Saturday, July 29, 2023

257 for the Road

I failed to properly thank Zman for touting Les Coole and the Cukes recently. Cheers, mate.

Zed really teed up the Tiny Dictator and all you other road-trippers, commuters, and other bored listeners with some good extended-play sonic soul-quenching. Honestly, marathon trip that it is, you've got more music than time ready and waiting for you, rob. 

Just remember what that strange bird Luis once quipped to me... you know, that special variety of advice that somehow lasts for 30 years in my noggin: "I just say FIDO... Fuck it, drive on."

Drive on, indeed.

...if you're so motivated, drop a public playlist on the Spotify to keep us engaged.

Well, you posted that ask last week, and that there is a #10 tin can o' worms and such that you opened for me. I went to work straightaway. And threw a whole mess of tunes into it. 

What it became is the equivalent of "Clean Out the Walk-In Soup" at the diner. What it's intended to be is an eclectic set of sounds for you to play straight through, shuffle, skip about within, and (I hope) enjoy. 

I tried to include songs you've never heard, or at least haven't heard in a long while. May or may not have succeeded at that.

At the very least, it's a time-eater. 

I hereby present to you for your aural consideration 

257 (and growing) songs 

that occupy 

17 hours and 20 minutes (and growing)

I worked very hard to come up with a clever name for this Public Playlist on Spotify. Well, I just named it "Car" at the outset and left it like many a roadside clunker for sale... As Is. 

Safe travels, and I'll be curious to see if any of these tunes stick with you. 


  1. my man! there's some great stuff in there. thank you very much.

  2. about halfway through the roy wood jr. episode of south beach sessions. that dude is smart, perceptive, and funny. i didn't really know his backstory - definitely worth a listen.

  3. For fans of the TBT- Gutter Cata vs The Ville is a fun one. Getting chippy too.

  4. tribe’s omar prewitt playing for the ville

  5. Choke job at home by The Ville. The Elam ending remains awesome.

  6. that's a nice pairing for a podcast rob, i'm on the queue for "demon copperhead," sounded pretty grim but i decided i'll try it. "caste" isn't too much of a slog? if this abscess doesn't clear up, i'm going to get way behind on podcasts . . .

  7. Hey Dave, "Copperhead" doesn't read grim despite subject matter because Kingsolver gives her character a wry outlook and tempers with humor and personality. "Caste" isn't a slog at all cuz it isn't a linear historical scold. History and research interweaved with personal stuff and experiences.

  8. speaking of historical stuff, just saw oppenheimer. lives up to the hype.

  9. Morning y'all -
    Whit, love the music. I'm listening to it already and not even on a roadtrip.
    Our oldest did the Barbie-Oppenheimer one-shot week ago, last Friday night...liked both. Barbie more fun/funny than expected. And he loved O'heimer. Can't stop thinking about it...must be good!

    I have super terrific news to share, too -- I applied for a grant from the agency that funds PCUSA (Presby denom we're in) benefits to take time away ("wellness support" different from sabbatical -- they have grants for that, too, but I haven't been in my job long enough yet)...and I got it. I'm going to Scotland for 2 weeks in October! And I'm on vacay for a few days after today. WOOT!

  10. ok, i will check them out-- although now I'm reading crime novels set in/from the 1970s. not sure why . . .

  11. got to see a premier league doubleheader at fedex field this afternoon. brentford 3, villa 3 and chelsea 2, fulham 0. fun day out. and fedex is still a dump with really poor traffic infrastructure.
