Thursday, July 27, 2023

And Now for Something Completely the Same

More Sinéad, since your response was so deafening. 

This time with our fraternity brother Paci, aka Pogue Shane MacGowan. 

And hair. She looks lovely. And with a sweet love song completely devoid of angst, rage, venom, sadness, or political message. This isn't how she'll be remembered, but it's quite nice.


  1. Love her

    XPN playing some deep demo REM cuts on throwback Thursday.

  2. my kid was in seattle for the past several days. made a pilgrimage to kexp, where apparently one can buy vinyl and drink coffee while watching the deejays do their shows. seems pretty on-brand.

  3. my wwc predictions looking solid. uswnt in jeopardy of finishing second in their group. aussies more likely than not to fail to advance out of the group stage. norway in real trouble. excellent work by me, your local footie expert.

  4. I meant to comment on the last post that she kinda got that right, didn't she? "Spotlight" got an Oscar for the same message.

  5. i've never heard this song before. it's lovely. the disparity between pure vocal talent is...something.

  6. the commanders honeymoon on local news here is for real.

  7. Always been the Emperors of the Offseason, but I'd fully expect it to be much more ballyhooed this summer.

  8. whole lotta dancing on snyder's grave. which i am all the way here for.

  9. shohei ohtani so far today, 2-8, 2 hr, 3 rbi, 9 ip, 1 h, 0 r, 8k, cg. stupid.

  10. happy orange fuckface indictment eve to all who celebrate

  11. given that there's a non zero chance that the guy could pardon himself, I'm not inclined to celebrate.

    the 'fifth eagle' must've had a hell of a publicist. rest in publicity, sir.

  12. Saw Oppenheimer last night. Highly recommend. Go IMAX if you can.

  13. 3 hours is a haul but most folks are saying it’s a winner and doesn’t drag.

  14. Also, not sure I get Rootsy’s Meisner potshot, but I’d like to

  15. I was struck by how many tributes I saw last night upon a brief glance at the internet, all mentioning how his harmony vocals made the band successful. It seemed to contrast with the coverage of Sinead's passing. I suspect the guy was involved in crafting his own obit.

  16. post idea: gonna write my own obit! postcount!

  17. You can give yourself something to live up to, Rob.

  18. 3 hours gave me pause, Whit. Didn’t drag at all imo. I’m a history dork though and Nolan did a great job of layering the stories together.

  19. new post up. it's a lot sillier than the last two.
