Open Thread

I do hate to push down Dave's post, because let's be honest, the fact that biology teachers in this country were dumb and/or lazy enough to simply play that video for their class before vetting it is mind boggling.  And truly fucking hilarious.  So please, if you haven't already, go read that post and make sure to watch the video (at least until the :27 mark).

Anyway, thought we needed a new post to serve as the thread for today's games...and congrats Danimal on adding one more to Get Fresh Crew:


  1. I guess Squeaks didn't need any fantasy help this week...

  2. Idiotically commented on Dave's post when this was up... reprinted by permission:

    Danny Boy, congrats, my friend. And take some Dale's Pale Ales, they look like Shastas or something -- not beer cans.

    Big weekend for you. Baby, Dukes, Irish. Maybe the Cowgirls wil knock off the G-Men for you and put the icing on the weekend for you.

  3. it's best to push that post down-- an embarrassment to my profession, but still awesome. i can't imagine what else from g:tb is finding it's way into classrooms.

    i am so excited to watch the giants today-- four o'clock game, after the last kid soccer event of the season-- i am locking the boys out of the house so i can enjoy the game.

  4. Peyton Hillis is a fantasy wrecking ball. This week I just happen to be the condemned warehouse in his way.

  5. Watch the Bucs-Pantsers highlights if only for that Blount TD run. Holy man among boys.

    (That's not a TJ altar boy reference.)

  6. He is on my team, battling Hillis...quite a day.

  7. Buffalo up 7-0...fingers crossed...

  8. That was a helluva TD catch by Ochocinco.

    Andddd just called back. Ha.

  9. Thx igor and the teej (now there is a radio show for ya)....really hoping for a jags win. So far looking OK. Getting Co Co ones at half come hell or high water. Yeah, Co Co ones.

  10. Thx igor and the teej (now there is a radio show for ya)....really hoping for a jags win. So far looking OK. Getting Co Co ones at half come hell or high water. Yeah, Co Co ones.

  11. is matt schaub hurt or just shitty?

  12. He's fine and the Jags secondary is making him feel much better.

  13. Is Ryan Fitzpatrick hurt or just shitty?

    (It worked for Rob to jump-start his fantasy QB against me, so I'm trying it, too.)

    (And yes, I am starting a Bill. Tough times.)

  14. Ig- It could be worse. I'm starting Fitzpatrick and Shaun Hill in my two leagues this week. /epicfail

  15. woodchuck to grey squirrel, woodchuck to grey squirrel...the package is in the building.

    on another note - the lactation consultant just left - i gave her the gtb address thinking she might have a lot of business to get here

  16. Nice, Danimal. Love the Thermos call. Plus, it keeps it cold. Genius.

  17. We have another Calvin Johnson Play catch/non-catch in Jacksonville. Total catch, but not in the NFL this year.

  18. Detroit gets fucked in the Jags-Texans game. Sounds about right.

  19. Abort, Vikings. Childress is fired by Tuesday.

  20. Jaguars! Hear me roar!!!!! Wait til ya see this replay if u haven't yet.

  21. Did Mark just witness a TD to win it with no time left?

  22. 14 seconds till Buffalo is off the schneid.

  23. I should go to more Jaguars games.

  24. Santonio Holmes is good at football.

  25. last week the bourbon cocktail...this week, the stainless steel coffee thermos - i recommend it, highly. wow. facilitates a terrific pour. keeps the beer quite chilly. it's going down like baby's milk. although that might be the shot of colostrom i've added to each's bud lite....kind of needed it.

  26. Dave, how's that Giants game treating you?

  27. Too bad he isn't playing in NY tonight. Im sure he'd get the lights back on.

  28. Evidently $1.8 billion in NJ doesn't go as far as it used to.

    Why are there Teamsters sleeping in my bedroom?

    We're just resting our eyes.

  29. i should not have gotten so excited for the giants game . . . although i can hear that the game is back on and they scored!

  30. Is the jer going to review "human target" next week? Also, as part of "sitchnation" I eagerly await Dave's review of The Situation's new, first, only, and last book he ever puts his name on.

  31. Jerry, if you're not too busy reviewing television shows, I think we need to set aside some time to go see the new The Rock movie.

  32. When did Pam Oliver quit Weight Watchers?

  33. since i have never seen jersey shore, it might be good for me to read and review the situation's book, as i'll be objective and unbiased.

  34. dwayne bowe, garbage time fantasy god. sorry, igor.

  35. I just noticed the tags. Who is Colin Cowherd and why does he have beef with Slick Rick?

  36. TJ, I've given up on the fantasy team. And I was in NYC this weekend. So no time to screw around with setting my team.

    Btw, Zman has a kicking view of the city and cold beer in the fridge.

  37. And congrats on the new little one, Danimal. The hospital beer is always a good call.

  38. Prediction: the Redskins lose tonight and look awful doing it (let's say 31-9) and panic hits dc full force tomorrow.

  39. If you are interested, take a gander at the Redskins remaining schedule. I'm going to set their O/U for wins at 1.5 for the rest of the year...

  40. You figure they have a chance @Dallas and against the Jags and bucs...but they could easily lose all of those games.
