Friday, August 12, 2005

The Best of GTB???

Is that an oxymoron? Anyway, Chandy had the audacity to challenge this guy to find a few decent posts in the long and storied history of Gheorghe (this will be post #303), and I think I've done just that. Perhaps I'll be back later today doing what GTB does best, cutting and pasting shit from the web, but for now, try to enjoy these dozen GTB posts, in no particular order (so this is what a highlight show is like)...

* Barry Manilow
* Neil Diamond
* Commando
* Irony Defined
* Worst Sports Night Ever
* Whit Hates ESPN
* The Office Move
* Welcome to 2004
* GTB Meets GTM
* GTB's Mission Statement
* Chocolate City Baseball
* Instant Classic


  1. Yep, that is the type of rousing response you might expect from a "Best of GTB" post. I will now go light myself on fire.

  2. Hey now, don't hurt yourself. I just got to work. Give a girl a chance. Of course there is nothing to be said for the slouches who have been in their offices for the last three hours, excepting Whitney who probably has only been in for 45 minutes.

  3. My guess is Whit came in around 10:15, and is currently in the process of heading to lunch for the next 3 hours...

  4. I thought he napped from 10:45 to 11:30.

  5. "Well, I generally come in at least fifteen minutes late, ah, I use the side door - that way Lumbergh can't see me, heh - after that I sorta space out for an hour. Yeah, I just stare at my desk, but it looks like I'm working. I do that for probably another hour after lunch too, I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work."

  6. Yeah. Me too.

    That is one of my favorite movies of all time.

  7. You need more posts like the 2004 post. It's not that hard. Just write 3 sentences about 5 hot-button sports issues per day.

  8. And fewer posts about gay musicians.

  9. Come on little know you love Neil and Barry...

  10. About as much as I love chin nuts.

  11. "Attention restaurant customers: Testicles. That is all."

  12. I finally just finished reading all the Best of GTB - my favorites are about the gay musicians. I love Jerry, but I totally disagree about the need for more sports related posts. Three sentences about five issues?? That is not what Gheorghe is all about (reference: GTB's Mission Statement).

  13. I thought there would be more Rob Russell in the Best of GTB, but to be fair, TJ's been the worker bee here for some time.

    I actually made it in about 9:30, and I haven't done any work yet. I'm extremely hung over from margaritas at The Banana Cafe and Piano Bar where a surprise birthday party was held. Keeping in line with this thread, there happened to be a wildly gay musician in a teal shirt and dinner jacket playing piano in the corner. I gave him a few bucks to do you-know-what. (Play songs.)

  14. Obviously, as founder of this blog and author of the mission statement, GTB owes all it's national success to Rob. I am but a cog in the machine.

  15. As long as TJ continues to hew faithfully to the mission statement, my work here is complete.
