Friday, July 28, 2023


I've been fucking around with various AI text to image tools just to get a sense of what's possible, keep myself up on the latest tech and such. I've been using stuff that's available for free, because unemployed-ish, and I don't really have any kind of need for the fancy creator things. 

The technology is fun, and interesting, and as you'll see momentarily, still got some bugs to work out - at least the free stuff. I've seen some stunning images created by professionals, things that I'd not hesitate to call art, even though it wasn't made using "traditional" means. As if Van Gogh would see a photograph and not think it the work of some god. Things like this image, which was created using Midjourney and won first prize in the digital art category at the Colorado State Fair:

My doodlings, not nearly that good. 

The first image below is meant to be a logo. I've been doing a bit of consulting, and if I decide I like it, I figure I'll need a business, and a logo might be nice. Here's what I've got so far, using Microsoft Bing's image creator, which is powered by DALL-E:

I pretty quickly dispensed with semi-purposeful imagery, though, turning to things derived from the Ghoogles hall of fame, including this, which came from the prompt, "bert ernie battle rap realistic":

As I said, the technology isn't all the way there yet. 

Bing apparently has a pretty sensitive threshold for potentially controversial imagery, and wouldn't let me use "alfonso ribeiro shirtless steampunk". So you'll have to settle for this:

And finally, at least for the moment, I felt the need to honor our hero. I think this is a pretty excellent rendition of "gheorghe muresan washington bullets gladiator triumph anime":

Do feel free to play along at home, and paste your art below.


  1. I like the logo for pixelated squirrel consulting!

  2. and if it doesn't work for a business, it's a cool tattoo idea
